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  1. Time Left: 6 days and 17 hours

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    "It is an amazing video! Loved it and learned a ton from it." -Kelly Bee Fox - Despite significant advances in parachute design, landing accidents are on the rise. A perfectly functioning canopy over your head is clearly not enough to prevent twisted ankles, broken bones, and even loss of life. When it comes to safety, knowledge is power. In this fascinating and informative two hour video, Brian Germain guides you on an all-encompassing survey of the topic of landing safety. Originally created for instructors, this in depth seminar is now available to anyone who wants to learn more about what can go wrong on landing, and what we can do about it. This is a must see for all skydivers. Duration: ~2 hours Format: Streaming and/or download Purchase video here:!/~/product/category=7094902&id=34735088


  2. Time Left: 6 days and 16 hours

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    Brian Germain goes into tremendous depth in describing the how and why of USPA's required maneuvers for the B License. Make no mistake, this video is not just for folks looking to achieve their B License, it is for everyone who desires to fly their parachute better. Without a doubt one of the best videos we have ever created. Includes: Essential Flight Maneuvers: runtime 1 hour 23 minutes Crosswind Approaches SkydiVR Simulations: runtime 30 minutes Format: Download and/or Stream Purchase Video Here:


  3. until
    This particular canopy course will be modified with Saturday as a General Course open to all levels and Sunday as a Coaches and Instructors Course. The weather is looking questionable for jumping but the course will be held rain or shine. Make sure to bring your rig for Hanging Harness Training, VR Training, Ground Training, Packing and More. This live in person parachute flight safety course with Brian Germain, is one of the very best ways to gain both confidence and skill under canopy. This in person canopy flight skills and safety course allows for the added benefit of filmed and debriefed landings, specific questions and a customized approach. Topics vary depending on the group but may include, parachute aerodynamics, canopy control, dynamic maneuvers, flight safety, collision avoidance, flying in turbulence, navigation, patterns and accuracy, landings, advanced approaches, adrenaline management and other relevant topics. The focus of the camp is canopy skills, but it goes deeper than other courses because individual hanging harness training is performed to dial in your techniques, and discover if your harness requires adjustments. Brian does formation flights with as many participants as time allows, using an amazing two way communication system which also records the conversation to a camera used for filming the flight together. To find examples of these flights, offering an incredible opportunity to learn your individual parachute, Google or search YouTube for "Talking Skydives" videos. Brian gives everyone skill drills for each jump, films the landings and debriefs performance. Then he gives drills for the next jump that will help dial in the areas that need focus. Course participants typically do three jumps per day, weather permitting, usually from 7000 feet. The course is open to all levels, and Brian will field any question on any topic, so you can individualize the course. Brian adapts the course based on the need and experience of the group. The range of experience typically spans 25 jumps up to several thousand. This course meets the USPA B license requirement and is one of the best investments you can make to become a safer and more skilled canopy pilot. Reserve your spot and place your deposit here.
  4. until
    This live in person parachute flight safety course with Brian Germain, is one of the very best ways to gain both confidence and skill under canopy. This in person canopy flight skills and safety course allows for the added benefit of filmed and debriefed landings, specific questions and a customized approach. Topics vary depending on the group but may include, parachute aerodynamics, canopy control, dynamic maneuvers, flight safety, collision avoidance, flying in turbulence, navigation, patterns and accuracy, landings, advanced approaches, adrenaline management and other relevant topics. The focus of the camp is canopy skills, but it goes deeper than other courses because individual hanging harness training is performed to dial in your techniques, and discover if your harness requires adjustments. Brian does formation flights with as many participants as time allows, using an amazing two way communication system which also records the conversation to a camera used for filming the flight together. To find examples of these flights, offering an incredible opportunity to learn your individual parachute, Google or search YouTube for "Talking Skydives" videos. Brian gives everyone skill drills for each jump, films the landings and debriefs performance. Then he gives drills for the next jump that will help dial in the areas that need focus. Course participants typically do three jumps per day, weather permitting, usually from 7000 feet. The course is open to all levels, and Brian will field any question on any topic, so you can individualize the course. Brian adapts the course based on the need and experience of the group. The range of experience typically spans 25 jumps up to several thousand. This course meets the USPA B license requirement and is one of the best investments you can make to become a safer and more skilled canopy pilot. Reserve your spot and place your deposit here.
  5. until
    This live in person parachute flight safety course with Brian Germain, is one of the very best ways to gain both confidence and skill under canopy. This in person canopy flight skills and safety course allows for the added benefit of filmed and debriefed landings, specific questions and a customized approach. Topics vary depending on the group but may include, parachute aerodynamics, canopy control, dynamic maneuvers, flight safety, collision avoidance, flying in turbulence, navigation, patterns and accuracy, landings, advanced approaches, adrenaline management and other relevant topics. The focus of the camp is canopy skills, but it goes deeper than other courses because individual hanging harness training is performed to dial in your techniques, and discover if your harness requires adjustments. Brian does formation flights with as many participants as time allows, using an amazing two way communication system which also records the conversation to a camera used for filming the flight together. To find examples of these flights, offering an incredible opportunity to learn your individual parachute, Google or search YouTube for "Talking Skydives" videos. Brian gives everyone skill drills for each jump, films the landings and debriefs performance. Then he gives drills for the next jump that will help dial in the areas that need focus. Course participants typically do three jumps per day, weather permitting, usually from 7000 feet. The course is open to all levels, and Brian will field any question on any topic, so you can individualize the course. Brian adapts the course based on the need and experience of the group. The range of experience typically spans 25 jumps up to several thousand. This course meets the USPA B license requirement and is one of the best investments you can make to become a safer and more skilled canopy pilot. Reserve your spot and place your deposit here.
