
Has the presidency been forever changed?

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Regardless of what I think about Trump and his policies and general behavior, I do believe he's been under more continuous and detailed scrutiny than any president before him.

Every single thought, phrase, word and gesture is micro-analyzed and torn apart by media, politicians and armchair analysts like us - Not always fairly, I might add. The media in general has never been more popular and this style of reporting has grabbed the attention of America and the world.

Look 4 or 8 years down the road - maybe a democrat is in office or maybe it's a republican, but I suspect that Trump's presidency has set a precedent for how OK it is to bait a president from now on, or how continuous news about every single action can be made more negative than it perhaps really is just to get ratings.

Everybody, EVERYBODY, has skeletons in their closet. Everybody will make mistakes and not all of them need to be punished or put under the worlds biggest spotlight.
You couldn't pay me enough to be president at this point - it's going to be absolutely impossible to get anything done until both parties unite behind a president, and I don't see that happening any time soon.

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Good post.

I do have a question for you. And I mean it sincerely. If it is forever changed, talking about the presidency, is it For Better or Worse? And who needs to take credit/ blame?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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When an adult holds political office, he knows that he needs to carefully consider before making public statements, and he knows better than to make a knee-jerk to every little criticism.

When a mental defective with the emotional maturity of a 5yo, (who can't control his twitter finger), holds the office, you get what you see now.

As soon as an adult holds the office again, it will be back to normal.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Good post.

I do have a question for you. And I mean it sincerely. If it is forever changed, talking about the presidency, is it For Better or Worse? And who needs to take credit/ blame?

I think it's for the worse.

In a climate where every single thing gets analysed to the umpteenth degree I think it's likely to create a situation where its's difficult to do anything. It'll create paralysis, or at the very least an incredibly risk-averse culture.

As for fault? There's plenty to go around.

Trump takes the blame for being Trump. I still believe he's temperamentally unsuited for the presidency.

We as the public take the blame for wanting our news in exciting soundbites, which leads to lazy journalism.

The democrats take the blame for Trump being elected by putting forward a god-awful candidate and the republicans for making a deal with the devil.

Blame's a tough one.

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As soon as an adult holds the office again, it will be back to normal.

I hope so.

I hope it's not pandora's box.

The problem we have here is the only time the left considers an adult to be in the presidency it has to be a Democrat. And that has been proven for a whole bunch of years.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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As soon as an adult holds the office again, it will be back to normal.

I hope so.

I hope it's not pandora's box.

The problem we have here is the only time the left considers an adult to be in the presidency it has to be a Democrat. And that has been proven for a whole bunch of years.

Not true, if Kasich or Rubio had gotten the R nomination, I would have voted for them over Clinton.. I would have also been fine with Romney if he had been elected.

The world is not so black and white as you make it out Rush
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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Sigh.... Your country got over the Civil War and then the assassination that followed. What makes you think a flirtation with a crackpot like Trump is going to do permanent damage? He is only a product of the times. And besides, Tillerson and Mattis have announced they will be minding the store till an adult replaces him.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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Regardless of what I think about Trump and his policies and general behavior, I do believe he's been under more continuous and detailed scrutiny than any president before him.

Every single thought, phrase, word and gesture is micro-analyzed and torn apart by media, politicians and armchair analysts like us - Not always fairly, I might add.

Obama ordered a burger with mustard and a supposedly serious news show host dedicated an entire segment to slamming him over it.

Trump more scrutinized? Sorry, don't see it.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Regardless of what I think about Trump and his policies and general behavior, I do believe he's been under more continuous and detailed scrutiny than any president before him.

Every single thought, phrase, word and gesture is micro-analyzed and torn apart by media, politicians and armchair analysts like us - Not always fairly, I might add.

Obama ordered a burger with mustard and a supposedly serious news show host dedicated an entire segment to slamming him over it.

Trump more scrutinized? Sorry, don't see it.

Was that scrutinization televised on primetime TV throughout the entire world on a daily basis?

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Regardless of what I think about Trump and his policies and general behavior, I do believe he's been under more continuous and detailed scrutiny than any president before him.

Every single thought, phrase, word and gesture is micro-analyzed and torn apart by media, politicians and armchair analysts like us - Not always fairly, I might add.

Obama ordered a burger with mustard and a supposedly serious news show host dedicated an entire segment to slamming him over it.

Trump more scrutinized? Sorry, don't see it.

