
Skydiving and aging

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Post your tips on how to maintain your health and stay in the sport, besides pulling at the right altitude;)- I am pushing 50 and am just beginning to feel certain changes such as minor back pain which can be worse after jumping, energy levels etc. Also i have been reading about DHEA and hormone level drops and so fourth as we age. What are your thoughts on how aging affects us all in this sport and what you do to counter it such as diet and exercise?
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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I turned 50 this year and don't recognise the person that you're describing ... but do find that I need to go to bed early with a mug of cocoa:P

My biggest problems is that I can't stay up all night drinking and listening to the young'uns so called music and then get up for an early lift....... SO I get up early and jump whilst they are sleeping off some of the excessesB|

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I believe that if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and go out on a saturday morning and play hard, your going to feel it on sunday morning. Play golf? Try it without having a decent warmup routine and see if your back doesn't remind you it's there the next day. The key of course is to stay fit. As we get older, our bodies don't recover from strenuous activities as quickly as they used to. I believe the key is to excersise regularly to keep all our parts working properly (laymens terms). Seems to work for me, but if I get away from the gym for a while, I get reminded why was going after I have less than snively opening. My $0.02.
"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" ~Samuel Clemens

Dudeist Skydiver #68

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What are your thoughts on how aging affects us all in this sport and what you do to counter it such as diet and exercise?

Three things~

Work on flexibility, work on stamina and drink better beer.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I am turning 50 this year also. I started working out at the gym 3 days a week about a year ago. I noticed I do not get sore after a day of jumping like I used to. I especially had issues with my left ankle getting sore (i have injured it twice palying basketball and once jumping) after a few months of exercises specifically for strengthening my ankles I no longer have any pain. It was tough at first but once I got into the routine I miss it if I can't get to the gym.

edited to add: Oh yeah and I agree with Twardo drink better beer. :D

You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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My 52nd birthday is next month.

The key to a long skydiving career is staying active. It helps if you surround yourself with active friends (hint: that is spelled POPS).
For example, a friend suggested trying capoeira. The introductory class was pleasant, even if I could not do the high kicks.
Everyone warned me that I would be stiff and sore the next morning.
The next morning I woke up with a little stiffness in my lower back and a hint of sciatica.
Wait a minute!
How have I felt every morning for the last year?

The only way to stay ahead of skydivers half your age is to exercise on a regular basis.
For example, none of the local tandem masters (most are half my age) will try to match me on chin-ups.
This advice comes from a man who dis-located a shoulder nine months ago.

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>Get a younger girlfriend

I JUST Got one of those- talk about trying to bend like a pretzel..... maybe thats my back problem right there!:P

But really- I've noticed that if I do sit flying- much less of a problem, otherwise with lots of arching to keep up with the anvils- Whoa, after a few repacks I'm done for the day!:D

My canopy is a really nice super slow opening Pilot but I can't imagine that being cranked upwards from an arch during line stretch is good for anyones back.:|

Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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My first jump was to celebrate my 50th B-day. I note that I have to be more attentive to eating and drinking properly during the day when jumping than my younger buddies.

I also find that on hot / humid days when my 4-way team is training, that my endurance is ain't what it used to be. On those days I will use a packer to help me maintain my stamina all day.

That and, of course, more frequent trips to "water the lillies".[:/]

The choices we make have consequences, for us & for others!

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Yeah- I know what you mean and I don't pretend to have nearly the jumps that you all do but i can begin to see some of the challenges you are talking about on the horizon. I am just trying to get a gauge on what people here do to keep up when the youngsters are pushing the limits.

So far the exercise and good eats are what work for me too but I can see that there ain't no margin for slacking anymore.;)

Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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I'm 61 and just starting. I hope to keep jumping for at least another 10 years. I have motorcycle riding friends who are in their late 70's who ride circles around me and they easily put in 1000 mile days, which I can't do.

Just exercise regularly, get your required checkups for a man over 50 ( colonoscopy, prostate check ), and don't get overweight. I would avoid DHEA and testosterone suppliments, as men rarely need them and they could predispose to prostate and liver cancer. Use them only on the advice of a good doctor.

Just keep jumping. ( Silly advice coming from someone who only has nine jumps. )

"Luck favors the prepared."

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Stay in shape and stay current. I turned 56 this year and made 275 jumps last year. (Plus bicycling 1,000 to 2,000 miles each year. )

Thanks to an ACL tear this year, I'll be jumping in a knee brace from now on, but otherwise I have no intention of slowing down any time soon.

You don't stop jumping because you get old.....you get old because you stop jumping.

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Eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, rest when I'm tired, and pick my parents carefully

Taking care of my bones and joints Being lucky when I was younger helped, too :P

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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...You don't stop jumping because you get old.....you get old because you stop jumping.

I love that quote.

I am 58 and made over 600 jumps in the last 4 years. With modern day equipment which allow for (mostly) soft landings there is no reason we can't jump for many more years.

Having said that, you should stay fit and ready for the occasional hard landing you most likely will have.
... Marion

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Dacron lines. The increased drag and pack volume and decreased coolness factors are far outweighed by the butter soft openings.

Anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. I prefer Aleve and MonaVie's acai berry juices.

Acceptance of the fact that I'm not 22 anymore and adjusting my activity levels accordingly - ie no jumping after a big party night, no big party nights if I really want to jump the next day.

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It must be true. How many active skydivers die of old age? ;)

There's not a lot of data on this as yet because the sport hasn't been around long enough. If someone started skydiving in their youth in the 1950's they would still be only about 70 years old--which with today's life expectancies would be still rather young to die of "old age".
"It's hard to have fun at 4-way unless your whole team gets down to the ground safely to do it again!"--Northern California Skydiving League re USPA Safety Day, March 8, 2014

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It must be true. How many active skydivers die of old age? ;)

There's not a lot of data on this as yet because the sport hasn't been around long enough. If someone started skydiving in their youth in the 1950's they would still be only about 70 years old--which with today's life expectancies would be still rather young to die of "old age".

That's shy of the average lifespan by only a couple years......

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>Eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, rest when I'm tired, and pick my parents carefully

Thanks W:)
Yeah i think sleep is the MOST important key to good health, It keeps you sane (relatively speaking:D), energetic, and helps with body repairs and general maintenance. I schedule work and play around sleepy time. A good mattress and a GF that understands that you sometimes have to sleep in another room helps.:P

Oh and my Doc told me to only sleep on my side or back...belly sleep flying is proven no good for your back.

Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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My biggest problems is that I can't stay up all night drinking and listening to the young'uns so called music and then get up for an early lift....... SO I get up early and jump whilst they are sleeping off some of the excessesB|

I noticed that too, and didn't expect it. I thought I remember all the jokes about how getting older required less sleep. (You know, they get up at 4AM, lunch at 10, supper no later than 4PM, then wild sex until midnight).

I've slid into a routine of getting to sleep about 10, whereas it wasn't that long ago my average was more like 11 or midnight. (I get up now at about 5AM).
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Get a younger girlfriend...;)

Yes, that is one of the advantages of getting older: More younger women to choose from.B|
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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