Do you feel more secure now than you did pre-9/11 ?

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Don't feel any more or less safer, maybe just more aware. This, of course, wasn't the first attack, just the most successful. I think all of America realizes now that there are still enemies out there that want to harm us. I feel bad that our war against the Al Quaeda and Bin Laden have had more than a few misteps. A lot of very brave young men and women have made huge sacrifices for our country. I want them all to count.

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Don't feel any more or less safer, maybe just more aware. This, of course, wasn't the first attack, just the most successful. I think all of America realizes now that there are still enemies out there that want to harm us. I feel bad that our war against the Al Quaeda and Bin Laden have had more than a few misteps. A lot of very brave young men and women have made huge sacrifices for our country. I want them all to count.

I guess my main feeling is anger, I don't understand why someone would want to kill someone else just because of their beliefs and culture.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Exactly. 150 years ago in this country the color of someone's skin made them free or a slave. We look back now in amazement that it could have been that way. I hope not too many years from now the whole planet can look back and wonder how religion or ideology could have made us kill each other. Some cultures have made the leap. Others need too. [:/]

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More people have died in "wars of religion" than any other excuse to trespass, rape, loot, pillage, plunder, etc.

Sadly, many power-hungry men use religion as a rallying cry to draft "useful idiots" into doing their dirty work.

I grasp the concept, I just don't understand the rage one fust feel because of just that.

I have been angry . . . but to want to commit suicide just to take out some people because of what they believe? It makes no sense whatsoever.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I have been angry . . . but to want to commit suicide just to take out some people because of what they believe? It makes no sense whatsoever.

That's because you're rational. :P

PAs are strictly forbidden here.:|
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Can't go into why, without getting the thread moved!

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Can't go into why, without getting the thread moved!

I wasn't even thinking about prompting a political or religious discussion, just a yes/no/indifferent response about how we felt, not why.

I've never even been in Speakers Corner........I can get into enough arguments just walking around. :)

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I guess my main feeling is anger, I don't understand why someone would want to kill someone else just because of their beliefs and culture.

Foreigners resent the US because of our interference in their affairs. We prop up monarchs and brutal dictators like Pinochet and Hussein. We provide military hardware and financial support for Israel's intrusion into the Middle East.

That's enough to make people fight.

Since they can't fight a military that spends more than the rest of the world put together it's not surprising that they occasionally come after softer targets including civilians.

If we didn't maintain a military presence in the Middle East, support Israel, and have ties to local royalty that would be a lot less likely.

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No safer, but no more in danger. And that danger is pretty remote.

After Sept 11 2001, my (then) wife got fairly anxious about another attack, one that could affect her. I tried to explain how poor of a target we were, and the realistic chances of an attack in our area.

However, the "security theater" is a joke. Anyone who thinks that taking away fingernail clippers, or shampoo is going to stop anyone who really wants to blow up a plane (or anything else for that matter) is being dangerously naieve.
Remember the shoe bomber?
And the underpants bomber? (Jon Stewart was really prophetic about him)

How about the Madrid or London bombings?

Neither of those was stopped by increased security. The shoe bomber was stopped by passengers, the underpants bomber was foiled by bad luck.

AND focusing all the LE efforts on terrorism has taken it away from gangs and drugs.
So the threat from those areas have increased in a proportional amount to the decreased threat from terrorism.
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It's too late to change this, but we could have avoided many of the world's problems if the Western nations stayed out of Muslim countries and if Muslims stayed away from Western countries. It is pretty evident that there is a major clash of cultures going on these days. The Western nations could leave Muslim countries right now if they wanted to (I doubt they will), but Europe and North America have opened the door to the world with their Liberal immigration policies and the Muslims are pouring into our respective countries extremely fast. Plus seeing as Muslims breed faster than Western families breed, how long before they breed Western cultures out of existence.

My local grocery store is an interesting place to gauge the community. In the last 20-30 years my local community (in the city I call home) has been dominated by Chinese immigrants with Caucasians not too far behind (BTW I do NOT live in Chinatown). The Chinese are still the dominate culture here, but every week more and more Muslims are showing up. This is in no ways supposed to come off as "one race is better than the other" post. I know the Chinese are very intelligent people, they are hard workers and very family oriented. But the Chinese (not all of them of course) want nothing to do with you if you are not Chinese and how long will it be before the local Muslims grow in sufficient numbers (thanks to immigration and their superior breeding trends) before they gain enough political power to the point where they start demanding that everyone adopt their way of life. I don't think it will happen in my life time, but it will be interesting to see the rising Chinese and the rising Muslims of this world and how they deal with each other. Caucasians? LOL ... we are doomed. Our days of dominating the planet are coming to an end.

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Foreigners resent the US because of our interference in their affairs. We prop up monarchs and brutal dictators like Pinochet and Hussein. We provide military hardware and financial support for Israel's intrusion into the Middle East.

That's enough to make people fight.

Since they can't fight a military that spends more than the rest of the world put together it's not surprising that they occasionally come after softer targets including civilians.

If we didn't maintain a military presence in the Middle East, support Israel, and have ties to local royalty that would be a lot less likely.

At least there is somebody here that understands how things work.

Your comment is a breath of fresh air among some stagnant and vile stenches.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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So the threat from those areas have increased in a proportional amount to the decreased threat from terrorism.

Ths is unbeleiveable, your county is still angered at the thought of 9/11 and the concept of a few guys coming and killing a couple of thousand of your civilians, angered enough to go and invade and kill even more of your own countrimen and a vast numnber of innocent civilians.