  6. until
    This live in person parachute flight safety course with Brian Germain, is one of the very best ways to gain both confidence and skill under canopy. This in person canopy flight skills and safety course allows for the added benefit of filmed and debriefed landings, specific questions and a customized approach. Topics vary depending on the group but may include, parachute aerodynamics, canopy control, dynamic maneuvers, flight safety, collision avoidance, flying in turbulence, navigation, patterns and accuracy, landings, advanced approaches, adrenaline management and other relevant topics. The focus of the camp is canopy skills, but it goes deeper than other courses because individual hanging harness training is performed to dial in your techniques, and discover if your harness requires adjustments. Brian does formation flights with as many participants as time allows, using an amazing two way communication system which also records the conversation to a camera used for filming the flight together. To find examples of these flights, offering an incredible opportunity to learn your individual parachute, Google or search YouTube for "Talking Skydives" videos. Brian gives everyone skill drills for each jump, films the landings and debriefs performance. Then he gives drills for the next jump that will help dial in the areas that need focus. Course participants typically do three jumps per day, weather permitting, usually from 7000 feet. The course is open to all levels, and Brian will field any question on any topic, so you can individualize the course. Brian adapts the course based on the need and experience of the group. The range of experience typically spans 25 jumps up to several thousand. This course meets the USPA B license requirement and is one of the best investments you can make to become a safer and more skilled canopy pilot. Reserve your spot and place your deposit here.
  7. until
    This live in person parachute flight safety course with Brian Germain, is one of the very best ways to gain both confidence and skill under canopy. This in person canopy flight skills and safety course allows for the added benefit of filmed and debriefed landings, specific questions and a customized approach. Topics vary depending on the group but may include, parachute aerodynamics, canopy control, dynamic maneuvers, flight safety, collision avoidance, flying in turbulence, navigation, patterns and accuracy, landings, advanced approaches, adrenaline management and other relevant topics. The focus of the camp is canopy skills, but it goes deeper than other courses because individual hanging harness training is performed to dial in your techniques, and discover if your harness requires adjustments. Brian does formation flights with as many participants as time allows, using an amazing two way communication system which also records the conversation to a camera used for filming the flight together. To find examples of these flights, offering an incredible opportunity to learn your individual parachute, Google or search YouTube for "Talking Skydives" videos. Brian gives everyone skill drills for each jump, films the landings and debriefs performance. Then he gives drills for the next jump that will help dial in the areas that need focus. Course participants typically do three jumps per day, weather permitting, usually from 7000 feet. The course is open to all levels, and Brian will field any question on any topic, so you can individualize the course. Brian adapts the course based on the need and experience of the group. The range of experience typically spans 25 jumps up to several thousand. This course meets the USPA B license requirement and is one of the best investments you can make to become a safer and more skilled canopy pilot. Reserve your spot and place your deposit here.
  8. Bug Description: Not able to post new classified ads. URL that it occurred: Classifieds, Submit an advert Time of occurrence: Today 1/17/19 8:14 EST Action being performed (where relevant): When you try to post a new classified ad you can't because the image file will not upload. I tried browsing, drag and drop etc but the file won't show up/up load. An image is required to submit an advert and since the new website won't accept an image no new adverts can be posted. Thanks for your help and the new site is looking great.
  9. OH WOW! That is exactly the same place I got my info from but I just realized that my numbers were for WHITE males and not all races. Good catch! Funny thing is if you select African American male, DC has the lowest life expectancy at 71. So if you are white and privlaged DC is the way to go but everyone else is hosed. Hawaii would be sweet if only you could bring all of your extended family and friends. Yikes about the CO thing. Wonder what the deal is with that! CANOPY COURSE Video Training with Brian Germain at
  10. I had a similar thought that all the greats of my youth are now getting towards the end of their lives. With the heavy drugs often associated with touring and stardom they are lucky if they make it close to the average life span of a US male which is currently around 76. Just fyi, life expectancy is greatly impacted by the US state in which you live. DC the highest at 82, WV the lowest at 72. CANOPY COURSE Video Training with Brian Germain at
  11. That's a really great point in regards to the distraction of a team member having to manage the device. Since it's a device using GPS and not taking into consideration other canopy traffic it could pose a collision/entanglement issue. It would not even be able to see the other traffic. It's a huge under taking but still a very interesting project. It will definitely be neat to see where it goes. CANOPY COURSE Video Training with Brian Germain at
  12. Bluefox

