
Rig on shoulder or rig in gear bag?

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Last time I traveled within the US, I took my rig with me into the airplane, and didn't really get hassled for it. I was only asked to show my USPA card (because apparently the TSA supervisor has seen a few parachutes in his day :P) and on the way back from LA was asked to open the main container. Other than that, no problems.

But after the latest TSA fiasco with the full body scanners, pat downs, etc., who knows what the hell TSA is thinking anymore...I know they are doing their job, but I don't want that to end up in an unpacked main or reserve.

So..do I keep it in a gear bag with all my other equipment, and unpack/take everything out if they want to see it, and delay the line further, or just secure the reserve/cutaway/main handles and just take it on board again sans gear bag like I did before, or do I check it as luggage in a gear bag? :|

Any thoughts appreciated. B|

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There's a couple reasons I like my rig in a bag (but I still carry it on).

1) I look like any other random traveler with a roller case. I have no interest in advertising the fact that I"m a skydiver or getting into unsolicited conversations about it.

2) You've got two options of where to put said rig on the plane. In the overhead bin, it isn't 100% in your control. Someone comes on after you and wants to move "the backpack" to throw their bag in and grabs that shiny silver handle to do so (yes you could tie it down, but still, I don't want random non-skydivers handling my gear, period, and who knows what could be put on top of it).

Or you put it under the seat in front of you. And the guy in front of you spills his coke down the side of his seat. Or there's gum on the floor. I've had that happen to me before - took my shoes off for a long flight and ended up with gum all over my sock. Not a big deal on a pair of socks that I could just discard and only be out a few bucks ... a much bigger deal trying to get that off my rig.

A duffel bag is cheap. Get one.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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There's a couple reasons I like my rig in a bag (but I still carry it on).

1) I look like any other random traveler with a roller case. I have no interest in advertising the fact that I"m a skydiver or getting into unsolicited conversations about it.

2) You've got two options of where to put said rig on the plane. In the overhead bin, it isn't 100% in your control. Someone comes on after you and wants to move "the backpack" to throw their bag in and grabs that shiny silver handle to do so (yes you could tie it down, but still, I don't want random non-skydivers handling my gear, period, and who knows what could be put on top of it).

Or you put it under the seat in front of you. And the guy in front of you spills his coke down the side of his seat. Or there's gum on the floor. I've had that happen to me before - took my shoes off for a long flight and ended up with gum all over my sock. Not a big deal on a pair of socks that I could just discard and only be out a few bucks ... a much bigger deal trying to get that off my rig.

A duffel bag is cheap. Get one.

Good point...I have a gear bag.

And you don't want people asking you "..is that REALLY a parachute and you jump out of planes with it?" :ph34r::D

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They let your helmet through?

Yep... I flew with a rig about 10 times last year and had no problem. I did make sure to remove my CYPRES screwdriver I used to carry from my helmet bag.

Helmet, Alti, Neptune..... etc. All fine.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I put it in a small backpack and clip my helmet bag to it and carry it on.

They let your helmet through?

prolly a stupid question, but why wouldnt they? ive seen a few skydiving helmets brought on as carry ons, and ive brought many helmets on myself, from bike helmets, to full face BMX to paintball masks. . . never had any issues
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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And when the fat sweaty lady that is about to sit next to you tries to jam her oversized roller carry on bag into the overhead with your rig, just before you hear your reserve pop, you'll be second guessing your decision to be cool.
Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon

If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.

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I have a small rig ( Mirage G4 MT) and it fits very nicely in a Travel Pro sized Rollerboard. I used a High Sierra Rollerboard as it is flat inside and has expandable sides. It has a neat mesh pocket inside to fit some of my extra stuff and the lower front outside pocket fits my Toshiba mini laptop. I have a backpack that fits my helmet and wingsuit and stuff and that goes under the seat. I had the rig swabbed in Tampa but no problems and The rollerboard easily fit in the overhead bins on the MD80 I flew on. I bought the Rollerboard at Macy's on sale and it has worked out fine. Sorry for the plugs for the brand of Rollerboard but this one is one that fits my rig perfectly and has sturdy construction. I check everything else.

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My rig fits in a carry on sized rolling suitcase.

I keep a laundry bag in the roller big enough to stuff the rig and deployed canopies back into.

I used to carry it on my back but I spent the whole trip stressing about the young child in front of me spilling their soda. Not to mention I grew tired of the skydiving / parachute questions after my fist few flights going to boogie trips.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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My rig fits in a carry on sized rolling suitcase.

