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  1. 2 points
    I occasionally run into people who say that soldiers in these situations are doing what needs to be done. No. Those are war crimes.
  2. 1 point
    Ron doesn't think. Everything he spouts is another type of revealed truth. He is convinced that only those predisposed to accept these prepackaged wisdoms, and without question, could ever understand the meanings. My guess is that on some level he feels genuinely sorry for us. So he does the right thing and soldiers on trying his best to save us from ourselves.
  3. 1 point
    #1 - Experience & training. #2 - Kinesthesia & proprioception: https://thesensorytoolbox.com/kinesthesia-proprioception/ Some people have better proprioception. Others have better balance (which is part of it). Still others have better spatial perception, which comes in handy for formation work. Gymnastics & dance can help too. I've heard it said that ballet dancers often make excellent skydivers. I would put strength well down the list. Flexibility is more important. And other than fitting properly and 'appropriate for the activity' (don't wear a suit with booties when trying to sit fly - trust me on that one), I don't think gear is a factor.
  4. 1 point
    I have heard that tying the chest strap around & through the reserve handle will prevent this sort of thing. There are other ways, but the potential of locking the reserve handle in place is reduced by using the chest strap.
  5. 1 point
    I've always carried mine on because I'm afraid of what could happen if TSA has unsupervised access to my handles. I have a rig sleeve, usually remove my hook knife but forgot last time I flew (about a month ago) and made it through both Denver and San Diego without any issues. About 6 years ago at Phoenix-Mesa Gateway a TSA agent attempted to lift my old rig by the metal reserve ripcord as it came out of the scanner. The reserve pilot chute hit the floor but the free bag didnt move and I was able to carry it on in a trash bag. Thankfully i was heading home from Eloy or that really could have been a trip spoiler. The agent apologized and the supervisor had me fill out a form that got me a check to pay for a repack. I have a Curv now with pillows and the rig sleeve has velcro stretch covers that wrap around the cutaway and reserve handles.
  6. 1 point
    HOAs up here shut down kid lemonade stands citing possible health concerns and the lack of proper documentation/permits. Only the village's properly licensed concession entity can provide refreshments during the annual community garage sale.
  7. 1 point
    Let's add up all of the taxes in her plan 2% over $50,000,000.00 3% over a billion. (actually now it's 6%. If I choose to leave the country 40%? 7% corporate over $100 million in profits (most of the folks being targeted with the personal taxes are also business owners) Increase the SS contribution from 12.4% to 14.8%. Self employed take the pipe on this one.. I'm telling you now, these taxes will drive businesses to reduce their size and/or move their location. Business will again be on the defensive. But I know you don't care about that as long as you get your free stuff.
  8. 1 point
    This thread started with a simple product announcement … perhaps not within the letter of dz.com policy, but almost harmless. If the OP used "fucking sexy ass skydivers" as a verb, that is correct English, Dutch, etc. However the choice of vocabulary might offend some of the delicate flowers in the audience. Back in the good-old-days, skydivers were lewd, crude, vulgar, etc. and the dz was a safe place to vent our frustration with the "real world." many skydivers prided themselves on their "dirty biker" image. Sadly, most dzs have become more and politically-correct during this century. Boring! I have used skydiving as a cure for depression for almost 40 years. I started as a sport jumper back when sex was safe and skydiving was dangerous. Sadly, I was kicked out of the skydiving crowd after a plane crash. Bullies started the pushing, then my boss parked airplane wreckage where I had to look at every day on my way to work, then lawyers insisted on dragging out a simple lawsuit for 8.5 years. The odd thing was that I worked hard at physical rehabilitation during the year immediately after the crash. I could not explain clearly why I was working so hard, just knew that I had to "get back on the horse." I only lasted a year and a half until the airplane wreckage was permanently parked near the airplane gate. Since then I have been diagnosed as: insomniac, anxious, depressed,acid reflux, heart murmur, PTSD, etc. I have read dozens of books about PTSD and earlier today watched Sebastian Junger's videos on PTSD. Hopefully this new book offers advice on how to recover from that sort of long-term depression.
  9. 1 point
    Lawyers have a high rate of misery compared to other professions. A 2-second google search revealed that attorneys have the 11th highest suicide rate by occupation. I'm sad that people immediately piled on the OP. I suspect skydiving has saved a LOT of people from depression, and I think there is HUGE value in people sharing openly about their struggles with mental health. That's undermined when people are jerks to each other when they could just as easily say nothing.
  10. 1 point
    Hey! I hope you decide to come back and get to know some of the people here. Erroll, like his avatar, tends to be a grumpy person. Every DZ has at least one! And Skybytch is maybe one of the most thoughtful posters on here; always with good intentions. It's a pretty small group and sometimes things might seem to be heated, but I don't think there's a person on here that I wouldn't jump with, and crack a beer with afterward. I will look for your book; I don't have any fucking problem with fucking profanity!
  11. 1 point
    I don't think ZoeJD's post really was advertising, more like a product announcement, so calling that out was unnecessary. Having said that, I don't think what Lisa said was actually negative. ZoeJD, if you read this, this site could use a little spicing up, so I for one hope you don't run off.
  12. 1 point
    Just remember that unlike skydiving, if you run out of air , you can just go back up and get more. "There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.
  13. 1 point
    While watching you try to explain chaos is entertaining, you have a lot of bad assumptions in there. Like so many I don't have the energy to go line by line through your post to correct them. Everyone reading this, just make sure your slider is open and stowed tight against the grommets all through the packing process. Bill can you axe this and move Yuri to a more appropriate post?
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