    Close call...

    This one might be fake but back in 2001 when I was a newbie I had a real close call. I had just deployed after a two way and I looked up and over to the other skydiver who was about 200 feet away from me (bad tracking back then) and then a single engine private plane literally flew in between us. It was 100 feet from me. I was a bit freaked out at the time but now a pilots license and 1000+ jumps later it down right pisses me off. Any pilot that can't be bothered to look at a sectional and either tune in or steer clear does not deserve a license. Wish I had know to get the tail numbers...OK that's my vent. Now back to the regularly scheduled programming. CANOPY COURSE Video Training with Brian Germain at
  13. It's an interesting idea though it would take a lot of work to make a robot that can effectively manage abrupt and extreme changes in air speed, loss of target or all the other craziness that could happen. A funnel out the door and the thing would be useless. Its like the whole unmanned car thing, it's fine under normal operating conditions but when a baby falls into the road will it know it's better to side swipe the car next to it rather than hit the child? The tech is definitely advancing but in my opinion it's not there yet and especially when it comes to split sec decision making. CANOPY COURSE Video Training with Brian Germain at
  14. the Yew! Here is one of my notes going out in a lunchbox tomorrow. CANOPY COURSE Video Training with Brian Germain at
  15. You are so right! It definitely means more to me knowing I'm sending my love then it does to the kids. Isn't that the nature of life? You pour your heart and life into your children and they rarely appreciate any of it until they have children of their own. Then they complain about the boring lunches you packed. I have found though that my youngest appreciates the notes more than my oldest and my SO is definitely more appreciative to small acts of love. But even so I still think it's worth the effort. CANOPY COURSE Video Training with Brian Germain at