
How old is your rig

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my infinity is an infant.... not even 6 monthsB|:)
reserve 00 (no jumps)
main 98? (800 jumps or so but still black and beautiful)
cypress is near 9 years...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Vec3 manufactured mid 2001, canopies same, cypress is just about to hit 2 years.
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Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Cool, so you did buy that rig off eBay.
The colours may be shit, and it may have more velcro then your first pair of shoes, but I still think its cool B|

“- - Sumo is the greatest of sports. It has power, grace, speed and cluture. And most importantly, two fat bastards smacking the shit out of each other. ”

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lOL you should see my rig. It's pink and purple with lotsa colours everywhere. A '91 Teardrop with an emroidery saying "My Dear Tear Drop".

I'll take a picture. Just need to sneak in and borrow a digital camera somewhere.

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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2 sets; a Javelin with a Safire main and Raven reserve, all made about 1999 that I bought used, and a Rapid Transit Mirage, with a Firefly main and a K20 reserve, all bought new. In 1982 :D

They work just fine.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Just sold my Vector II (-88) with a Firelite (-89) reserve.
It has served me great, but now it's time for me to get som basic freflying skills, so I sold it yesterday.
Picture here

So now I'm looking for a new container and reserve ;)

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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I just bought a brand new Vortex II rig, and Decelerator reserve. I had bought my Sabre2 canopy, brand new, in december 2002.

I will soon purchase a brand new AAD too. I dunno which one i'm gonna purchase, though. I think i'll wait till march or april 2004, to make a final decision if i'll purchase a Cypres 2 or a Vigil.



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> ... and the fact that its puke yellow and old school red
Dude, I think that rig looks great! I'm not trying to say I'm colorblind, but there's no chance you'll confuse that with someone's all-black-with-black or blue trim rig with the spinetto 105. And the rig looks like it has decent form - if I was going 120mph straight down at 3,500 feet, I'd LOVE to have that thing on my back!

> and it doesnt have a cypress...
OK, that's a problem, simple solution. ($, of course.)

> and its got a bunch of velcro...
I hear they have people who can make this problem get better. Factory types or master riggers. And it costs a lot less than a different used rig.


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My container is a Vector made 9-25-84 and my main is a Cruislite also manufactured in 1984. The rig is still in pretty good shape. Its my first rig and I got a good deal on it only thing I dont like is that the canopy doesnt really flare>:(

Still got my Vecor and Cruislite but they're from 1983 last jumped in 1996. The Cruislite has 1800 jumps on it and and was relined once. VERY loooonnnngggg openings and pretty hard landings toward the last.:o The vector was still very comfortable.
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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My container is a Vector made 9-25-84 and my main is a Cruislite also manufactured in 1984. The rig is still in pretty good shape. Its my first rig and I got a good deal on it only thing I dont like is that the canopy doesnt really flare

This one should allow for multiple answers. My newest rig is like a '98, and my oldest (assembled) rig is from maybe '63.

The oldest rig I jump routinely is a late '70s Wonderhog (I have three of them), set up with a D-bagged ParaCommander.

As far as relatively normal rigs, mine were all made in the '90s.

Blue skies,


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So how many did you buy as your latest and greatest, used or new, and how many did you assemble later? I still have most of the gear I've ever bought to jump. I don't have a conventional rig that I bought to jump but have various pieces I've bought for fun over the years. My first rig, a Security Crossbow harness, reserve, and PC main with ParaCommander pilot chute is still essentially airworthy. My second rig, one of the mid seventies, USA team Super Swooper Tandem prototypes (first model of the Racer for the youngsters reading;)) and a StratoCloud has been retired.

Currently, the newest is a 1998 Reflex, plus a Vector II back up rig and Vector II CRW rig.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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