
Hypothetical emergency

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If you were under canopy and saw what looked like a pretty bad off landing below you would you (a) take an off landing too (assuming it was safe) to help out the injured jumper (b) land back at the dz to get help ???

You could save someone's life by getting to them quickly but if you've landed a mile from the dz and no-one knows you need help you could have wasted alot of time by landing off.

Thoughts, experiences?


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I'd probably land off and see what I could to do help.

Edited to add: I've actually been thinking about getting my CPR and First Aid training to be able to help out at the DZ until trained personnel get there - just in case.
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I am a first aider, and knowing that DZ's have responsible ground staff that monitor people's decents, I would land off and offer that vital first aid, assuming that the DZ would have taken necessary steps to assist.

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and knowing that DZ's have responsible ground staff that monitor people's decents

That's what would worry me about following someone down: I've landed out several times, one time we (there was 5 or 6 of us) were a good 45 min walk back to the dz and it took ages for the truck to come.


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Standard protocol, if you see soemone having a mal, or landing way out there, you follow them , or their shit down. Lets face it, if you can see that they are in trouble and landing out, you will probably be way out yourself.
Unless you are putting yourself in danger, which would not do your friend any favours considering medical aid will be strecthed as it is.....

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If you were under canopy and saw what looked like a pretty bad off landing below you would you (a) take an off landing too (assuming it was safe) to help out the injured jumper (b) land back at the dz to get help ???

This is an interesting question. I have zero medical training, so if I landed next to someone who was badly hurt, I really wouldn't be much use to them.

I've also noticed that at the bigger DZs I frequent, right or wrong as it may be, it sometimes takes a while to notice that someone is missing, especially if they were on a solo or something.

In my case, I think it would be a hundred times better for me to land at the dropzone, burst into manifest, and tell them what happened.

My contributions in such situations tend to be driving the medically trained people out to the jumper in my truck.
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On jumps that I consider "interesting"; high possibility of landing off or high possibility of someone getting injured, I will frequently carry a cell phone. Heck, I think it's sort of become my routine to just carry it anyway.

If I saw someone on these jumps land off and it looked like they were injured, I'd land near them and call 911 if required. If not required, I'd call the DZ.
quade -
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If I was jumping with Amy (which is often the case) I'd land back at the DZ to get our trauma kit and Amy would land near them, then I'd end up making the mile run with that damned heavy bag. If it was just me I'd land near them and do what I could. None of my training is current but I've taken PADI Medic, red cross first responder and CPR courses, which is a fancy way of saying at least I know what _not_ to do.

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On jumps that I consider "interesting"; high possibility of landing off or high possibility of someone getting injured, I will frequently carry a cell phone.

This is funny ... on a cross-country jump while at the Eloy x-mas boogie, the thought of carrying a cell phone came up. But I never did. I can just see it though ... I land off, call Skydive Arizona and they ask me where I am so that they can come get me ... and my response is ... somewhere in the desert? :S:o:):P

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Land with the injured jumper and assist...only if it is to hold the jumpers hand and talk to him. I wouldn't want to be alone out there and hurting and I don't think anyone else would either.

I have landed out several times to find the jumper is ok, just shook up. We talk and wait on a ride. Sometimes I can show them the way out of the field when it is not obvious since I've probably been there before.

In addition, I've landed with a jumper who is looking for his main and freebag since I could see them and he couldn't from the ground.

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Well, I'm just a lowly student, but if someone below me was landing out, I'm probably not going to make it back so I'm landing out too.

If they land hard, I'd certainly do what I could to help them - I'm an EMT, so I might be of some assistance until help arrives.

This question does make me wonder if it's worth figuring out a way to get a small 'emergency' trauma kit attached to the rig somehow once I'm off student status (and can reliably land the canopy. ;) ) And I like the idea of bringing a cell phone, even if it's just to call the DZ and say "We're OK, can you _please_ send a truck for us?" :ph34r:

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It probably wouldn't be a terribly bad idea for the medically trained jumpers to carry just a small first aid kit. It obviously wouldn't do much for someone with serious trauma but for minor injuries it would be nice to be able to disinfect, and wrap them quickly.

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This is an interesting question. I have zero medical training, so if I landed next to someone who was badly hurt, I really wouldn't be much use to them.


You could at least be a person waving your arms and heading to the nearest road to wave someone down. Its not always easy to figure out exactly which field someone landed in.


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Your got it a little wrong. The "first aid" kit I carry with me is the gloves and CPR shield I need to be able to help someone without putting myself at risk. I almost always have them with me. That way I don't have to decide whether I'm going to help without the protection and risk my health or let them die. Disinfection can wait, CPR or profuse bleeding can't.

I have and will land out to help out. The mile walk is little inconvenience compared to opening someones airway.

My presentation at PIA on DZ first aid (subtitled what not to do if someone gets hurt) went over pretty well. It's a power point presentation that I'll be glad to provide if I can get figure out how to get it small enough to email. I'll play around with zipping it tonight.
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Standard protocol, if you see soemone having a mal, or landing way out there, you follow them , or their shit down. Lets face it, if you can see that they are in trouble and landing out, you will probably be way out yourself.
Unless you are putting yourself in danger, which would not do your friend any favours considering medical aid will be strecthed as it is.....

As you did for me following my main on my only chop!B|

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