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  1. 1 point
    simple enough solution. Single Payer Universal healthcare for all. paid for through the tax base by everyone, and the govt controls the pricing, payments, drug prices. Legislated and done.
  2. 1 point
    I especially love the hypocrisy when you think back to the HUGE scandals parroted on FoxNews during the Obama years. Remember the Tan Suit? Or mustard on a burger? Or...gasp...wearing a BIKE HELMET (while riding a fucking bike)! But now in the face of actual criminal activity (defrauding the American electorate via felony campaign contribution a la Stormy Daniels, Karen MacDougal and being named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the case)...fucking crickets. Edit: Not to mention the ludicrous position that "Hillary is guilty of (insert fictional crime here)" even after being investigated over and over for YEARS with no indictments. Meanwhile, a Trump lackey known for deep-sixing Iran-Contra writes a little note that says exactly the same thing that his year-old memo/job application says and all his supporters are like "This investigation went on too long and now he's COMPLETELY EXONERATED, because his handpicked biased AG said so!"
  3. 1 point
    Probably, although the number is like 10 and I don't even remember the last time I successfully read one. Anyway, found a workaround: https://ittutorials.net/computer-repair/optimization/how-to-easily-bypass-the-new-york-times-washington-post-pay-wall/
  4. 1 point
    If American Conservatives have taught me one thing, it is that those who are too poor to afford something are simply too lazy to work for it.
  5. 1 point
    Better un-employed than dead. Manufacturers hold TIs responsible for reserves being in date. If the rig owner refuses to show you the packing data card .... refuse to jump that rig. Some DZs prefer to keep PDC in a filing cabinet ..... fine ..... but they should still be available to TIs. If anyone tries to rush your pre-flight gear checks .... tell them to “mellow out!”
  6. 1 point
    Parachutes de France toggles. Best, bar none. 1 pin up, 2 tabs down.
  7. 1 point
    I think you meant to say Polished . . . In my opinion, he is not the politician you are wanting to see. OR - maybe he is - but hes on the wrong side of the fence for your taste and you may have serious bias issues. Either way, the simplest truth is that if Trump was on the democratic ticket - There would be so many apologists in the media covering his ass that this would be mute. I think its comical that he is the President and the reason it is so comical is that the majority of Liberals simply cannot bring themselves to admit that they did this to themselves.
  8. 1 point
    "Kirstjen Nielsen Joins Desperate Caravan Fleeing White House In Search Of Better Lives" -- Andy Borowitz
  9. 1 point
    I do like the DZ and this is the first issue i have had with them ... i do not regret giving them my business. I was just trying to ascertain from the more experienced crowd whether or not i had a valid grievance before i went to the DZ with it. I called an hour before and spent just over 4 hours there before i left .... so i feel like there was plenty of time to get an instructor there or tell me "hey, your coach wont be here until suchandsuch time ... is that cool?" Weather and lack of gear is one thing to me, and i get it. When i started i was sharing a single rig with another person and we took turns, so im fine with that. Its Colorado and the weather (wind especially) happens, the DZ has no control over that. I get that leaving unannounced may not be cool .... but at the same stroke, neither is having me wait for 4 hours with no communication on when im getting up or just saying "hey, its not happening today". Communication and respect are both two way streets.
  10. 1 point
    I am pretty sure that deregulation and "finding efficiencies" is exactly why the 737 MAX 8 crashes happened. Totally new aircraft, but by allowing it to be called a 737 no new type rating is required and pilots can be seamlessly moved from old airframe to new other than some very minor "differences" training. This is pretty common. The 757 and 767 require the same type rating. One is a narrow body, the other a wide body. There are 242 system differences between the aircraft. In at least one case, two switches in the same location in the overhead panel, with the same label, had opposite effects when activated. Maybe "efficiency" and "number of regulations" shouldn't be the measuring stick for governments and regulatory bodies.
  11. 1 point
    I know I sound like an old man yelling at kids on his lawn, but is this the picture that should be on the cover of the official publication of the USPA? Should the USPA really be promoting lighting your canopy on fire? It gives it a sense of legitimacy and may even make some people think they can go to the SIM to find out how to do it.
  12. 1 point
    Localizada no litoral sul de Santa Catarina, próxima a Barra de Ibiraquera, nossa área de saltos é rodeada de natureza exuberante e preservada, com campos, dunas, lagos, ilhas e algumas das mais belas praias do Brasil.
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