
Outbreak freefly vid....

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Please check out Outbreak Freefly's new video at www.pearsontowers.com or watch it instantly on Google Video http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=3473962518303001790&hl=en-GB

The video is called the Outbreak and was put together by Mikey Carpenter. Its got some great cuts and some cool tunes.

Thanks for the shameless plug;)

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ahhh andy

some good stuff thanks for shamelessly pluggging yourself

when does the seville season run...you gonna be out in eloy again this winter??? maybe this time instead of sitting around talking shit in the evenings gettingthe french teeams drunk on rum I could actually jump with ya :-P

and of course I think I will have to allot some time to come to seville



CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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Dude...nice video! Now I have to go out and play that transition game. Then I have to get a hand tube the next time I stand on a hybrid! That was some good shit!
Thank You!
Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for lost faith in ourselves.
-Eric Hoffer -
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Clown shoes! Lol. You guys are cruel! Hahahha.

Yeah will be giving him some remedial vibe giving lessons on my return to civilisation. You'll all know when Im back as I'll give out the vibe all women within a hundered miles of my location will have multiple orgasms and the birds will start to fly backwards! Watch for the signs! ;)

Hey Dharma, hows tricks mate, me and Fedykin maybe getting down to Eloy around the end of March. Will keep you in the loop.

Glad everyone so far likes the new Video. Not bad flying for a guy dubbed clown shoes hey?! :)

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better change the name of this thread to C9 ELOY TRIP
at least its following a predictable pattern, andy post fecal matter online, i react and it shifts to another subject.
hey JP are the obvious japanesse dive bombers(tora tora) on for march(trying to fill up the tunnel time!!). id ask but they've threatened me with death...

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It's very pretty, but I can't play the sound on my Mac (pearsontowers large version). This is the only video I can remember this happening for...

Are you using some fancy audio codec I don't have, or is QuickTime Player just being generally crap?

BTW, the competition routine is lovely :)
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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