These emotions that 'americans' had were of hatred, to say the people of Iraq and Afghanistan will not have the same feelings in return is simply nieve.

The amount of americans that were willing to sign up to the military after 9/11 is an indicator of the same type of feeling from those in the middle eat that have lost everything due to the illegal occupations, though these occupations are international, the US is at the forefront of them and the USA will likey see retliation.

Your country is more at risk now than it ever has been of a terrorist attack, and it is your own doing.

This arrogant attitude that you are allowed to go and murder people sets a very dangerous precedent.

You can go back to your little shell now.

[shakes head]
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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Don't feel any more or less safer, maybe just more aware. This, of course, wasn't the first attack, just the most successful. I think all of America realizes now that there are still enemies out there that want to harm us. I feel bad that our war against the Al Quaeda and Bin Laden have had more than a few misteps. A lot of very brave young men and women have made huge sacrifices for our country. I want them all to count.

I guess my main feeling is anger, I don't understand why someone would want to kill someone else just because of their beliefs and culture.

We are as guilty of that as many. Perhaps out constant involvement in the ME contributes to theor anger, esp the Palestinian War. We are w/o clean hands.

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More people have died in "wars of religion" than any other excuse to trespass, rape, loot, pillage, plunder, etc.

Sadly, many power-hungry men use religion as a rallying cry to draft "useful idiots" into doing their dirty work.

I grasp the concept, I just don't understand the rage one fust feel because of just that.

I have been angry . . . but to want to commit suicide just to take out some people because of what they believe? It makes no sense whatsoever.

Then quit looking at beliefs and look at the acts, the acts where we invade, control, monitor, etc. You can't look at your rosey version, think of the little guys over there unable to defnd themselves against the likes of our weapons, us siding with Israel, esp post WWII when we, in their mind, stole part of Palestine from them and gave it to the Israelis. Again, not just your version, theirs.

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I guess my main feeling is anger, I don't understand why someone would want to kill someone else just because of their beliefs and culture.

Foreigners resent the US because of our interference in their affairs. We prop up monarchs and brutal dictators like Pinochet and Hussein. We provide military hardware and financial support for Israel's intrusion into the Middle East.

That's enough to make people fight.

Since they can't fight a military that spends more than the rest of the world put together it's not surprising that they occasionally come after softer targets including civilians.

If we didn't maintain a military presence in the Middle East, support Israel, and have ties to local royalty that would be a lot less likely.


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my feet get cold in USofA airports but other than that, nope no different in feeling secure.
It has slowed down international travel in some countries.
it seems to have created a lot of security jobs for some folks there aswell:ph34r:

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Then quit looking at beliefs and look at the acts, the acts where we invade, control, monitor, etc. You can't look at your rosey version, think of the little guys over there unable to defnd themselves against the likes of our weapons...

I think part of the problem is thinking that we the American people are actually in control.

What control do we actually have when "we" consists of Lucky and Rushmc?

In all reality, it's us against them...A nation divide cannot stand.

It's really genius when you think about what they've done...and when I say they, I mean them...;)

...and then when anybody stands up against it, they are just conspiracy theorist nuts.

and those that don't want to be considered conspiracy theorist nuts just say "everything is just fine, this is how it's always been."
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but we could have avoided many of the world's problems if the Western nations stayed out of Muslim countries and if Muslims stayed away from Western countries.

Apartheid? Didn't work in South Africa for people of different skin colors. Probably wouldn't work on a global/national level.

Personally, I am amazed that talk of 9/11 always turns into an "us" (Judea-Christian) vs "them" (Muslim) discussion. No one questioned the role of Christianity after any of the Christian terrorists killed people (I have a list, in case anyone doubts Christian terrorism).

Nut-cases are nut-cases, regardless of their religious beliefs. The 1.5 BILLION Muslims that live among us and all over the globe aren't running around stabbing the rest of us, just like most Roman Catholics aren't busy starting the Fourth-Reich. So the 9/11 hijackers were Muslim, so what? Pol Pot was a Buddhist atheist, who went to Catholic school, but I won't condemn any of those beliefs because he killed two million of his own people.

Let's call terrorists and murderers for what they are, and stop trying to type-cast people of certain faiths or skin color or nationality.
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How do you feel about changing your lifestyle and adopting Sharia Law? How do you feel about allowing family honor killings to take place? Think it will never happen? Think again. It already has happened. There has been numerous cases up here in Canuckistan where family honor killings have taken place. Shit one of our judges here just granted a Muslim woman a suspended sentence even after she admitted in open court that she murdered her own teenage daughter. Plus not long ago we had a politician who was ready to allow the local Muslims to adopt Sharia Law for themselves all in the name of winning their vote for himself. It didn't happen because enough people stepped in to stop it. But once enough Muslims have immigrated and once they gain the political votes, they will have the power to force Sharia Law on you. You may not want to believe this, but there is a clash of cultures occurring and everything you hold dear to your heart is the exact opposite of what Muslims who want Sharia Law will demand from you once they have the political power. You may not see this yet in White/Hispanic Colorado, but if you travel up here to Canuckistan you will see the results of our open "no questions asked" immigration system.

I will say this though, there is one thing Christians and Muslims have in common and that is that they both want everyone in the entire world to adopt their religious views. I am all for allowing people the freedom to practice their religion, but they need to keep it to themselves. :S

Edited to add: sorry I did mention one thing above that was not 100% accurate. It was NOT a certain Canuckistan politician who was proposing to allow the local Muslim community to be allowed to adopt Sharia Law all in the name of winning their votes. It was in fact the former Ontario Provincial Attorney General who was proposing this. My bad ...

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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