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  1. 2 points
  2. 1 point
    Again, yes it is! Exactly! And if KBJ gave the same sort of sloppy answers that her detractors gave, you would have a good argument that she was unqualified. However, she was smarter than that - and asked what the context was. The questioner refused to provide it - and thus she could not answer the question without that context. Just as you could not. You took EXACTLY the same approach she did. And yet you still seem to think that was wrong. Ask yourself why you are claiming what she did was wrong when you did exactly the same thing. You keep making my arguments for me, then reply "oh you're wiggling and squirming." You are looking in a mirror when you say that, since all the recent arguments I have used are your own.
  3. 1 point
    Well, if you're talking about something like "Truth Social", I'd be more along the lines of the "only one" period. And if you're talking about the alt-right idiots who claim that Trump really won, the vax contains microchips (and Covid is a hoax), or that Biden wants to destroy the US and make us all commies, then yes, I'd be the 'only one who got it'.
  4. 1 point
    What sort of 'lab'? Not all "labs" are the same. A lab that processes crime scene evidence isn't the same as a drug factory. Manufacturing pharmaceuticals isn't a simple process. I'd kind of guess that the states that execute people and the federal government have thought up most of the 'other options'. The ones that seem most viable are frying or shooting the convicted criminals.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    I am certain of that. At the end of February in the Covid thread I said "You have fully nailed the reality of Billeisele. He believes what he believes because it where he is at socially." It was simply an observation. Of course, that was as well received as a turd in the punch bowl but I have no doubt it is true. Not just for conservatives, although at least here they seem bound by the shackles more so, but for all of us. Every go at it we all like to point out the obvious bias in our correspondents news sources to make our points. But I think the bigger problem is the filter of our own biases supported by constant reaffirmations in our social circles. Again, and I concede the bias, I think the liberals here are a bit more free of those constraints. Surely there will be divergent views.
  7. 1 point
    Spread rumors about Ukrainian women having a wide variety of doubly nasty sexually transmitted diseases. Any Russian soldier suspected of rape will have difficulty getting laid after he returns home! Cue evil laughter!
  8. 1 point
    The law, especially with more people, really does define those finer gradations. Why with more people? Because the more people, the more exceptions there are going to be, and the law is all about defining the differences, and accounting for the exceptions. Why is it important to be able to define woman in a confirmation hearing? Because they're going to weaponize it and use it against you. So find out what specifically the application is going to be, and then act accordingly. Wendy P.
  9. 1 point
    According to Andy Borowitz, evidence was found on Hunter's laptop, linking him to Joe Biden!
  10. 1 point
    While I agree that this particular legislator is an idiot - or plays one on TV at the very least - it strikes me that neither side has the market cornered on stupidity. For every blithering idiot elected to office by one side there is an absolute moron counterpart on the other. The yin and yang of politics as it were.
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