
Agricultural science and LGBTQ explosion

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I recently signed up to be a Shaklee distributor. I like food supplements and veterans do not have to pay the membership fee. A main problem with our produce is the lack of minerals in the soil. This lack affects organic grown foods as well. Shaklee and other mineral supplements help to combat this deficiency.

Doing some Googling because of the bathroom crisis in our public schools created by BHO, I came across some interesting sites. It could be that we are experiencing an explosion of LBGTQ folks as an unintended consequence of GMO foods and the lack of healthy minerals.

Maybe it just can't be avoided because agricultural science is guiding us into the New World Order. Soon we may appear as the creatures in the bar scene of the original Star Wars.

Ya know, I just don't believe God is going to allow that to happen.



Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Nice one Ron. But I'm not biting. I did check with God though. She says you are right. She will not allow any of this to happen!
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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Wake and bake this am Ron?

But if god won't allow this to happen, why does he now? Why does he create all the LGBT humans in the first place?
Why does he let children be raped, murdered, and starve to death yet worry about men's peckers?
Your god is fucking whacko, and it appears to be contagious.

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This made me think of a dim-witted older woman in the US explaining to me that there are now more gays today; they didn’t have so many back in “her day”.

I replied that it is not that there are more gay people, just that they don’t have to hide as they did in prior decades. The rough numbers point to approximately/roughly 5% of the population.

Unplug your internet, leave your "prepper" shelter, go to the airport and get on a plane and go experience society for real.
"Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

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*** the bathroom crisis in our public schools created by BHO

BHO is trying to solve the bathroom "crisis" created by people such as yourself.

Just yesterday I realized how much trouble I could have been in had I been in North Carolina. A 5 year old boy in my care HAD to use the loo, and the only one open at the gas station was the ladies' room.

As it was, we were able to avoid arrest.

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This made me think of a dim-witted older woman in the US explaining to me that there are now more gays today; they didn’t have so many back in “her day”.

I replied that it is not that there are more gay people, just that they don’t have to hide as they did in prior decades. The rough numbers point to approximately/roughly 5% of the population.

Unplug your internet, leave your "prepper" shelter, go to the airport and get on a plane and go experience society for real.

I had to live in that society for about 20 years and spent the last 12 of those trying to escape. In 2012 I finally saw a viable path to freedom and began taking the appropriate steps to make it happen. It took 1.5 years to finally break free and I have lived in peace for the last 3 years.

The end of this month I will have to venture into the cesspool of liberalism again but only for a short stay. My wife has family business to attend to.

I am trying to be helpful here and provide some reason for this outbreak of perverted psychological maladjustment our country is immersed in.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Doing some Googling because of the bathroom crisis in our public schools created by BHO, I came across some interesting sites. It could be that we are experiencing an explosion of LBGTQ folks as an unintended consequence of GMO foods and the lack of healthy minerals.

There's no explosion of LGBT folks. There's only an explosion of publicly visible LGBT folks. The reason for the change has been because of better societal acceptance, not fertilizers and chemtrails.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I am trying to be helpful here and provide some reason for this outbreak of perverted psychological maladjustment our country is immersed in.

No you're not. You're trying to act like a dick and poke people with your offensive stick just so you can feel all smug and superior when people give you a reaction.

Which, to be fair, is exactly why you say you post here.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I'm just trying to imagine what a "LGBTQ explosion" would even look like. I suspect it would be FABULOUS!! There might even be rainbows.

I don't know what Ron looks like. But in my mind's eye he would be awfully cute in a strapless gown. Eat up more chemicals Ron!
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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Some people seem convinced that everything bad or that they disagree with, is Obama's fault.
That guy has more power than any other human it would seem.

Yeah the rest of the world used to blame the "Jews" for everything.
Only the US has the Obama blame game on.

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I think Ron will have great success selling those supplements. I think he believes that nonsense. So he'll be able to give sales presentations with a truthful facial appearance.

Ron is a real person and not a troll. Ron is a real person and not a troll. Ron is...

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Not enough minerals in the soil means that A: you started with poor soil to begin with, B: you are trying to grow the wrong crops or C: you have grown too many crops.

Poor soil and malnutrition have little to do with homosexuality.

Like another poster said: gays have always been about 5 percent of the population. The only difference is that now they don't have to hide, because 2,000 years after the prophet Jesus Christ died, people are finally grasping his messages about "loving thy neighbor" and "forgiving sins" etc.
Thankfully "gay bashing" has fallen out of fashion, because it was never more than a cowardly excuse to beat on weaker members of society.

If you truly followed Jesus' teachings, you would not worry about your neighbors' sexual preferences.

Or was it the Prophet Moses who said: "Don't covet your neighbors' ass"?


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You do know that from a historical perspective, the human race, and Americans in particular are better fed that they ever have been, right?

If a lack of proper nutrition was a factor in being gay, the middle ages would have been gayer than the Castro on a Saturday night.

The Mayans wouldn't have died out, they would have just been "Mahhhhvellous".

And I'm not even going to start on the Irish Potato Famine.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

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You know what's gay? Food supplements, that's what. All the gay guys I know take them a lot. They are some of the most health conscious people I know.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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If a lack of proper nutrition was a factor in being gay, the middle ages would have been gayer than the Castro on a Saturday night.

The Mayans wouldn't have died out, they would have just been "Mahhhhvellous".

And I'm not even going to start on the Irish Potato Famine.

Never try to eat more than you can lift

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