
US election: you want an alternative?

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I just read a paean to Lawrence Kotlikoff in one of the financial columns of the Houston Chronicle (Scott Burns). Ya want an alternative who actually thinks, and who won't make you automatically puke? Here he is. I haven't gone into his website in detail, but frankly, I'm willing to seriously consider any grownup. And he looks like an intelligent and thoughtful one.

Not an endorsement, but he sure seems better than the current crop. I need to look at the libertarian, too. But he seems to be a little more of an ideologue.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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thank you - will check this guy out.

funny thing about idealogues. If I have to pick from ideal/philosophical purists, it helps to read their platforms and not just how people 'think' they are

certainly the strawmen of how a liberal views a conservative and vice versa is not how we should look at people

or how dems and reps try to describe a libertarian

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Seems like an interesting guy, but one of the comments has a good question - how could ANY outsider hope to govern effectively with the Senate and House being completely political animals driven by party politics?

Seems unlikely any but the most mild and palatable changes would ever get made, doesn't it?

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Whatever 3rd party candidate enters the race at this point will only be stealing votes from whichever side of the aisle he's slightly more aligned with. If he's slightly right of center he'll be stealing Republican votes. If he's slightly left, he'll be stealing Democratic votes.

Ultimately, it benefits the opposite side.

Do I want an alternative; hell yes and on both sides. Is there one who has a chance of being elected? I don't think so.

The primary process is messed up, but we're all part of that. Until it gets fixed, we're stuck with deciding which Republican or Democratic candidate is going to do the least amount of harm.

This constant hoping it will be fixed by a 3rd party candidate who runs this late is . . . silly.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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***Why look for an alternative?

I think the greatest country ever, with the best constitution and the best form of government will get exactly the president it deserves.

That's cold.

He's right, sort of. You guys are going to end up with President Clinton, and she is actually going to be a far better President than you deserve.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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He's right, sort of. You guys are going to end up with President Clinton, and she is actually going to be a far better President than you deserve.

I wouldn't be too sure of that just yet. I know it's far away at the moment, but Trump is rising as Hillary is falling. People have been dismissing him from the start.
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

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I know. I've considered that too. But for one thing, Clinton has been under attack all her long career. The haters will hate, but it's hard to see her falling further. Trump on the other hand is just beginning to taste the kind of scrutiny a Presidential candidate faces. I'm betting there are bomb shells being held back till after the nomination, waiting to explode over his head.

That and I have more faith in the American people to accept that Despicable Donald could be elected.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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> I'm betting there are bomb shells being held back till after the nomination, waiting to
>explode over his head.

And they will all cause his popularity to increase - as all his previous bombshells have.

I mean, he said "putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing" and "You have to treat ’em like shit." What worse stuff can he say about women?

He said "I have black guys counting my money . . .I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.. . . Laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that.” Is he going to say something more racist than that?

He said "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best.. . .They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists." How is he going to get more xenophobic than that?

He's filed 1900 lawsuits against people and organizations, some of whom have done nothing more than tell jokes about him. How can that get worse?

He's gone bankrupt four times - and bragged about how he then used the bankruptcy courts to his advantage. How are you going to make a worse criticism of his business skills (or ethics) than that?

He's already set off all those bombs and they just make him more popular. There's a good chance he will win in November. And as hard as that will be on the country, it may be a lesson that we just have to learn the hard way.

Nobody hopes that the 100-jump wonder toggle hooking under the Velo 96 will get seriously hurt. But sometimes we hope that he _only_ breaks his femur - because he will learn from that a lesson he may not be able to learn any other way.

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He's filed 1900 lawsuits against people and organizations, some of whom have done nothing more than tell jokes about him. How can that get worse?

The suit against Bill Maher was really over-the-top: http://www.lawlawlandblog.com/2013/04/bill-maher-prevails-over-donald-trump-lawsuit-by-sitting-and-waiting-for-the-donald-to-figure-out-to-drop-it-himself.html

It's amazing how he dishes out the insults by the shovel-full, but gets his panties in a huge wad if anyone returns fire.:S
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Bernie cannot run as a third party, independent, or write-in. He threw his name in the hat with the Democratic Party and did not file the appropriate paperwork before the deadlines to run as anything but a Dem. Sure, you can write his name down on election day but it will truly be a throw away vote.


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...aannnd that's one of the most depressing posts I've ever read on this site.

Because it's dead on. :|

BillVon for president. Gets my vote.

Giant Meteor gets mine - Deliver me into thine hands, oh lord!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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>Trump appeals to many Americans because he voices their darkest nastiest prejudices
>and has made the unspeakable acceptable.

As a cartoonist recently noted:

"There's no way Trump can win!"

"Definitely! Why, huge swaths of the country would have to be racist misogynistic assholes for him to have any chance at all."

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Trump appeals to many Americans because he voices their darkest nastiest prejudices and has made the unspeakable acceptable.

It is easy to mistake revulsion with 'political correctness' for approval of him.

His lack of redeeming qualities is a given. He is, however, about 2% less repellent than his likely opponent.

Choosing between a Mussolini wannabe and Gilbert Gottfried in drag is tough.

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We could send you Stephen Harper. We're done with him.

Sheesh Ken... in the USA, Mr. Harper would be considered somewhat to the left of Mohandas Gandhi.


(Besides, we're not allowed to express our foreign opinions!)


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***We could send you Stephen Harper. We're done with him.

Sheesh Ken... in the USA, Mr. Harper would be considered somewhat to the left of Mohandas Gandhi.


(Besides, we're not allowed to express our foreign opinions!)


Foreign? Canada's a different country?

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