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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Play on Smurfs. "You can go Smurf that up your Smurf" - not an actual line from The Smurfs.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    BTW, that's not Biden, it's a doctored picture, the original subject was Mexican President Obrador.
  4. 1 point
    the middletown city council (pdf of the details and proposal with maps) is trying to move the dz at start skydiving. the link to the post is here, and it basically says they evicted them from the hangar and want to move the dz due to safety. i have links to all the ntsb reports and asrs incidents (search mwo) and found there has been 1 fatality on the ground, not on the runway or taxiway, and two incidents of an aircraft not able to land because of jumpers in the air, one incident of jumpers 200' from an airplane at 4000', a conflict of ifr arrival of an aircraft and jump operations, and one near miss with an aircraft taxiing. the numerous crossings of the runway have not resulted in any injuries or deviations of aircraft except for those mentioned. since it has no tower, crossing the runway is legal as long as you have the attention of the pilots and watch for traffic. so, to answer their safety concerns, nothing they are proposing would have changed any of the incidents, so are irrelevant. then you have the point that was not mentioned at all, the proposed new locations for the dz are the outs. every single location is located next to a landing hazard. since the dz has lots of students and tandems, this is dangerous to every one of the jumpers, while the current location is not one bit dangerous to the airplanes. it makes no sense to jeopardize the lives of people in order to alleviate an inconvenience to machines. they are accepting comments until 3 may if i am not mistaken. john at start approved this thread. i just jump there sometimes and want to help. if you could review the data for yourself and make a comment, we would all appreciate it. blue skies.
  5. 1 point
    Well those are all real things. Most reputable DZs require you have an AAD. Eventually it will become a BSR at some point. Most riggers wont pack a reserve more than 20 years old. Some wont work on a container that old. Some DZs require an RSL for less experienced jumpers. So yea, people already say all of those things..
  6. 1 point
    Unless you are running a POPS or SOS event an argument could be made that most people at the DZ either wouldn't know they became infected there, or would be minimally impacted. The bigger question to me is how many of them are going to visit Grandma at the nursing home.
  7. 1 point
    I wouldn't either. There are people in this country that spent several years attacking women who said they had been sexually assaulted or raped. "It's a he said-she said." "Suspicious that they waited so long!" "They just want their big book-deal payday." "If they were really raped they would have come forward long ago." "She's ugly anyway; no one would assault her." Now they are outraged that not everyone is taking Biden's accuser seriously. There are people who spent months supporting police against claims that they were being brutal to blacks. Now they support the bearded guy in the picture below. There are people in this country that say they are against working with other countries, because America. And they are supporting a man who was elected with heavy Russian influence, and who received hundreds of millions of dollars from China. There are people in this country who have stockpiled guns and ammunition so that they can defend themselves from societal collapse. Who, after being told to stay home for a few months, are ready to riot because they can't get a tattoo or go to the hairdresser. There are people in this country who spent years railing against socialism and communism. Then when their government bailout check comes, complain that it didn't get there fast enough and that it's not enough. Clinton was right. There are a lot of deplorables in America who have no morals, other than "fuck you, I got mine." And they may well get Trump re-elected.
  8. 1 point
    Public comments must be submitted by email to Amy Schenk at [email protected] by 4:30 PM on Tuesday, May 5th.
  9. 1 point
    It's kind of like complaining about a tan suit. And no, that wasn't a huge topic of discussion in SC specifically but it was a noticeable meme out there in what's sort of like the real world. Kind of like Michelle Obama's muscles... I'd forgotten about the whole Muslim thing. Remember that of the people who actually post, they tend to lean more US-liberal, in part because there's a significant contingent of non-USians here, and US far-right conservatives are rather a special breed. And while there do seem to be more liberal people actually posting, there are a significant number of conservatives in the past, as evidenced by polls that we used to have. The dogpiling that goes on sometimes when someone posts some of those views would be a disincentive to actually post. Wendy P.
  10. 1 point
    And, there you have it. The sanctimonious hypocrisy of the left in one sentence.
  11. 1 point
    I will never forget Bobby. I got to Ft. Gordon, GA in 1976 and sometime after that became president of the parachute club. I was a jumpmaster and was allowed to instruct the first jump course under the supervision of an instructor. Bobby came to my first first jump course and told me I could teach under him. I would train the new students and we would go to Barnwell to jump. We had so many great weekends jumping there. On one of our jumps from the Lockheed Bobby flew around for a long time. I was sitting behind the pilot's seat and had no idea what was going on. Finally we jumped out for an RW jump. When I opened my PC I had no idea where we were. Another guy on a PC and I landed and walked a long way through a couple of fields. When I finally got to a road we got a ride. I asked the driver where is Barnwell. He said about 16 miles from there. I said where are we? He said Blackville. I asked if he knew Bobby, he said no so I asked if he knew a guy who had a runway in his back yard. He said he did and took us there. All the guys with squares were waiting for us there. I told my son about that story (he's now a tandem and AFF instructor). When I looked up Bobby I learned that he had died. I called Gene Paul Thacker, who I flew for in Raeford, and told him I was so sorry to hear about Bobby. I said that at least he died doing what he loved. Gene Paul was very upset that he had been jumping after his stroke. When Gene Paul died I called Tony to tell him how sorry I was to hear about Gene Paul. He told me that Gene Paul had suffered for two years with COPD. If it was me, I prefer to go skydiving. Doug Moriarity D-10758
  12. 1 point
    I’m wondering if residue from coconut oil is harmful to a parachute? I was packing my main and my girlfriend left out her coconut oil and it leaked. Didn’t see the spot until my hand slipped in it. I didn’t find any on my parachute but I’m wondering how damaging it would be.
  13. 1 point
    You'll probably be fine. If it's safe to eat it's probably not that damaging to nylon. The things you want to watch out for are those that are on the extreme ends of the ph scale. Specifically, acids. Acid is particularly damaging to nylon. If you're really worried you can look up the ingredients and compare it to a chemical compatibility chart. There are several online that test a wide range of substances against nylon.
  14. 1 point
    Not that at all. It was the arrogant way she testified. Talk about the ruling class...
  15. 1 point
    To be fair, though - look where "Anyone but Hillary" got us . . . It was also the fringe right that also had that "skippy the wonderdog" mentality 3.5 years ago
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