
Rioting over the zimmerman case should be an embarrasment to blacks

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Did you miss all the stories about certain groups of people saying they would resort to violence and riot if GZ was found not guilty?

So then the title should be, "Internet tough guy posts about riots should be an embarrassment to black people, and white people backtracking about racist comments should just be embarrassed all the time"

- Dan G

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Did you miss all the stories about certain groups of people saying they would resort to violence and riot if GZ was found not guilty?

So then the title should be, "Internet tough guy posts about riots should be an embarrassment to black people, and white people backtracking about racist comments should just be embarrassed all the time"

No, this should be titled: "Who Can Point Out Who Makes the Most Spelling, Syntax, and Grammar Errors."

:D Where is the popcorn icon? ;)
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Lets see...what would the odds be in vegas that black folks would riot after zimmerman got acquitted...

Always bet on black?

WTF? They didn't riot, dude. Your racist fantasy didn't pan out. Maybe next time.

While I wouldn't call events full scale riots, Oakland CA has already seen some looting, fires and assaults by TM supporters "protesting."

Except for the fact that Oakland protestors don't need a reason to riot/protest.
It's such a common occurrence, some businesses have put brick walls behind the street glass to prevent the looting.
It also doesn't help that Oakland PD is a mess. A federal judge had to appoint a special director to oversee reforms within Oakland PD to deal with racial profiling issues that haven't been resolved in almost a decade. They also had to contract with CHP to help with daily police work. And to top it off, no one seems to want the Chief of Oakland PD job.
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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Hi Canuck,


this world would be a much better off with less slime bag lawyers in it.

Disclaimer: My son is an attorney.

I have dealt with a good number of attorneys over the years. There is only one that would come close to this definition; and he worked for the other guy.


It's sort of like picking a girl friend/wife; get the one you want, not the one the other guy says is best for you.



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Unfortunately, far too many black Liberals are waiting to riot, hoping for the opportunity — like it’s a sale day at Macy’s. Obama did promise hope.

How does it feel to have wasted so much anticipation and philosophy on riots that never happened?

No worries, the conservative media will be around to whip up your stress level on another non-issue in a bit.
Owned by Remi #?

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Yea stopped reading right about here...


The Democrats insured this level

If the author of this piece does not know the difference between 'insure' and 'ensure' then I doubt they have written anything intelligent enough to warrent a thorough reading, much less an analysis of their opinion.

If the author of this piece does not know the difference between 'warrent' and 'warrant' then I doubt they have written anything intelligent enough to warrent a thorough reading, much less an analysis of their opinion.

There, fixed it for you. If you're gonna correct someone's spelling, maybe check your own...
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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Unfortunately, far too many black Liberals are waiting to riot, hoping for the opportunity — like it’s a sale day at Macy’s. Obama did promise hope.

How does it feel to have wasted so much anticipation and philosophy on riots that never happened?

No worries, the conservative media will be around to whip up your stress level on another non-issue in a bit.

It will likely be a long time before the conservative media matches the complete bullshit level attained in this fiasco by the liberal media.

Some of you will figure out how completely you have been bullshitted in a few days, some in a few months, and based on the comments here, some never will.

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Exactly which riots would you be writing about?

I dunno which ones he picked. The Oakland riot, the LA, riot, the NYC riot, the Baltimore riot, or the mass of idiocy that might be a riot in Florida.


Protesters marched through Los Angeles along Crenshaw Boulevard near Leimert Park on Monday night, the second night of protests following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in Florida. Aerial video caught some throwing rocks, attacking people and clashing with police.

Just before 10 p.m., the Los Angeles Police Department declared the protest an unlawful assembly and dispersed the gathering, an LAPD spokesman said. The area quickly cleared and officers detained several people.

A majority of protesters were gathered at Leimert Park (map), but a violent group has split off and walked up and down surrounding streets, rushing into businesses, attacking pedestrians and bicyclists and throwing objects at police.

