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  1. 2 points
    For crying out loud. It doesn’t take specially fitted masks or any high tech filters to slow and stop the friggen virus. It takes a disciplined and careful society with people who can be counted on to do their part. Nothing more and China has proven it.
  2. 1 point
    The good things in 2020 are few and far between, so here's one of them.
  3. 1 point
    We are doing far worse than Ontario here. Doug Ford has been a better leader than any of the western premiers. We have been announcing about 400 new cases a day lately with about a tenth the population of Ontario. Ford may be conservative, but Pallister is an idealouge. Nothing matters to him but lower taxes and the economy. Ontario is now recruiting nurses from here because of the funding cutbacks.
  4. 1 point
    You're trolling again.
  5. 1 point
    The reason has nothing to do with standards. The lawyers don't want to work for free. They want clients who pay the bills.
  6. 1 point
    Elon Musk Might Have the Disease He Said Would Be Gone By April https://gizmodo.com/elon-musk-might-have-the-disease-he-said-would-be-gone-1845662749 The 49-year-old founder of SpaceX wrote that he was given a rapid covid-19 antigen test four times, with two tests coming back positive and two coming back negative on the same day. So apparently Musk in in a superposition of both having, and not having, COVID-19. No word on how the cat is doing.
  7. 1 point
    It was refreshing to hear one of the most moderate Republicans interviewed this morning on NPR: https://www.npr.org/2020/11/13/934459477/john-bolton-wants-republicans-to-acknowledge-the-reality-of-a-biden-presidency
  8. 1 point
    Good example. Solution? We get people to wear seatbelts. We have politicians urge people to do it. We have fines for people who don't do it. And it works - seatbelt use is up to 86%. If everyone wore a mask AND distanced AND improved hygiene - it would absolutely be enough. Re would go below 1 and the pandemic would die out. Add testing/tracing and it would die out very quickly. And since those are the tools we actually have it would seem to make sense to employ them. Going back to the parachute analogy, it would certainly not be wise to use a 30 year old round reserve on a windy day, especially if there's a perfectly good in-date square reserve waiting for you on the ground. But when you are in freefall with a total mal, you are a lot better off using that round than waiting until you get to the ground to get the square.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Absolutely. Of course, explaining canine theory to the guy whose dog just shit on your lawn might cause important points to be lost.
  11. 1 point
    What do you expect the President to do? I ask this honestly, because I expect a statesperson, who will have general policies and directions they want to go, and a cabinet who are knowledgeable in their fields -- and all of these people advised by advisers who aren't necessarily as good interpersonally, but who are all experts in their fields. I expect the President to have a political compass of some sort -- and that can be a huge guideline. E.g. "no 'socialism,'" or "free trade," or "health care," etc. But one who just throws bombs won't get much done. And I really, reallly, want intellectual honesty and consistency from as many of the congresscritters as possible. Which is why things like all the statements around the Garland nomination vs. the Coney Barrett nomination stick in my craw, because they had such self-serving "whatever it takes" approaches to getting done what they wanted. Likewise the "I'll be the hardest-working president ever, no golf for me" statements, and just about all the stuff that is absolutely within Trump's control that didn't happen. The wall was one thing (it was hyperbolic, and wrongly proposed, but it was at least a stab in a direction), he did need budget for that, and it wasn't entirely in his control. So I find Trump to be wholly unacceptable, in large part because he's a bomb-thrower, with no real concept of what's going to happen when he's done. That's fine for some positions, but not the President of the last (well, not for long) superpower. Wendy P.
  12. 1 point
    You’ve never had one. You’ve only had that when the media called it. Your side is arguing that isn’t valid. As usual Republicans are talking out of both sides of their mouths. Mainly because they stand for nothing. They have no backbone.
  13. 1 point
    Any further news about the Easter Bunny?
  14. 1 point
    A good Catholic Joke The Pope and Trump are on the same stage in Yankee Stadium in front of a huge crowd. the Pope leans towards trump and says " do you know that with one little wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with Joy? This Joy will not be a momentary display, but will go deep into their hearts and they will forever speak of this day and Rejoice!!! Trump replied "i seriously doubt that! with one little wave of your hand?.... show me!" so the Pope backhanded him in the face and knocked him of the stage! and the crown Roared and cheered wildly and there was happiness through the land
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