I keep a laundry bag in the roller big enough to stuff the rig and deployed canopies back into.

I used to carry it on my back but I spent the whole trip stressing about the young child in front of me spilling their soda. Not to mention I grew tired of the skydiving / parachute questions after my fist few flights going to boogie trips.

So you wanted people to touch you and ask you skydiving questions? Did you look like this guy? :P

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wX5hbQIyy0 (WS)

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I've travelled/flown with my rig 4 times over the past 6 months and carried it on every time, with my helmet and other gear in my other carry-on bag. I don't have a gear bag for my rig but I do wrap the shoulder straps with something called coban, and I also wrap the leg straps together. It makes it look less like a rig and keeps things together.

The last time I flew they ALMOST made me pull out the reserve, but thankfully it was avoided. Otherwise they've never even given it a second glance.

I'm probably going to look for a small duffel bag to put it in the next time I fly though.
*I am not afraid of dying... I am afraid of missing life.*
----Disclaimer: I don't know shit about skydiving.----

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I put it in a small backpack and clip my helmet bag to it and carry it on.

same here

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>this is the ultimate gear bag.

In terms of getting your rig there intact, this is the ultimate case out there:


I have one of these minus the wheels and handle and it's been indestructible. It avoids both physical damage and the dreaded "why the heck is the reserve damp? Is it just water?" problem if you're checking the rig.

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>>I was only asked to show my USPA card
That's all kinds of wrong. Suppose it's my B.A.S.E. rig and I don't have a USPA card. Are you saying sport parachutists can't fly in the U.S. if they don't belong to the USPA? And is USPA now screening their new members for terrorist tendencies?

Seriously though, I thought all you needed was the AAD card since those gizmos contain a small amount of explosive substance.

NickD :)

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I used to carry it on my back but I spent the whole trip stressing about the young child in front of me spilling their soda. Not to mention I grew tired of the skydiving / parachute questions after my fist few flights going to boogie trips.

That's because you've "grown up" now / matured maybe just a bit Doug, in the sport. Good on you! ;) - Those days of: "ooh, everybody... look at me, and see how cool I am - I'm a skydiver" about to board your plane, have finally been effectively weighed against /given-way to the risk of all the potential increased TSA (and other security agencies) scrutiny that could incur.

There really is no other (good) reason, to carry your rig openly over your shoulder, completely exposed and out in the open - unprotected as well at least in some way, otherwise.

Here is what I use.
Rarely even a second-glance. And that is (especially now adays) how I like it!
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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>>I was only asked to show my USPA card
That's all kinds of wrong. Suppose it's my B.A.S.E. rig and I don't have a USPA card. Are you saying sport parachutists can't fly in the U.S. if they don't belong to the USPA? And is USPA now screening their new members for terrorist tendencies?

Seriously though, I thought all you needed was the AAD card since those gizmos contain a small amount of explosive substance.

NickD :)

I frequently fly with rigs, either skydiving or base. I always put then in a carryon with wheels. Every time I fly with the skyrig it gets swabbed for explosives. Not once when flying with a BASE rig have they ever swabbed them...and one of those containers has skulls embroidered on it.

One time when flying out of Huntington, WV when i placed the bag with my base rig on the belt and told security it was a parachute the answer i got was "Ah man...that aint the kind with the computer in it is it?" Obviously the guy had ran across rigs with AAD's and didnt feel like dealing with them. Another time there were two of us flying out of SLC with base rigs. TSA had no prob with the rigs, no prob with the helmets, no prob with the camera gear, but they were PISSED about the metal packing claps my friend tried to carry on. (My clamps were packed in my checked bag as I typically try and play it safe with TSA.)
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I remember long before the 9/11 (and the TSA) a couple of us were in the LAX terminal on our way to an 80s something Bridge Day. And some fellow passenger heard us talking about the "parachutes" we had with us. All of a sudden an airline employee, a woman, confronted us. After I explained they were BASE rigs and what we planned to do with them she apologized and whispered to me, "Oh, I'm so sorry, but you know, it's the D.B. Cooper thing."

"Okay," I said, "but DB Cooper was a criminal."

She left and quickly reappeared with a few hundred dollars in travel vouchers for us. It was obvious she was worried we'd complain to the airline that an employee inferred we were criminals.

Oh, how I miss the old days!

NickD :)

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