
Rating a DZ

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When you think about good or bad, happy or sad DZs, what are the criteria you apply in your mind? Besides the obvious "Safety First" one, what do you think about?

Pick three:

Professionalism = How they treat you regardless of your experience level.
Scenery = What it looks like from up there, and on the ground.
Vibe = Friendliness, cliques?
Facilities = Skydiving and other.
Accessibility = How easy is it to get to?
Weather = Typical weather? Good to jump?
Services - Coaching, load organizing, rigging, types of instruction

What else?
Safe swoops

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Modern instruction techniques.

Does the DZ offer the USPA ISP, or some form of tandem progression with AFF and coaching? Or do they only do S/L and you're on your own after 14 or 15 jumps?
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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What kind of planes is my biggest concern. I'd rather pack in the dirt for a twin otter load than pack on air conditioned carpet for a C-182. Professionalism, especially in the pilots, is just as important. A bad pilot can kill you faster than a bag lock. Good vibes are cool, but you can make your own vibes with your friends. I've never been to any DZ where it sucked totally, but then, I haven't been to them all. Everything else is just gravy. :)

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Vibe = Can somebody new show up and meet people, have fun jumps, and enjoy themselves?

Facilities = Plane, landing area, packing area, food, etc.

Professionalism = I'm the customer - don't act as if you are doing me a favor by running a dz.

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For me, safety is a big one.

How well-maintained are the planes? Not that I ask for the service records, but some planes are pretty obvious just looking at them (I once got on a small Cessna that the pilot got out with the prop running to add oil to the engine before taking off).

How good is the student gear? I don't jump student gear, but the age and quality of the tandems/student rigs says a lot about how they run the entire DZ.

Does the S&TA have clear (maybe posted) rules, and do they enforce them for everyone? Or do they let the good-ol-boys do whatever they want?

Maybe safety falls under the "facilities" category?
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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Well, professionalism is number one, and I kind of think that includes organizers and that stuff.

Vibe is next

Facilities is third. What I like about Eloy and Perris is that they have good cooked food on premises, and gear stores and on-site rigging that have everything.

We don't have running water, nor flush toilets at Byron, but it is one of the best places to skydive.

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Accessibility - I have to drive a minimum of 1 hour to get to a DZ. I don't like wasting any more time and money travelling if I don't need to.

Weather - I live in the UK, not Southern France or California

Facilities - Aircraft, Packing, Creeping, Canteen, Bar

Other important factors are price, and going somewhere with people I know.

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I recently visited a great DZ, which was run by a man who would not stand for stupid drunkeness, drugs, foul language or nudity .

This man is Jim West, Owner of Skydive Green County, and a jumper's jumper all the way.

How nice to visit a DZ where morals are important.

Bill Cole D-41

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In order of importance for me:

-Facilities (specifically aircraft)

That gets my vote too. Important to feel welcome but I'd like to feel that the guys in charge knew what they were doing more than anything else.

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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I'll go way out of my way if I really like the people or planes. That said I don't want to have to scrounge for a place to stay or food. If the gang is going out for dinner I want to be included. If the DZ is miles from everything I really appreciate the locals that make my life and stay so much nicer.

Professionalism is very hard to come by lately at some of the DZ's I've jumped at and it really makes a big difference in the way my day goes.

Having someone there to help LO is always a plus. I so enjoy the challenge of jumping with larger groups when I hit Eloy or Perris. Having a rigger onsite is almost a must if you have a mal.

HH...you know you can't just limit me to 3. Geez:D

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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1) Aircraft, aircraft, aircraft. Please don't lump them into "facilities"; I'll settle for PortaPotties if we have a good plane.
2) Skydiving Disciplines (a fleet of Skyvans doesn't do me much good if there's no one doing RW)
3) Driving time (another old guy answer: I have a 2 hour radius of travel, so all those Otters in Arizona are a bit out of reach)

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Professionalism, Vibe and Sevices.

It's these 3 things (or lack of) that have caused me to frequent and different DZ more often.
Skydive Express (York, Western Oz) is run in a professional manner, it has a friendly vibe and they are big on getting better at skydiving in what ever dicipline you choose.:)Unlike my "home" DZ which is almost the opposite of those things.:S Which is why I'm going there less often now. I do however miss the local jumpers (I wish they'd migrate to York):ph34r::ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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Professionalism, Facilities, Services

The Weather Mother Nature does what it wants..no Control..
You can do something about the Vibe get people Motivated be Creative use your Mind..etc..
Accesssibility is good just not as much priority as the others I picked.
And for the Scenery dont seem to matter much out in AZ where its alot of Skydiving but Ground is all Dirt and Desert. I like a good Scenery but will settle just for a good long Skydive regardless..
The glass is half full or half empty doesn't matter. Let go and have the Lord guide your path. He will take care of it all.

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I picked Vibe, then Facilities, then Service..

Vibe.. inclusive vibe is as necessary as an airplane..
Facilities.. comfortable.. easy access..
Service.. it's nice to have access to rigging and a gearstore right on the property..
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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