
What was the coolest thing you ever saw as a spectator in skydiving

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I am a newbie to the sport. . .so for me, It was a downplane by two CRW Dawgs. . .it ROCKED. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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An intentional cutaway by the lower guy on a two stack leaving a ghost plane. He chopped it high, went into freefall for 15-20 second, pulled silver, then caught his freebag. Then he hooked the reserve, and swooped by the building with the freebag between his knees!

Another one - Dumped high on a sunset load, and the pilot did a flyby when we were bumping end cells at about 6 grand - he was maybe 50 feet away, waving out the window... I think it counts, cuz I was a spectator!

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everytime our pilot says hello with the plane
seeing "big formations" at break altitude
hearing speedskydivers
seing Loic swoop the mountains while I was on my skis.

BWAAHHHH not true... just wanted to see if someone would get jealous on the last one... :P:P:P
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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a four way swoop by the PD team over the Packing Place tent in Z-Hills. I thought that I was going to get kicked in the head! It was sweet.

edited to fix my mistakes...

swooo #3 MB #3587 P.M.S. #66
"so let go, jump in...what're you waiting for? it's all right 'cause there's beauty in the breakdown"

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In no particular order:

Watching a completed 256 way from the ground

Seeing the center funnel (at least 100 people) from a whacker slot on a 286 way attempt

Watching Roger Nelson's 10-way speed team exit the plane.


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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We were in a DC3 about a mile off to the side when a 155 way attempt went by at ~8000' at Quincy 1990.
It looked like this big platform being built in space in a sci-fi movie. You could see the lines of divers, some diving, some flaring, some docking. Sadly you could also see a few people floating their little hearts out.

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Spectator? Kinda, since I was turned away - point on a big wedge that was building - I had much more freedom than usual to just look at the sky and ground. (I know - I shoulda been paying more attention to how the formation was flying, but what can I say. . . )

Anyway, we were going to punch a very solid cloud (again, what can I say. . . ) The sun was about directly overhead and as we got closer to the surface of the cloud, a sun-dog on it got bigger and bigger and clearer and clearer, with a bulls-eye shadow of our wedge, which was causing it!

Then of course, we punched right through the wedge-shadow bulls-eye. Way cool visuals - fantastic colors and the high speed shit of punching the cloud - took my breath away.

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Team Extreme's opposing doubles swoop at Panama City Beach Swoopfest last year.

Watching two sets of two very high performance canopies setting up on opposite ends of a narrow course, turning in as one and crossing at the middle of the course at ludicrous speed was awesome.

Definitely one of those "These are professionals, folks, do NOT try this at home!" moments.

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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I watched an attempted 100-way in Pitt Meadows B.C. Canada which was such an influence on me I made my first skydive a week later (16-17 yrs. ago)....:P:P

Watching buddies video of cave BASE jumps he made was so B|B|B|- something I must experience myself.


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1. World Record CRW build at Lake Wells.
2. Keith swooping the fence at Dillingham.
3. Shalen Allmen doing a large carve same place.
4. Hearing JC swoop during a night jump then catching a flash of him in the headlights. Same place.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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An all-female demo team jumping into the Reno Air Races in 1987. Nothin' special from the point of view of the jaded jumper I am today, but from my whuffo POV at the time it was damn cool and was one of the things that got me into this sport.

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I didn't get to see it first hand, but the Women's Verticle World Record... just seeing the pictures and video and reading the first hand accounts of it. Wow! Not only is it the coolest thing I've seen, but it's the most inspirational for my own jumping journey. :)
I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! B|

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