Fires/arsons, random beatings, general demonstrations/protests, broken windows, looting, racial epithets and angry claims of justified retribution, yeah, that sounds like a riot to me.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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That rioting sure is rampant, just like voter fraud.;)

LA to NYC, Seattle to Florida, Baltimore and more. It may not be Rodney King, but I sure wouldn't want to get caught in the middle of it.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Exactly which riots would you be writing about?

I dunno which ones he picked. The Oakland riot, the LA, riot, the NYC riot, the Baltimore riot, or the mass of idiocy that might be a riot in Florida.


Protesters marched through Los Angeles along Crenshaw Boulevard near Leimert Park on Monday night, the second night of protests following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in Florida. Aerial video caught some throwing rocks, attacking people and clashing with police.

Just before 10 p.m., the Los Angeles Police Department declared the protest an unlawful assembly and dispersed the gathering, an LAPD spokesman said. The area quickly cleared and officers detained several people.

A majority of protesters were gathered at Leimert Park (map), but a violent group has split off and walked up and down surrounding streets, rushing into businesses, attacking pedestrians and bicyclists and throwing objects at police.

Fires/arsons, random beatings, general demonstrations/protests, broken windows, looting, racial epithets and angry claims of justified retribution, yeah, that sounds like a riot to me.

Sounds like a Tea Party rally to me :P

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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If the author of this post does not know the difference between an apostrophe before the "s" and one after the "s", then we might as well all slit our wrists.

Make my day, slit your wrists ... with all due respect to lawrocket (who is a good guy), this world would be a much better off with less slime bag lawyers in it.

Seriously? You don't like what I write online so you openly tell me you want me dead? Would you like my address so you can openly threaten my children, too?

ETA: The preferred usage in context would be "fewer", not "less".

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It's ensure. To insure something is to take out a contract with a third party to underwrite a loss. When you ensure something you take steps to make sure it comes to pass.

Which one should I drink once a day to get all of my nutrients?
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Sounds like a Tea Partyan Occupy rally to me :P

Which group had the rapes again? And the insane clean up?

Here's a handy chart if you need: http://www.lolbrary.com/content/42/tea-party-vs-occupy-26042.jpg

If memory serves, the majority of Occupiers (anarchists aside) are looney lefters.
You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

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Sounds like a Tea Partyan Occupy rally to me :P

Which group had the rapes again? And the insane clean up?

Here's a handy chart if you need: http://www.lolbrary.com/content/42/tea-party-vs-occupy-26042.jpg

If memory serves, the majority of Occupiers (anarchists aside) are looney lefters.

Which kind of rally sounds like wet grass?

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Because people of color in the USA are still widely discriminated against, and systematically at that. And mostly reflected in the criminal justice system. So they see problems with the criminal justice system, and they protest what they see as a continuation of that discrimination. It's not rocket science


read chapter 2 if nothing else.

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the book is not 'racism'. It's about racism. If you have not read it, then you have no reason to comment on it.

People of color are systematically discriminated against in this country and every judicial statistic supports that. Unless of course you have countering data, in which case I am all ears.

But you do not in fact have any data other that your own opinion.

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Exactly which riots would you be writing about?

I dunno which ones he picked. The Oakland riot, the LA, riot, the NYC riot, the Baltimore riot, or the mass of idiocy that might be a riot in Florida.


Protesters marched through Los Angeles along Crenshaw Boulevard near Leimert Park on Monday night, the second night of protests following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in Florida. Aerial video caught some throwing rocks, attacking people and clashing with police.

Just before 10 p.m., the Los Angeles Police Department declared the protest an unlawful assembly and dispersed the gathering, an LAPD spokesman said. The area quickly cleared and officers detained several people.

A majority of protesters were gathered at Leimert Park (map), but a violent group has split off and walked up and down surrounding streets, rushing into businesses, attacking pedestrians and bicyclists and throwing objects at police.

Fires/arsons, random beatings, general demonstrations/protests, broken windows, looting, racial epithets and angry claims of justified retribution, yeah, that sounds like a riot to me.

Sounds like a Tea Party rally to me :P

Ok, professor, find us a news report of any of that (beyond demonstrations/protests) happening at a Tea Party rally. I dare you.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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