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  1. 1 point
    I just stumbled across the video of Joe's memorial dive and I'm floored. I had not seen Joe for 20 some odd years, but spent a lot of time with him in the '90s, in various States and a couple of countries. https://www.lafayettefh.com/obituary/Joseph-TrinkoJoe This sucks.
  2. 1 point
    Nick Furchner of Reno NV passed away yesterday after a long fight with cancer. Long time big way jumper, awesome dentist and one of the most generous and caring individuals you could ever know. Nick will be sorely missed by everyone who knew him, jumpers and whuffos alike. Blue skies, Nick. Fuck cancer.
  3. 1 point
    > Ermmm... Not quite... I don't know how old 'yall think I am, but I was born in 1980!!! (November 14th, in case any of my stalkers want to wish me a happy birthday when it comes up!! Just to prove that your stalkers never forget... Happy 40th Birthday Nataly!
  4. 1 point
    When Ron goes out for dinner: "Good evening sir, do you have a reservation with us tonight?" "No. Not safe. System not secure." "Yes sir, of course, not a problem. How many are in your party?" "Unknown. Waiting. Being watched. Soon." "Certainly, sir. We'll prepare your table. Can I have your name, please?" "No. Gave it away last night. Stolen. Wait. Chavez." "Very good, Mr. Chavez, let me just take your temperature, sir." "Drop it! I will shoot. Lima. Air America. Communists". "Please, sir! Don't shoot. It's just a thermometer". "Leaving. Don't follow. Benghazi. Deep state."
  5. 1 point
    I've got my eyes on a pigion on our fence. He's got his eye on the bird feeder, and our cat has his eye on the critters on the ground below the bird feeder. I think we're having more fun here. Wendy P.
  6. 1 point
    you'd be better off using an barometer along with the gps. i made one once using a gps module and a barometer, a small display screen, and a raspberry pi zero, but couldn't get them both to read at the same time. the forums i was looking at when i put it together suggested using gps also to check the accuracy. getting the raw gps data works fine, and it works with just the barometer, but not both together yet. i had to stop when shit went bad a few months ago. when i get some time, i will post some links that i used to help you with yours. i used the same battery you have and it seemed to do fine. when i get it working this winter, i plan on testing it in the air as a wrist mounted altimeter. as a chest mount it would be great. i was going for a sub $75 altimeter/gps/logbook. if that works out, i was going to add bluetooth and mate it with the pi i am putting in a helmet over the winter, but that may take a backseat also, a little ambitious anyway.
  7. 1 point
    Personally my respect for posters who don't want to ID themselves but do want to be loud and heard is fairly low. Not zero, but low. I suspect that a few have professional reasons for wanting anonymity, but mostly they are just ashamed to be known for what they say. And mostly their shame is well grounded.
  8. 1 point
    A battery fire in a wing would almost certainly result in a structural failure making glide, or any other controlled flight impossible in a very short time.
  9. 1 point
    A cloth mask is not PPE. OSHA decides what is and what is not PPE, and an uncertified made at home mask does not meet the legal definition of PPE. If you showed up to a construction worksite which required a respirator and all you brought was a cloth mask made from a bandanna, you'd be thrown off the site. The R not rate is not going to drop long-term below 1 as long as people are infectible. Right now the projections show that at our current track by March 450,000 people will be dead. If we had 100% compliance with mask wearing 100% of the time, we would have 340,000 deaths. Put another way, even with everyone wearing masks, 340k people would still be dead. That's a reduction of like 30% over what we have with our currently mixed usage. That's good, but not exactly a god send. If masks were truly that effective and legitimately really PPE, then there would be few additional deaths. I bet if everyone wore full, legit PPE including N-99 masks properly fitted, a face shield and a full body chemical suit, deaths would probably drop 100k even lower--just proving that cloth masks are not real PPE. They are band aid in a desperate situation. They help the situation, but you absolutely can still die even if you wear a cloth mask. A vaccine goes far, far beyond that. A vaccine will drastically reduce your chances of death well beyond what even legit PPE can offer.
  10. 1 point
    Did many bigways and more than a few beers with Nick over the years. Always cheerful, always smiling.
  11. 1 point
    Super awesome guy. Did lot's of jumps and tunnel with him over the years. One year, at an invitational at the home zone, I had a tooth problem that was a real pain. That night, after sufficient anesthetic was applied, Nick got after it with whatever was handy in the kitchen while the whole load looked on giving encouragement. Good times, great memories. He'll be sorely missed, that's a fact.
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