
strange/different jump aircraft?

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whats the most unusual aircraft you jumped out of?

to kick things off here is one: Transavia Aitruk

Cropduster with great climb but pathetic internal space for humans. If you could all do yoga you could get 4 people in there. Tiny door about half the size of a 182. Did a 4 way demo out of one at an airshow once....veeeeery slow exit , untangle, head out doe , flop x 4.

take care, Steve
regards, Steve
the older I get...the better I was

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I' will be jumping from a gyro-copter in late April
But never knew anyone to jump a cropduster before.
We have skyTractors here & none letting jumper go though.
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Quite a few Crescos and fletchers have been used over here in NZ. They are both Crop Dusters and the new XL750 from PAC is based on those.

Inearley got to jump a drifter in Australia but the pilot chickened out so out of guilty feelings (which I of course encouraged) he gave me couple of hours of free flying in it instead
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It would be against a whole bunch of FAR's but it is possible.
First it should be Garret powered not P&W (exhaust is only on the right side not both sides.)
Second the hopper has to be washed out very well, especially if it is used for pesticide. Remove the baffels and the lid.
Ride up in the hopper and at altitude climb out on the left side and hook your left toe over the leading edge so you can get your hand to the leading edge and then your right hand and you will be kneeling facing the prop with your hands on the leading edge.
then shimmy out left all the way to the end of the wing and jump off the end of the wing so you can not hit the tail or ailerons.
It is very obvious where the structure in the wing is so you do not damage anything.
Also don't do it as it is against a whole bunch of rules

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i've got one jump from a "RANS-S7" a plane that is clasified as a homebuilt but is a kt plane, it is just on the heavy side of the line for ultralights.... this thing was way small.....

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I jumped out of an Aneronca (sp?) Champ a while back.

That was a badass ride to 3k, it took quite a while but it was such a fun ride slow and scenic. Although it was a total SOB to climb out of that back seat.:o
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***A Polish Wilga and a Blanik sailplane

Was that in Slovakia?

No it was at Cable airport in Upland, CA. When I jumped the Blanik sailplane it was towed to altitude by the Wilga. When the Blanik cut loose the Wilga came back around and we did a formation load, 3 in the Wilga and me in the Blanik. The Air Show crowd loved it.

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***A Polish Wilga and a Blanik sailplane

Was that in Slovakia?

I've done a Wilga, most fun would have been doing a tandem form 10,000 out of a 105,000 sf balloon. Felt bad about leaving the pilot in that big thing all by himself and it was a little on the breezy side as well.
Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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In order:
Stinson V-77
SNB (Navy Twin Beech)
Howard DGA-15
DeHavilland Otter
DeHavilland Beaver
Cessna 172
Cessna 180
Dornier Do-27
Sikorsky H-34
Nord Noratlas
Bell UH1B
Fairchild 24W
Piper J3
Cessna 170
Piper Tripacer
Cessna 196
Douglas DC-3/C-47
Cessna 206
Cessna 182
Aeronca Champ
American Yankee
Lockheed L10E
Stearman N3N
Lockheed L-18
Curtis C-46
Beechcraft T-34
Piper Cherokee 6
Bell JetRanger
Cessna 207
DeHavilland Tiger Moth
Britten-Norman Islander
Aèrospatiale Puma
Casa C-235
Lockheed C-130
C-160 Transall
Mil Mi-8/17
Augusta 109

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