
Friggin Wuffo's

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I don't understand people these days, Talking to a so so friend asking him to try skydiving or make a tandem or something.

Me - "Hey, wanna go skydive sometime. Greatest thing in the world to try"
Wuffo - "Yeahhhh let me know, we can jump out and hold hands together and spin around"

Hmmmmmmmmm, ookkkkay you go and do that. Do alot of people think like this when they never went skydiving before? Good thing he can't just go out and try this free will. End up killing him self. LOL
Medbill DME Billing Service

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This is a very real aggrevation for me. I am so passionate about skydiving, that when I come across a whuffo who slams skydiving and makes really stupid comments I just want to smack the stupid righ out them. I have heard it all, even "I heard your skin peels off when your falling" We are a part of a very special thing, outsiders will never understand us.

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You know Whuffo's? You talk to them about skydiving? I don't. If I get an enquiry off my site, I respond, and I deal with 1st jumpers at the DZ.

I NEVER talk skydiving with whuffo's. Never.

It's the year of the Pig.

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A while back I showed some videos of some headdown action to a friend trying to persuade him going to the FJC.

He said: "Oh, that looks pretty easy. I bet I could do that on my 1st jump"

I tried to explain how difficult it is even to stay headdown, not to even speak of being able to adjust fall rate and move around.

He just didnt want to believe.. :D

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This is a very real aggrevation for me. I am so passionate about skydiving, that when I come across a whuffo who slams skydiving and makes really stupid comments I just want to smack the stupid righ out them. I have heard it all, even "I heard your skin peels off when your falling" We are a part of a very special thing, outsiders will never understand us.

Rather than getting aggrevated, explain to them how it works, so next itme they talk about the sport they'll have a bit more knowledge about it. It's not their fault for making comments that are not accurate. They just dont know. So help them rather then get aggrevated with them.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Don't confuse ignorant with stupid. If your only exposure to skydiving was the news and movies, which is the case for 99% of the population, you'd probably be the same.

The one advantage we have, is that having seen the news and movie coverage of skydiving, we no longer believe anything we see about stuff of which we are ignorant.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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What bothers me the most is all the people who immediately assume I have a death wish, and just keep asking "aren't you afraid to die?" My own sister said she has no respect for me or my husband, because "obviously we don't respect life", and "are suicidal".

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What bothers me the most is all the people who immediately assume I have a death wish, and just keep asking "aren't you afraid to die?" My own sister said she has no respect for me or my husband, because "obviously we don't respect life", and "are suicidal".

Nothing angers me more than someone who draws an instant connection between skydiving and death. You have to have a great respect for skydiving, but I by no means am suicidal!

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"obviously we don't respect life", and "are suicidal".

I get that statement too, which kinda gets to me because they think its stupid to skydive and just looking for a death wish, of course I get "Its a waste of money". I don't mind explaning things to wuffo's but some of them don't listen anyway. Well I try to explain as much as I can, I'm still a student.

Eh, its there loss anyway for not trying it out. B|
Medbill DME Billing Service

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As was stated previously, most people amass their knowledge of skydiving from movies and (unfortunately) Real TV. There are hardly any positive depictions of the sport other than WITHIN the sport. Didn't you guys know we are all a bunch of drug smuggling, suicidal, bank robbing freaks!?!?!?!?!

Those on the outside looking in can easily criticize and demean skydiving because, in my opinion, they lack understanding. It is easier (and more macho) to put something down vice saying you are afraid or don't understand. No one wants to seem ignorant, but to make nonsensical and negative comments about something you have no idea about only shows a greater ignorance.

So whenever whuffos say something stupid like me having a death wish, being suicidal or tempting God.....I usually respond with a simple....."I don't see it that way." and put an end to it.

But in all honesty, most (90%) of the whuffos who learn that I skydive show a genuine interset and excitemenet.......it's just the other 10%......as usual.

See you all around.......

"Insert witty quote here."

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"I heard your skin peels off when your falling"

Just imagine what this could do for the beauty industry!

"I went today for a facial peel, exited at 13 grand, just fell belly to earth till 3000, pulled. Had a good landing, then applied a mask with cucumber juice, and an avacado lotion. Doesnt my skin look beautiful and smooth? Gives your cheeks that rosy glow too!"

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Wuffo: I think its crazy to jump out of an airplane with a parachute

His awesome kid (6 years old): I think it is crazier to jump out of an airplane without a parachute.

Me: [Speechless]

You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

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Someone sure brought this thread back from the dead!

Wuffo comments don't really bother me unless they are both ignorant and judgmental. If you're going to talk smack about an activity and those involved, you should at least be educated before making said comments.

The one thing I feel obligated to respond to is wuffo's tendency to fear the equipment - mostly due to the "chute didn't open" stories that seem to be so popular. I make sure to explain that the equipment is the least common point of failure.

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Someone sure brought this thread back from the dead!

Wuffo comments don't really bother me unless they are both ignorant and judgmental. If you're going to talk smack about an activity and those involved, you should at least be educated before making said comments.

The one thing I feel obligated to respond to is wuffo's tendency to fear the equipment - mostly due to the "chute didn't open" stories that seem to be so popular. I make sure to explain that the equipment is the least common point of failure.

When a Wuffo asks me how many jumps I have I get total disbelief from them when I answer.

...they tend to think it's ALL B.S. when I tell 'em there are people in the sport 1/4 as long as me with 3 times my jump numbers!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Wuffo comments don't really bother me unless they are both ignorant and judgmental.

Maybe it's time to broaden the definition. If a non-skydiver is a Wuffo, a non skydiver who's snotty about it is a What-the-F**cker.:P
My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.

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