
Skydive Temple had LOTS of gear stolen

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Someone broke into the Skydive Temple drop zone between Sunday night and Tuesday morning and stole all 6 of the drop zone Strong tandem rigs and 9 student rigs. They left an individually-owned Vector Tandem rigs and it appears to be all of the gear that belonged to individual jumpers that were there.

Someone needs to be seriously strung up. I'll post the serial numbers if I can get them. This drop zone is just north of Austin Texas.

The rigs were

6 strong tandems (black)
4 Student Javelins (blue)
2 Student Dolphins (black)
2 Student Infinities (blue)
1 Student Javelin (black)

Please keep an eye out.

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Someone broke into the Skydive Temple drop zone between Sunday night and Tuesday morning and stole all 6 of the drop zone Strong tandem rigs and 9 student rigs. They left an individually-owned Vector Tandem rigs and it appears to be all of the gear that belonged to individual jumpers that were there.

It sounds like an "inside" job from someone that knows the DZ and the gear - someone who is disgruntled with the drop zone... Does that profile make some suspects appear?

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Please keep an eye out.

Will do.

Got serial numbers?

Did they cut locks or what to get into the hanger? If they hit yall maybe they'll start going to other DZs in the area as well...[:/]
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Individual gear would be easier to get rid of then Tandum gear is my guess. If it was a person with a grudge you wouldn't think that they would try to "move' it". Hate to say or think of it, but they would probably destroy it to get "back/even" with someone/s. Just hope it is found and in sound condition! :(
So, you bring your beer?

Its 5 o'clock somewhere
POPS #9344

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I have called all the DZO I know along the gulf coast to give them a heads up incase they come in trying to sell! However I think their going to have to go overseas to try to sell this gear, it's too hot!

Anyone on the north and west of TX call your local DZO and give them the heads up>;)

I hate gear theives. If I ever catch someone stealing my gear I'm gonna.....................

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Hopefully I'll get the serial numbers tomorrow. The padlock on the front door was missing (probably cut off) is how they got in. It seemed to be just 1 person as there was just 1 set of footprints going in and out...


I just talked to voodew and he told me this.... first question I asked was if the rack in the packing area was touched, being as how there was 20+ experienced rigs, he said not a one was....

This is unreal. I hope Rich's insurance will cover this...

Has any other DZ's donated until something can be worked out? I know about the Aerodyne and Strong deal... what about other student AFF rigs?

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It does make one wonder. But I can't think of anyone I know of at the dropzone who I think would even fathom doing something like this.


Yea, but if I understand your post they only took the DZ owned gear and left everything else. Unless the gear was physically separated it sure sounds like the only people capable of making the distention between DZ owned and personally owned gear would be someone that was intimately familiar with the DZ. :(
"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." CP

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Sounds like he was trying to specificly harm just the DZ and not the other jumpers there. Only thing he could have done to hurt the DZ more then take their gear would probally have been to destroy their planes. [:/]
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Just my $.02 ,

Definately an "inside" offender,

Was anything on the premise damaged/vandalized?

Were other valuables such as computers, video equipment, new skydiving accessories ie:helmets, altis, pro-tracks, dytters etc... on premise?

Yeah, a blk Strong will be easy to spot... B|

I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!

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I could be wrong but messing with a airplane is federal stuff>:(. No Barney Fife locals.

FBI, federal prosecuter, federal jail, the real deal. Don't mess with a airplane or else>:(>:(>:(

BTW whoever did the bad deed didn't "get even" he just inconvenienced some folks (I Hope).:(


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Definately an "inside" offender,

One of my non-official hats I wear is "director of security" for my company... I have access to high end covert hidden cameras that we use for inside jobs... We purchase them wholesale - have digital recorders, etc... $600+ computer buys a two camera system. PM me if you need a connection so you can catch the guy when he returns..

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Just my $.02 ,

Definately an "inside" offender,

Was anything on the premise damaged/vandalized?

Were other valuables such as computers, video equipment, new skydiving accessories ie:helmets, altis, pro-tracks, dytters etc... on premise?

Yeah, a blk Strong will be easy to spot... B|


Video/computers are kept in a seperate area.

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Dagblasted gear thieves! And this is obviously not an ordinary gear thief!
I just saw this post Wendy, give my regards to the folks there and remmeber I'd happily take the schmuck for a drag behind my truck before stringing'em up texas style.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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