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Another scumbag politician.

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Hi folks,

I consider Trump as the 'scumbag politician' that all others are/will be measured against.

Previously, I have posted on here [ and some have taken exception ] that I hope to live long enough to piss on Trump's grave. 

That leads to me this question:  Do you think Trump will have a grave?

There is no req'ment that any former POTUS have a grave.


Jerry Baumchen

PS)  I have some doubts that he will have a grave.  I'm thinking it would continually be despoiled by people, like me, who truly despise him.


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1 minute ago, JerryBaumchen said:

PS)  I have some doubts that he will have a grave.  I'm thinking it would continually be despoiled by people, like me, who truly despise him.


To me the most telling thing about Trump is the way he has been completely excluded from the small club of other men who have held the office of POTUS. 

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2 minutes ago, gowlerk said:

To me the most telling thing about Trump is the way he has been completely excluded from the small club of other men who have held the office of POTUS. 

It also looks like his entire family has abandoned him since the insurrection.

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6 minutes ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi folks,

I consider Trump as the 'scumbag politician' that all others are/will be measured against.

Previously, I have posted on here [ and some have taken exception ] that I hope to live long enough to piss on Trump's grave. 

That leads to me this question:  Do you think Trump will have a grave?

There is no req'ment that any former POTUS have a grave.


On the golf course at Bedminster, next to Ivana?

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4 minutes ago, normiss said:

It also looks like his entire family has abandoned him since the insurrection.

Hi Mark,

As have some others:  The arguments by Still and Shafer underscore the tensions and cracks likely to emerge among the 19 defendants. 

Co-defendant in Georgia says false electors met at Trump’s ‘direction’ - POLITICO

As I say; survival is a VERY strong instinct.

Jerry Baumchen

PS)  If this keeps up, they are going to have to hand out numbers to keep all of the defectors aligned.

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For a change, we have a Dem:

Sen. Menendez(D, NJ) indicted for bribery/corruption.

Menendez is charged with three alleged crimes, including being on the receiving end of a bribery conspiracy. The conspiracy counts also charge his wife Nadine, and three people described as New Jersey associates and businessmen, Wael Hana, Jose Uribe and Fred Daibes.

Menendez and the other defendants will appear in court at 10:30 a.m. ET on Wednesday.

The group is accused of coordinating to use Menendez’s power as a US senator to benefit them personally and to benefit Egypt.

In the indictment, prosecutors accuse Menendez of trying to sway the president’s choice of the top federal prosecutor in New Jersey to benefit one of the business associates and to pressure the Department of Agriculture to protect a business monopoly another contact had from Egypt.

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19 minutes ago, kallend said:

For a change, we have a Dem:

Sen. Menendez(D, NJ) indicted for bribery/corruption.

Menendez is charged with three alleged crimes, including being on the receiving end of a bribery conspiracy. The conspiracy counts also charge his wife Nadine, and three people described as New Jersey associates and businessmen, Wael Hana, Jose Uribe and Fred Daibes.

Menendez and the other defendants will appear in court at 10:30 a.m. ET on Wednesday.

The group is accused of coordinating to use Menendez’s power as a US senator to benefit them personally and to benefit Egypt.

In the indictment, prosecutors accuse Menendez of trying to sway the president’s choice of the top federal prosecutor in New Jersey to benefit one of the business associates and to pressure the Department of Agriculture to protect a business monopoly another contact had from Egypt.

Hi John

And, not the first time he has been indicted.  

If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, . . . 

Jerry Baumchen

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5 minutes ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi John

And, not the first time he has been indicted.  

If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, . . . 

Jerry Baumchen

If it walks and talks like that kind of suck, then for Pete’s sake don’t elect it!

Wendy P. 

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44 minutes ago, wmw999 said:

If it walks and talks like that kind of suck, then for Pete’s sake don’t elect it!

Wendy P. 

And especially don't re-elect it.

Looks like a big chunk of the bribery cash was in honest to god gold bars. That is a total baller move and will 100% make him the coolest guy in his wing of the jail, but was there much of a plan there? Surely it's a lot harder to launder gold that you're not supposed to have than cash you're not supposed to have. What are you supposed to do, smuggle it back to Switzerland? 

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1 hour ago, kallend said:

For a change, we have a Dem:

Sen. Menendez(D, NJ) indicted for bribery/corruption.

Menendez is charged with three alleged crimes, including being on the receiving end of a bribery conspiracy. The conspiracy counts also charge his wife Nadine, and three people described as New Jersey associates and businessmen, Wael Hana, Jose Uribe and Fred Daibes.

Menendez and the other defendants will appear in court at 10:30 a.m. ET on Wednesday.

The group is accused of coordinating to use Menendez’s power as a US senator to benefit them personally and to benefit Egypt.

In the indictment, prosecutors accuse Menendez of trying to sway the president’s choice of the top federal prosecutor in New Jersey to benefit one of the business associates and to pressure the Department of Agriculture to protect a business monopoly another contact had from Egypt.

And his invitation to join the GOP is coming in 3...2...1...

