
If you're a Tea bagger...

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1 Corinthians 1:18
For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Proverbs 3:7
Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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I'm sure some do and some don't.

The "Tea Party" movement is not exclusively made up of "creation science" Evangelicals, but there certainly is a percentage of them.

I will say that page is probably the most scientifically ignorant thing I've read in quite awhile.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I am so disheartened with American politics. When the Tea Party movement came along I was hoping it was sensible libertarian leaning folks taking the GOP back from the bible pounders. Sadly the movement was taken over immediately by them. It is so sad to see the history deniers having real influence in society. The forces of ignorance and darkness are truely upon us.

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I will say that page is probably the most scientifically ignorant thing I've read in quite awhile.

"by Ken Ham November 5, 1999"

entertainingly retarded, but if we want to post a link to every stupid posting on the web that has similarities to beliefs of some members of the Tea Party, it would be called google.

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entertainingly retarded, but if we want to post a link to every stupid posting on the web that has similarities to beliefs of some members of the Tea Party, it would be called google.

Google is far too inclusive of moderate and left elements to be representative of the "Tea Party" as a whole. Oh, there may have been a very brief moment on the first day or two where the "Tea Party" was a bit more inclusive, but it's turned into a circus of extremism. I don't even want to call it "conservative" extremism though, because it's about as far from the political science definition of "conservatism" as you can get. The people don't even know what the hell they're talking about when they use the term.

It's just disgraceful how the people are being lead around by circus clowns working for one corporation and they don't even realize they're being played for fools.

It's really disheartening.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Mr. Blevins, welcome to Speakers Corner.

If you liked the smooth ride in the DB Cooper thread, I think you'll find this a bit more challenging to your shock absorbers.

Your blog post is currently, no doubt, under intense investigation by our top men who will no doubt have one or two words to say to you about the subjects talked about. Some, you will no doubt, find quite challenging to understand. A few, I think you'll find, are quite erudite and well versed in their pet topics. It's a very w-i-d-e ranging scale.

All I can say is, good luck and try not to let them make you say anything that will get you banned.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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"Tea bagger" LMAO:D
Divided by a comon language:D

Except in this case it means the same thing on both sides of the Atlantic, well, to the people that understand it. The issue is, some of the people in the "Tea Party" didn't understand the sexual use of the term when they first made signs identifying themselves as such.

I've LONG held the belief that every political movement, party and politician needs to have on staff a professional stand up comedian that is well versed enough in sexual deviate humor that he can proofread their speeches and advertisements and ask the tough question nobody else in the office can;

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Stupidity is possessed of no political persuasion. The difference between left-wing morons and right-wing morons is a matter of details, largely the issues chosen to demonstrate that they are imbiciles.

It is unfortunate that no political party can exist without pandering to the lowest common denominator. It is axiomatic in advertising that, if you go beyond the 8th grade level, you have lost half your audience.

Thus, when right wingers and left wingers point fingers at each other, and each screams that the other is an idiot, my response is "relax, you are both right."



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What does this have to do with folks who would like to reform our two-headed, one party political system?

Your anti-Christian stand is becoming way too pervasive. Take a break, relax.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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two-headed, one party political system?

I like it. I think this is the most accurate description of our government yet. Time to get rid of the ruling class.:ph34r:
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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It must be convenient to have a group of people upon which you can heap all of the most negative atributes of humanity and use to stand on top of while you trumpet your own virtues. What will all of you do after the 2012 election when the Tea Party will surely fade away?

For what it's worth: I don't believe the stupid article and I have absolutely nothing to do with the Tea Party.

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Time to get rid of the ruling class.

Great in concept. But someone has to be in charge, and it's naive to think that whomever that is won't start acting in the exact same way the current ruling class is.

We're pretty much screwed. The only hope is to keep supporting people whose ideas we like, and don't support those we don't. And maybe, just maybe, things will be a little better if we all agree to stop buying the bullshit from both sides that say the other side is the antichrist.

But again, that'll never happen, so we're pretty much screwed.

- Dan G

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I am so disheartened with American politics. When the Tea Party movement came along I was hoping it was sensible libertarian leaning folks taking the GOP back from the bible pounders. Sadly the movement was taken over immediately

that's how I feel - just another group motivated by social agenda and their 'feelings'

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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What does this have to do with folks who would like to reform our two-headed, one party political system?

Your anti-Christian stand is becoming way too pervasive. Take a break, relax.

When a person, despite the overwhelming evidence, denies the obvious, I do not believe they are qualified to be a member of the senate, congress or to be president. If they can not get past the simple fact that the dinosaurs are not 5000 years old, how are they to be trusted on questions that are not so obvious, like Global warming.

Ron, this has nothing to do with religion, just science and reality.

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It's just disgraceful how the people are being lead around by circus clowns working for one corporation and they don't even realize they're being played for fools.
It's really disheartening.

It's even more disheartening when they win elections. Which they do. At least the ancient Romans used to give their drones bread and circuses; and that society's widespread bisexuality was freely acknowledged. Here, the drones are content with circuses alone, blissfully ignorant of how they're getting butt-fucked.

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A much more honest question would be "If you're a Christian...."

I like the stance of the tea party. But since it has no real national organization (it is more like a movement) there is no real defined party platform.

A Lawyer in TX came up with 10 basic positions that is about as close to a national position as anything else.

1. Protect the Constitution
2. Reject Cap & Trade
3. Demand a Balanced Budget
4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform
5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government
6. End Runaway Government Spending
7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care
8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy
9. Stop the Pork
10. Stop the Tax Hikes

In those 10 I see nothing about religion.

Those 10 issues I agree with.

While some people who also agree with those issues also support religion... That does not mean all do.


this has nothing to do with religion, just science and reality.

And your link has nothing to do with the tea party. It has to do with religion.

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Time to get rid of the ruling class.

Great in concept. But someone has to be in charge, and it's naive to think that whomever that is won't start acting in the exact same way the current ruling class is.

We're pretty much screwed. The only hope is to keep supporting people whose ideas we like, and don't support those we don't. And maybe, just maybe, things will be a little better if we all agree to stop buying the bullshit from both sides that say the other side is the antichrist.

But again, that'll never happen, so we're pretty much screwed.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss".

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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What does this have to do with folks who would like to reform our two-headed, one party political system?

Your anti-Christian stand is becoming way too pervasive. Take a break, relax.

When a person, despite the overwhelming evidence, denies the obvious, I do not believe they are qualified to be a member of the senate, congress or to be president. If they can not get past the simple fact that the dinosaurs are not 5000 years old, how are they to be trusted on questions that are not so obvious, like Global warming.

Ron, this has nothing to do with religion, just science and reality.

Where do you meet these people? It must be part of the left coast lunatic fringe. I do not know anyone that expresses those views in my area.

Of course, Global Warming is just a liberal scare tactic to gain more government control. The earth warms and the earth cools. It is not a topic of conversation around here. When they learn how to control hurricanes maybe they can consider a more global weather picture. :)
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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