
Nate Gilbert Nationwide Sunset Tracking Dive Saturday

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Hey Katie and friends, I'm posting this for Tyler Lawson who is working late tonight, but wants to get momentum started on putting together a nationwide tracking dive this Saturday night to remember Nate Gilbert.

Nate was a great and inspirational person who we all loved dearly. Skydiving with him was magical. He really made you feel you could do anything. As a tribute to Nate, I submit that Saturday, July 17th at Sunset, we have a nationwide tracking dive. Whatever DZ you are at, friend, acquaitenance, or fan, let's rock the sky with a special tracking dive for Nate.

We would like to have photos and video of these dives sent to Atlanta Skydiving Center, which will be compiled and given to family and friends for the following weekend's memorial ash dive. We are also compiling "Remember When" stories of times with Nate.

Send the photos, video clips and memory notes to: ASC, Attn: Tracking with Nate, 493 Airport Road, Cedartown, GA 30125-5049. Or e-mail [email protected].

More information on the nationwide tracking dive can be found at http://www.ascskydiving.com/atlanta_skydiving_news.html.


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What a wonderful tribute you're organizing for Nate. I never got the chance to meet him, but it seems like he touched so many lives in such a positive way. I'm going to stick this at the top of the forum for you until this weekend.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I'm going to be away from home but I bet all the "swoopy swoop" boys who will be playing in Zhills this weekend will be down with doing a nice sunset tribute. Nate touched many of their lives I'm sure...I'll do my best to try and keep up with the dive since it will only be #4 for me ;)

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Tyler Lawson will be swooping in Zhills this weekend and helping out with the sunset tracking dive there.

Thanks for all the support for this...it really means alot to his skydiving friends and fellow staff here at ASC.

Lets hope for some beautiful sunsets with some awesome cloud formations this weekend around the country!!!


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is there going to be a set time?? like sunset is at what time there in atlanta, so the rest of us, that aren't on the same time can be up in the air too?

ya know what i mean, like have exit time set so everyone can be in the air at the same time.

or is this just sunset anywhere do the skydive?


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No set time...just sunset where ever you are at...Nate will be there tracking with you!

Tyler just reminded me about a recent tracking dive over ASC that Tyler was leading...during the middle of the dive, Nate turned around backwards and was backsliding...and staying right with Tyler...nice...good times.


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No set time...just sunset where ever you are at...Nate will be there tracking with you!



Tyler just reminded me about a recent tracking dive over ASC that Tyler was leading...during the middle of the dive, Nate turned around backwards and was backsliding...and staying right with Tyler...nice...good times.

that's cool as hell, and these are the good times that need to be remembered.


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