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7 minutes ago, ryoder said:

And his invitation to join the GOP is coming in 3...2...1...

Reminds me of David Duke, the KKK Grand Wizard.  He ran for public office as a democrat, and lost time and time again.  In one election he got exactly .04% of the vote.

Then he switched to republican - and won the next election he ran for.  He had what they wanted.

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8 hours ago, ryoder said:

And his invitation to join the GOP is coming in 3...2...1...

FOX of course is still peddling the two tier justice system. Their viewers don't seem to notice that he's a democrat. Or that it was the FBI that got the investigation going.

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From Heather Cox Richardson:


“So a Democratic Senator is indicted on serious charges, and no Democrats attacking the Justice Department, no Democrats attacking the prosecutors, no Democrats calling for an investigation of the prosecution, and no Democrats calling to defund the Justice Department,” wrote former Republican representative from Illinois and now anti-Trump activist Joe Walsh.
“Weird, huh?”


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From a New Jersey perspective, the indictment is nothing new.

I also don't understand why anyone has a problem with legal actions against Trump.  He's the worst thing to happen to the Republican party in living memory - he makes Tricky Dick Nixon look like a picture of dignity, integrity and competence by comparison.

Perhaps the dumb sonofabitch has floated to the top one time too many, and people avoid being on his shit list as a matter of long term survival.

My hope is that he can be removed from the public eye without becoming a martyr.  Since the man is entirely without honor or shame, getting rid of him will take some doing.  Maybe he could choke on a chicken bone and have enough brain damage that he would be a drooling, incontinent invalid thereafter.

Once he's out of the limelight, I have little hope that we will have anyone worthwhile from either side of the aisle come to the fore.

Policies such as forbidding childbirth without financial responsibility (birth control, sterilisation or mandatory abortion would be useful tools), immigration contingent upon acceptance of a fair proportion of the national debt (like $330,000 apiece now) and a zero -based budget would be a start.

Other than that it's simply business as usual, and it's only a question of quite how we're doomed.

The problem is that Trump, like Climate Change (tm), is but a symptom of much bigger problems.




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1 hour ago, winsor said:

I also don't understand why anyone has a problem with legal actions against Trump.  He's the worst thing to happen to the Republican party in living memory - he makes Tricky Dick Nixon look like a picture of dignity, integrity and competence by comparison.

I’m wondering. Is he worse for the Republican Party or the country. And which is the more important sin? Because if, bad as he is, you still won’t vote for someone who might unseat him, that’s a lovely and meaningless speech.

Unfortunately (and I really mean this), this election is likely to be another where it’s more important to vote against the worst than it is to vote safe. Unless Trump is only the worst Republican, and your opinion is that there isn’t a democrat who is capable of being better

Note — Biden is too old. But even too old, with Kamala Harris (who will attract antagonism from everyone who’s ever even heard of Fox News and be practically hogtied by the negative attitude) as his backup, personally I think he’s better than Trump. In large part because with all his imperfections, he respects the nature of our country, and the political processes that make it one of the best in the world. Destroying those processes for personal gain and power (as Trump tried to do) is probably worse in the long run than shooting that guy on Main Street that he bragged he could do  

Wendy P. 

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48 minutes ago, wmw999 said:

I’m wondering. Is he worse for the Republican Party or the country. And which is the more important sin? Because if, bad as he is, you still won’t vote for someone who might unseat him, that’s a lovely and meaningless speech.

Unfortunately (and I really mean this), this election is likely to be another where it’s more important to vote against the worst than it is to vote safe. Unless Trump is only the worst Republican, and your opinion is that there isn’t a democrat who is capable of being better

Note — Biden is too old. But even too old, with Kamala Harris (who will attract antagonism from everyone who’s ever even heard of Fox News and be practically hogtied by the negative attitude) as his backup, personally I think he’s better than Trump. In large part because with all his imperfections, he respects the nature of our country, and the political processes that make it one of the best in the world. Destroying those processes for personal gain and power (as Trump tried to do) is probably worse in the long run than shooting that guy on Main Street that he bragged he could do  

Wendy P. 

Hi Wendy,

Great post - you could not be more correct.

Jerry Baumchen

PS)  Re:  where it’s more important to vote against the worst

Been that way most of my life.

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2 hours ago, JerryBaumchen said:

where it’s more important to vote against the worst

I’ve been lucky enough to remember a decent number of elections (mostly lower level) where I was voting for someone, rather than against someone else. And yes, in Texas, too

Wendy P. 

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1 hour ago, wmw999 said:

I’ve been lucky enough to remember a decent number of elections (mostly lower level) where I was voting for someone, rather than against someone else.

I find the more research I do before an election, the more often I vote for someone rather than against someone.

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1 hour ago, wmw999 said:

I’ve been lucky enough to remember a decent number of elections (mostly lower level) where I was voting for someone, rather than against someone else. And yes, in Texas, too

Wendy P. 

Hi Wendy,

If I look at the totality of my voting history, that would be correct.  For POTUS, not so much.  That is what I was referring to; I should have been more clear.

Jerry Baumchen

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