
Motorcycle helmets and skydiving...

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I've got an old motorcycle helmet in nice shape I was thinking of using for a while instead of dropping $300 for a full-face. It still fits well, there's a spot for my dytter inside next to the ear, and it lets me put my head all the way back, so I think it'll work OK. Being a DOT-certified helmet, it's a little thicker than most the skydiving helmets I've seen (but provides WAY better protection I'm sure), but there's nothing on the sides for a riser to snag on, so is it safe to give a try?

In the Dark Ages of sport parachuting, motorcycle helmets were common, weren't they? It'd be nice to spend that $300 on jumps and still get some face protection now that I've started doing RW...

(see attached picture to see what it looks like)

Thanks in advance...
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth


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For my first 40+ jumps I was using my skiing helmet on my skydives. But I'm not sure I'd want to use one of my full face motorcycle helmets as they're considerably heavier. For most of the skydive I'm sure the heavier motorcycle helmet would be fine, but I'm not so sure about what sort of whiplash you might experience come deployment time.

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My only concern would be how heavy it is and more importantly...can you see your handles??? Even with some of the "made for skydiving" helmets, it can be tough to look down to see your handles. It seems as though that helmet may pose a tougher time to see them if you need to. Just a thought. Also...is that visor going to go flying??? I am sure that it would stay down while you are on a bike, but it may rip off if you have 120 mph wind pulling up on it while you are on your belly.

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I'm sure it will be just fine until you get a hard opening and it breaks your neck......
No, just kidding, You wiil probably be okay but I personally wouldn't do it. I can't imagine it would weigh more than some of the camera rigs I see at my DZ. Ask an instructor what he or she thinks. I would also ask an old timer. They used to jump them but obviously stopped for a reason
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I would not do it. Motorcycle helmets (at least full face) are much havier, wider, and your downward view is very limited. Your head might also get stuck between the risers making turning it almost impossible. Probably there are some open face ones that could be usable.
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In the Dark Ages of sport parachuting, motorcycle helmets were common, weren't they

Not full-face. A Pro-tec is a much better choice. And a whole lot less than $300.

Wendy W.
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As a skydiver and a biker I say don't do it. Here are my reasonings.

1) Motorcycle Helmets are large and the field of view is restricted ( they are not made to allow you look at your torso and find your handles easily)

2)If it is an old helmet it is heavy. and if it is an old cheap helmet it is even heavier. To get a relatively light motorcycle helmet I paid almost $300 CDN and it is still heavy compared to its $400 brother.

3) I have what is considered a good helmet for my motorcycle helmet and at highway speeds (not insane speeds) I can get my visor to blow open. Not a whole lot but it does open. This can't happen in freefall.

4) Line twists will become an issue as well with your now large head in that helmet.

My suggestion buy a protec. It doesn't look cool but it will be a lot safer.

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Thanks for the advice, everyone. Although the helmet isn't very heavy (it weighs 52 ounces, which isn't a ton more than a big full-face skydiving helmet and probably a lot less than some camera helmets I've seen) - I'll give it a pass.

I've already got a nice open-face helmet; so the protec, while a good idea, doesn't really work. I'd like a full face, I think. I guess I'll just go demo some different helmets and try to find a used one that fits.
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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Pick up a used protec or ski helmet on e-bay. You may have to cut off or tape any snag pts. on the ski-helmet. I've made hundreds of jumps on the old open face motorcycle helmets. They offer a lot of protection, but are hard on your neck on opening, (due to the extra weight).....Steve1

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Motercycle helmets tend to have added protection around the neck, skydiving helmets are pretty slim in the slope of the head down towards the neck. You say you can tilt your head back but is this under canopy when you are hanging and your container rides a few inches high up your back?
That would make checking for canopy traffic and "up" the pattern for swoopers on short final difficult. Glen

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Its a NO go..a motorcykle helmet anit made for other than driving whith,if you want a cheaper helmet then buy a skaterhelmet skihelmet or so,just beaware that the atach(the one that goes under you chin)is mounted on the OUTside so it can catch a line in openingB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Anyone else remember when Hockey Helmets were the "in" thing?

I too don't like the price they're getting for skydiving full-face helmets... I think its a bit much, that's why I still jump a Pro-Tech... yep, even after 2000+ jumps.

Anyway, I wouldn't recommend a full-face motorcycle helmet for skydiving for the same reasons as most have pointed out here... weight and lack of downward visability.

However, it would be nice if "they" came up with a full-face skydiving helmet that was lite weight and gave the same "Snell" rated protection as a motorcycle helmet.

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gave the same "Snell" rated protection as a motorcycle helmet.

Since it isn't required and takes serious $$$ to get testing and stuff done, do you think that it will actually happen? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.
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gave the same "Snell" rated protection as a motorcycle helmet.

Since it isn't required and takes serious $$$ to get testing and stuff done, do you think that it will actually happen? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.

Oh, true enough / agree with you, it probably won't happen, but if you set aside the "face" part of the protection a full-face does for you (yes yes yes, before you flame me, that's THE BIG selling point), do you think one of those $300 dollar skydiving full-face helmets is really better then a Pro-Tech? ... i.e. Pro-Tech + Not in Style = 60 bucks where as Full-Face + In Style = 300 bucks.

They get $300 bucks for them mostly because they're "in style" not because they're that much better then anything else... but that's just my opinion. ;)

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Nope, I agree with you, the helmets on the market today basically keep your noggen from getting a bump on the airplane and for keeping your hair in place. *shrug* I can't say much, though, since I just a Mindwarp, which isn't that great either.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Motorcylcle helmets are made for 'facing' winds.
If you put on a motorcycle helmet during a skydive, the wind will blow into the neck/colar of the helmet a lot, and probably bring tears to your eyes...:)

Next to that they are quite bulky/huge and it looks silly. Try BMX helmets and/or snowboard helmets as a cheep alternative....not full-face though...
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