
Christine O'Donnel was a practicing Witch

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i love how libs who say they support women's rights never pass up an opportunity to tear down a conservative woman. once again providing it's not what's right or wrong it's what's on the agenda !

Oh, is that how it works? Women's rights means that we can't criticise female politicians in the same way we would male politicians. I really never knew that, thanks for the heads up!

what's your criticism ? then i can tell you if your head is up !

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Umm... could update things a bit... :P

I was thinking along the lines of Barbara Eden. That woman is still a knock-out even at her age. I think she's 75. I wonder how many young boys had fantasies about her?

I have this old magazine with her picture in it. Here, let me open it and show you.....:o... never mind. :$

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i love how libs who say they support women's rights never pass up an opportunity to tear down a conservative woman. once again providing it's not what's right or wrong it's what's on the agenda !

Oh, is that how it works? Women's rights means that we can't criticise female politicians in the same way we would male politicians. I really never knew that, thanks for the heads up!

Well, why not? Apparently if you criticize a Black Politician you are called a racist.

I guess it depends what the criticism is. If you disagree with the policies, that's fair. If you dig up some old gaffe or slip of the tongue, that's partisan (yes, it cuts both ways) but still good. If you call him/her an Uncle Tom or a Kenyan born Muslim, then you might have a problem.

Same with women, just with slightly different entries on that final point.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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My objection to Christine O'Donnel is that she appears to be an idiot.

The particular brand of drivel she spouts, whether evangelical or satanic, is less of a concern than the fact that anything she espouses becomes suspect by virtue of its association with her.

"Witchcraft" as known to European types is typically a label applied by Rome in days of yore to discredit any competition. "Wiccan," from which the English term "witch" apparently derives, is more benign by a long shot than the religion marketed by the Vatican.

Reference to witchcraft and sorcery in Torah is similarly focused on opposing dilution of franchise.

The "Church of Satan," as marketed by Anton Szandor LaVey, is a singularly innocuous organization. Its appeal appears to be to people who need to prove to themselves that they are not REALLY sheep, by doing something they see as being Wild and Crazy.


In any event, my dismay with the candidate from Delaware is because she impressed me as a dolt. I am not all that interested in hearing her out, since I do not place a premium on stupidity.



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> I am not all that interested in hearing her out, since I do not place a
>premium on stupidity.

There are indeed a lot of very unintelligent politicians out there; in general they are not worth listening to.

However, a small subset of them are highly amusing, and often have The Onion beat as a source of (for them, unintentional) satire - and for that I am grateful. How boring would the last election have been without Sarah Palin's antics? Bush I's presidency surely would have been a lot more grim without Dan Quayle's comedic diversions. And Ford's remarkable clumsiness provided grist for countless Saturday Night Live sketches.

One gem:

"Mars is essentially in the same orbit [as Earth.] Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe."

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Umm... could update things a bit... :P

Any Buffy reference is awesome!

To the OP what needs to be reconciled? What neds to be defended here?
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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buffy , o.k. barbara eden , kudos to mention her . j.r. played her master
back to witchcraft which was taken totally out of context
see it that has an impact !

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I guess it depends what the criticism is. If you disagree with the policies, that's fair. If you dig up some old gaffe or slip of the tongue, that's partisan (yes, it cuts both ways) but still good. If you call him/her an Uncle Tom or a Kenyan born Muslim, then you might have a problem.

Exactly. To the point, they are attacking her, not her policies. They are calling her a witch, extremists, crazy, and all kinds of other things, but no one is talking about her policies. I wonder why?

Another question. Which is worse, pretending to be wiccan as a teenager or doing blow and other drugs thru college?

Guess who said they did that in their memoirs.:D
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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I wonder how the tea baggers will reconcile this.


Everyone has dabbled in witchcraft to some degree e.g. rebellion, drug and alcohol use, using personal power to manipulate others or, getting someone drunk or high to have sex with them to name a few.

That is nothing more than lusts of the flesh and spiritual blindness. Jesus Christ will set you free. That is the true freedom.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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That is the true freedom.

True freedom requires permission, grace or blessings from no one.

Nothing in this world is free.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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That is the true freedom.

True freedom requires permission, grace or blessings from no one.

"Everybody's got to serve somebody." ~ Bob Dylan

Surely, you are not going to claim non-accountability to anyone.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I still don't get what the problem with her being a witch is. It's no crazier than Christianity or any of the other religions.

Being a witch, no problem.

Being a crazed individual that will say anything to get attention and on TV, speaks quite a bit about her motives to do anything. I realize we live in the country of "Jerry Springer", but let's not have those people running our government; ok?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I still don't get what the problem with her being a witch is. It's no crazier than Christianity or any of the other religions.

Being a witch, no problem.

Being a crazed individual that will say anything to get attention and on TV, speaks quite a bit about her motives to do anything. I realize we live in the country of "Jerry Springer", but let's not have those people running our government; ok?

It is interesting to note that if she was a liberal.. FAUX News would be all over her like stink on shit.... but it appears that the bat shit crazy in this country have figured out that they CAN get votes... all they have to do is call them selves conservative and talk about supporting the Tea Bagging Party.. and voila they are in.:):)

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>I still don't get what the problem with her being a witch is.

No problem at all. She can be a witch, a Muslim, a Christian or an atheist if she likes.

And who knows? Perhaps the right wing's predictable defense of her might actually get them thinking about tolerating religions they don't agree with - which would be a good thing all around.

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I do not believe that Christine O'Donnell is a witch any more than i believe that Chris Coons is a Bearded Marxist. :|

I am glad I don't have to choose between these two.
But if I did, here is how my ballot would look like:

[_] Christine O'Donnell
[_] Chris Coons
[X] None of the above

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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