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Trump vs Hitler

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17 hours ago, BIGUN said:

As much so as conflating all Republicans as racist, sexist, misogynist or association with Hitler.  

True, but those that aren't are doing a very poor job of dealing with those that are. 

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20 minutes ago, kallend said:

True, but those that aren't are doing a very poor job of dealing with those that are. 

They may not have an association with Hitler, but they do have one with Trump. They may not support all that he stands for but they are more than willing to tolerate it which may as well be the same thing.

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22 hours ago, Coreece said:

Personally it's hard to take seriously the nazi claims by the left, especially with all the antisemitic protests/encampments at universities across the country.

Ah, the great teachings of Jesus - "It's ok if the other side is doing it too"


I think it's absolutely stupid for leftists to become antisemitic or to deny the holocaust because of what's happening in the Middle East. I think both sides are behaving appallingly.

But if that's enough for you to defend an openly nazi Trump campaign, it's surprising how little it takes.

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45 minutes ago, olofscience said:

I think it's absolutely stupid for leftists to become antisemitic or to deny the holocaust because of what's happening in the Middle East. I think both sides are behaving appallingly.


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12 minutes ago, BIGUN said:


I'm not sure that's happening as much as some want us to think. I've seen a lot of people simply questioning the inhumane treatment of the Palestinians by Israel since the battle lines were created some 70+ years ago. 

Did Israel expect them to accept that treatment forever???

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10 minutes ago, normiss said:

I'm not sure that's happening as much as some want us to think. I've seen a lot of people simply questioning the inhumane treatment of the Palestinians by Israel since the battle lines were created some 70+ years ago.

Agreed, and 99% of the protesters I've seen have been doing just that.  I've seen signs like "I oppose Hamas, not Palestinians" and the like.  That's not antisemitic.  I've also seen people criticizing Israel for their attacks - and again that's no more antisemitic than US protesters protesting the Vietnam war, or Biden, are anti-American.

There are exceptions, of course.  I am sure you can find left-leaning protesters that want Israel eliminated completely, just as we have right wingers who want all Arabs (or Muslims) banned from the US.  We even have a poster right here who considers all Muslims mentally ill.  But they are in the small, and extreme, minority.

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4 hours ago, olofscience said:

But if that's enough for you to defend an openly nazi Trump campaign, it's surprising how little it takes.

It's not a Nazi campaign.....  no one is being exterminated.  we are not building concentration camps nor are we invading other countries.

Trump wants to be authoritarian - that should be all we need to not elect him.... it's unamerican and unconstitutional.  Yes authoritarian could lead to 'nazi' but not likely.  Hence the title of the thread.

I cannot stand trump and will be celebrating when that fat cunt dies, but I am exhausted with the nazi bullshit.

Edited by tkhayes
I hate this fucking editor
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13 hours ago, tkhayes said:

It's not a Nazi campaign.....  no one is being exterminated.  we are not building concentration camps nor are we invading other countries.

Trump wants to be authoritarian - that should be all we need to not elect him.... it's unamerican and unconstitutional.  Yes authoritarian could lead to 'nazi' but not likely.  Hence the title of the thread.

I cannot stand trump and will be celebrating when that fat cunt dies, but I am exhausted with the nazi bullshit.

It should all be more accurately called fascist tendencies. But in order to penetrate the apathy of many people a certain hyperbole is necessary.

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46 minutes ago, tkhayes said:

congrats, you managed to ignore the entirety of the post except six words.

Come on man, if you can't have a sense of humour over the US invading people left right and centre then what can you laugh about? I mean seriously - did you mean you haven't started a new campaign literally this week or what?

But OK, the rest of the post. Actual, self described neo-Nazi groups exit, right? They aren't actually exterminating anyone, building concentration camps or invading other countries. So... they're definitely not Nazis?

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15 hours ago, tkhayes said:

It's not a Nazi campaign.....  no one is being exterminated.  we are not building concentration camps nor are we invading other countries.


Trump has said that his (false) election fraud claims justify “the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.” He said he wouldn’t be a dictator, “other than day one,” when he would use absolute power to seal the border and drill for oil. He has proposed that those shoplifting from stores should “fully expect to be shot.” He said he would round up as many as 20 million illegal immigrants and, perhaps, put them in mass deportation camps, taking money from the military if necessary.

He said he would appoint a special prosecutor to “go after” Biden, his family and “all others involved with the destruction of our elections, borders and our country itself.” He said he would order prosecutors to “go down and indict” his political opponents if they are “doing well and beating me” — and he would fire prosecutors who don’t follow such orders. He said he would use the National Guard, and perhaps the regular military, to crack down on protests against him. He would strip civil service protections so he could replace federal workers with Trump loyalists, and he might take over independent agencies, including the Federal Reserve. He suggested he would change laws to attack what he perceives as “anti-White” bias.

Speaking at the National Rifle Association on Saturday, Trump asked the crowd whether he should “be considered three term or two term?” Several in the crowd shouted out: “Three!” Earlier this spring, the American Conservative published an article titled “Trump 2028” that argued the 22nd Amendment, which limits a president to two terms, “is an arbitrary restraint on presidents who serve nonconsecutive terms.” The group is part of Project 2025, to which the Trump campaign has informally outsourced its policy planning.

Trump has hinted that he would pardon those sentenced for attacking the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. He included in his courtroom entourage this week two convicted felons, Bernard Kerik, the former New York police commissioner he pardoned, and Chuck Zito, a former Hells Angels leader. During testimony, defense witness Robert Costello showed the same sort of contempt for the judge as Trump did outside the courtroom. He rolled his eyes, talked under his breath, called the proceedings “ridiculous” and complained with a “jeez” when he disagreed with Merchan’s ruling.