Was that scrutinization televised on primetime TV throughout the entire world on a daily basis?

Obama wasn't a train wreck with tweets, lies and talk of policy changes in every aspect of foreign policy.

Put McCain,Graham, McConnell or a dozen similar republicans in trumps shoes and the discussions would be back to budgets, burgers.

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Was that scrutinization televised on primetime TV throughout the entire world on a daily basis?

Daily on prime time in the US? Absolutely. Daily on prime time globally? Nowhere near as often, because he simply didn't do as much stupid shit on a daily basis.

If anything, Trump is far less scrutinised than Obama when it comes to minor personal issues, appearances, or pismronunciations. Because Trump has been under such a cloud of real, serious allegations and political errors since taking office that no one even has time to cover the small stuff that Obama was always slammed over.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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As soon as an adult holds the office again, it will be back to normal.

I hope so.

I hope it's not pandora's box.

The problem we have here is the only time the left considers an adult to be in the presidency it has to be a Democrat. And that has been proven for a whole bunch of years.

Not true, if Kasich or Rubio had gotten the R nomination, I would have voted for them over Clinton.. I would have also been fine with Romney if he had been elected.

The world is not so black and white as you make it out Rush

and there are some level headed people out there like you.

That said, any one of them would be receiving the same treatment, just different topics.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Was that scrutinization televised on primetime TV throughout the entire world on a daily basis?

Until Trump, no US president in history has said/done dumb shit on a daily basis. Has he ever sent an intelligible tweet? WTF is the POTUS even doing tweeting with the voracity of a 12yr old girl chatting with her mates?

However, this isn't wholly new in regards to media; we got endless bitching about Obama in the prior 8 years.
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I agree. I voted for a R other than Trump in the primary since we have closed primaries in Ohio. I would gladly have voted for just about any other Republican than Trump or Cruz. I really liked a lot of the more moderate topics that both (Rubio and Kasich) of them were wanting to focus on. This last election was really about voting more for who you did not want to get into the White House instead of who you did.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Hi Eric,


This last election was really about voting more for who you did not want to get into the White House instead of who you did.

That is how & why I voted for Ms. Clinton.

For those that voted for Trump for whatever reason, I have no sympathy if his actions effect you negatively; you deserve it.

As I have mentioned before, I first voted for Pres in Nov of '64. My choices were Goldwater or Johnson; I wanted neither of them. I 'proverbially' held my nose & voted for Johnson. I consider him the worst person ever to be Pres in my lifetime, until Trump won.

You reap what you sow; far too many people fail to grasp that.

Jerry Baumchen

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For the first time in history we have a POTUS that has zero experience in government. That wouldn't be a problem, normally, however he doesn't want to learn how the simplest of legislation works. And he is a complete and utter moron. So I guess there is that.

If Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama did any of these things, Republican's heads would be exploding.

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>Has the presidency been forever changed?

To answer that question - yes, but the biggest changes haven't come from Trump.

Nixon created a new dynamic between the press and the president. With his open declarations of war on the press he set up a confrontation that up until that point had been fairly quiet. And when the press discovered his attempts at deception, they justified all the distrust the press (and the public) had had in Nixon. The press emerged as the victors, and that both emboldened them and changed the respect the press had for the president up until that point.

In other words, up until then the press usually gave the president the benefit of the doubt; they generally assumed he wasn't a criminal. That changed after Nixon.

The Kenneth Starr investigations were the next big change. When Starr started investigating a Clinton real estate deal, and wound up with the blue dress, the dynamic was changed once again. Whereas previously the president was considered immune to most criminal and civil investigations, the Starr investigation demonstrated that nothing was closed off to investigators.

We are seeing the effects of both of those in Trump's case. Trump is demanding that the press is evil for reporting on him - but in the aftermath of Nixon, his desires are just going to spur the press on to deeper investigations. There isn't a political reporter in the country who doesn't want to be remembered in the same light as Woodward and Bernstein.

And now he is trying to stop the investigation into his own dealings - but after Starr, the investigation will be deep, broad and thorough. And the most damaging material they will find, I suspect, won't have anything to do with the Russian collusion investigation, but with Trump's attempted obstruction of justice and "funny" financial deals with supporters and foreign countries. Mueller will find Trump's blue dress, in other words.

So while Trump is going to change the presidency, I think the changes will be minor compared to what preceded him.

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