Trump has promised “retribution” against his political opponents, and outside Trump’s trial this week, his allies amplified the threat. “They fear Donald Trump and they fear what’s going to happen if he becomes president again — and, I tell you, they should fear,” said Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Tex.).

“Yes,” agreed Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Tex.), at his side, wearing a necktie with Trump’s face printed on it.

Trump had one final thing to say before he left the courthouse this week. Just a day after his post about the “unified Reich,” he offered a message for “Jewish people that vote for Biden and the Democrats: They should have their head examined.”

He told his White House chief of staff John Kelly that “Hitler did some good things” and complained that U.S. generals weren’t “totally loyal” to him the way Nazi generals were to Hitler. He spoke of the “very fine people” marching among the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville. He closed out his 2016 campaign with an ad that singled out three prominent Jews with suggestions that they manipulate a “global power structure.” He was reluctant to disavow David Duke or supporters of his who harassed and threatened Jewish journalists. He has shared innumerable messages on social media from white supremacists. He has repeatedly questioned the loyalty of American Jews.

Long ago, Vanity Fair reported that Trump’s ex-wife Ivana said he read from a book of Hitler’s speeches, which he kept in a cabinet by his bed. Trump confirmed that he had the book. By coincidence or design, there has been a startling overlap in their language of late.

Trump speaks of immigrants “poisoning the blood of our country” and “coming in with disease.” Hitler said that great civilizations died “as a result of contamination of the blood,” and he called Jews “the worst kind of germ-carriers in poisoning human souls.”

Edited by kallend

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15 hours ago, tkhayes said:

It's not a Nazi campaign.....  no one is being exterminated.  we are not building concentration camps nor are we invading other countries...



Hitler didn't start off exterminating people.
Or even putting them in camps.

He started with the 'blaming' rhetoric.
Calling certain groups 'vermin' and saying they should be controlled.

He rallied people to his hateful verbiage and called for them to follow him.

He got himself elected, and then had his minions keep him in power.

Any of this sound at all familiar?

Last but not least was 'Kristallnacht'. When the SA, SS, Hitler Youth and 'interested onlookers' trashed Jewish property.

I had a really bad feeling that the 'Unite the Right' crap in Charlottesville was supposed to be something very similar.
All the Nazi & KKK thugs rampaging around the town, destroying black or Jewish (or Muslim or Latino) owned property.

Fortunately, the Governor of Virginia saw the potential for trouble and shut it down the second day.


You say you are 'exhausted with the Nazi bullshit'.

I agree, but from a slightly different perspective.

You seem to be tired of the comparisons between Trumpty Dumpty and Hitler.

I'm scared to death of the similarities. 

The MAGA morons are following Hitler's playbook page by page.

There seems to be a real chance they're going to pull it off.

The 2025 project and some of the statements from CPAC are deeply disturbing and very frightening.

The apparent fact that 2 of the 9 Supreme Court justices are bought and paid for MAGA stooges is worse.

As long as Trump, the MAGA morons and the Alt Right people continue to act like Hitler, I'm going to keep calling them Nazis.

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3 hours ago, wolfriverjoe said:

As long as Trump, the MAGA morons and the Alt Right people continue to act like Hitler, I'm going to keep calling them Nazis.

Exact same reasoning used against blacks for calling them . . . 

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On 5/24/2024 at 2:12 PM, tkhayes said:

It's not a Nazi campaign.....  no one is being exterminated.  we are not building concentration camps nor are we invading other countries.

Nor was Hitler doing any of that during the time he was ascending to the leadership of the Third Reich.


Trump wants to be authoritarian - that should be all we need to not elect him.... it's unamerican and unconstitutional.

Agreed.  And he is using many of the strategies to gain power that Hitler did.  We can learn from that.

As always, the problem is not Trump (or Hitler.)  The problem are the people who support authoritarian leaders who promise to take away freedoms from those they dislike, in return for retribution and a promise of priviledge.  So what is common between the German people of the 1930's and the Trump supporters today?  What drives them to do that?  How are such people exploited by strongmen?  How do captive media organizations play into this?  How is misinformation propagated to benefit those anti-freedom despots?  Those are questions worth answering IMO.


Yes authoritarian could lead to 'nazi' but not likely.

Exactly.  The outcome will not be the same.  There won't be concentration camps where people are killed and Trump's regime will not be called a Nazi regime.  But from all indications it will be similar, and that's a problem.


but I am exhausted with the nazi bullshit.

So am I.  But it's coming from him, not me.  Over and over and over again.

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2 hours ago, billvon said:

For calling them what?

Kinda bothersome isn't it. When stereotyping is pointed out. I'll ask the same question here - it's ok to stereotype if you're liberal/democrat. Just trying to learn the rules or changes to the rules.  

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8 hours ago, BIGUN said:

Exact same reasoning used against blacks for calling them . . . 

What the actual fuck are you talking about?

How is the Republicans openly talking about this being the last free & fair election NOT like Hitler taking over Germany in the 30s?

How was Jan 6 NOT an insurrection?

How is EVERYTHING the Rs are doing to take over and destroy our democracy NOT a very clear parallel to the Nazis?

And what is the comparison to calling blacks a blatant racial slur?


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1 hour ago, BIGUN said:

Kinda bothersome isn't it.

No, just confusing.  For calling them what?  Hitler?  That doesn't make a lot of sense.  Have black people been compared to Hitler?  I mean, they may well have been, but I haven't heard anything like that.

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1 hour ago, billvon said:

No, just confusing.  For calling them what?  Hitler?  That doesn't make a lot of sense.  Have black people been compared to Hitler?  I mean, they may well have been, but I haven't heard anything like that.

I can’t keep up. I’m just not smart enough I guess.

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