
Is humanity meant to survive?

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This is how i feel. I watch the news each and every day to watch the same thing. Over and over and over. Thievery, rape, murder, cruelty. It's just non-stop death, destruction and chaos. I look at this world we live in and see absolutely no hope. I look at the people in this world and fucking cringe. And in my eyes, i feel like were heading for something catastrophic, and it eats at me everyday. I struggle to motivate myself to do anything because i honestly feel like society is coming to a dangerous point, and feel like it would be a waste of time to make an attempt at making my life any better.

Thing is though, i don't know nearly enough about anything to come to this conclusion.

What i'm looking for is any evidence whatsoever (for and against) which might determine the fate of humanity. I don't think what's nagging me is that i think the world's gonna end, i think what's nagging me is i have no idea if it's gonna end or go on. I would feel more at ease with the truth, no matter what it is.

Thanks for reading.

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This is how i feel. I watch the news each and every day to watch the same thing. Over and over and over. Thievery, rape, murder, cruelty. It's just non-stop death, destruction and chaos. I look at this world we live in and see absolutely no hope. I look at the people in this world and fucking cringe. And in my eyes, i feel like were heading for something catastrophic, and it eats at me everyday. I struggle to motivate myself to do anything because i honestly feel like society is coming to a dangerous point, and feel like it would be a waste of time to make an attempt at making my life any better.

Thing is though, i don't know nearly enough about anything to come to this conclusion.

What i'm looking for is any evidence whatsoever (for and against) which might determine the fate of humanity. I don't think what's nagging me is that i think the world's gonna end, i think what's nagging me is i have no idea if it's gonna end or go on. I would feel more at ease with the truth, no matter what it is.

Thanks for reading.

There is your problem

"If it bleeds, It leads"

All of the news outlets justify their existence with the worst humanity and nature have to offer.

Counting down...




Hey look where we are now:ph34r:

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I understand as I feel the same way, however I did find a cure. I simply don't watch or read anything negative anymore. Its hard to get used to but you will find your stress and anxiety lever will diminish greatly if you just don't read that shit.

It takes a bit getting used to, but we can't carry the woes of the world on our shoulder.
You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime

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"Is humanity meant to survive?"

First you have to ask yourself if you believe in God or not. Most people will almost automatically say yes, but I think that's a huge mistake.

If you don't believe in God, then the obvious answer is simply no.

Honestly, I'd rather have the answer be no. If the answer is ye, then it means we have a God and someone will take care of us no matter how badly we fuck things up. By saying no, we place the burden of responsibility on ourselves where it belongs.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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What Jeanne says.

It doesn't mean you can't go out and make your own good news.

Or maybe stop watching all the depressing, addicting crap on TV.

Try both for 30 days.
“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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I understand as I feel the same way, however I did find a cure. I simply don't watch or read anything negative anymore. Its hard to get used to but you will find your stress and anxiety lever will diminish greatly if you just don't read that shit.

It takes a bit getting used to, but we can't carry the woes of the world on our shoulder.

Thanks for the suggestion, but i really don't like the idea of ignorance is bliss.

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"Is humanity meant to survive?"

First you have to ask yourself if you believe in God or not. Most people will almost automatically say yes, but I think that's a huge mistake.

If you don't believe in God, then the obvious answer is simply no.

Honestly, I'd rather have the answer be no. If the answer is ye, then it means we have a God and someone will take care of us no matter how badly we fuck things up. By saying no, we place the burden of responsibility on ourselves where it belongs.

I'd like to stop you right there and not turn this into a religion thread.

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I'd like to stop you right there and not turn this into a religion thread.

Okie dokie, but if you ask the question if humanity is "meant" to do something, then you also logically have to also ask who means humanity to do it. I don't see how you can avoid it.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'd like to stop you right there and not turn this into a religion thread.

Okie dokie, but if you ask the question if humanity is "meant" to do something, then you also logically have to also ask who means humanity to do it. I don't see how you can avoid it.

Ah sorry i guess I worded the title poorly. I don't mean "meant" in the prophesetic (I dont know if thats a word) sense, but "meant" as in the way human nature is.

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I understand as I feel the same way, however I did find a cure. I simply don't watch or read anything negative anymore. Its hard to get used to but you will find your stress and anxiety lever will diminish greatly if you just don't read that shit.

It takes a bit getting used to, but we can't carry the woes of the world on our shoulder.

Thanks for the suggestion, but i really don't like the idea of ignorance is bliss.

It is not being ignorant it is simply not letting that negative energy out poor onto yourself. Once it has suceeded into feeding into your energy, you then to start reeping of it and then you are in your predictament you are asking in this thread now. Don't let it get soaked up in your coreif you do want to keep watching the news.
I watch, read and listen to the news and I take it as information but I sure as hell don't let it affect my daily life and positive attitude that makes ME happy. Because once I am happy; that energy is exerted to others and so on.
You create life, life does not create you.

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This is how i feel. I watch the news each and every day to watch the same thing. Over and over and over. Thievery, rape, murder, cruelty. It's just non-stop death, destruction and chaos. I look at this world we live in and see absolutely no hope. I look at the people in this world and fucking cringe. And in my eyes, i feel like were heading for something catastrophic, and it eats at me everyday. I struggle to motivate myself to do anything because i honestly feel like society is coming to a dangerous point, and feel like it would be a waste of time to make an attempt at making my life any better.

Thing is though, i don't know nearly enough about anything to come to this conclusion.

What i'm looking for is any evidence whatsoever (for and against) which might determine the fate of humanity. I don't think what's nagging me is that i think the world's gonna end, i think what's nagging me is i have no idea if it's gonna end or go on. I would feel more at ease with the truth, no matter what it is.

Thanks for reading.

I know how you feel. If all I saw was this world, with all of it futility, that is here today and gone tomorrow, I would choose not to participate. But we are connected to an eternal flow, and what we do now has everlasting consequences. So be glad and enjoy the ride!


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Only a couple billion more years before the sun burns out. Whatever happens between now and then matters refreshingly little. So... E.F.S.! (Eat, Fuck, and Skydive!)

Yep....we're not meant to survive and we're not not meant to survive. We just occupy an incomprehensibly small window in the past+future history of this universe and fight for our existence just like any other organism fights for it's slot. What's amazing to me is that we are, just now, experiencing the present. Imagine what the chances are that I am experiencing my personal window of existence now rather than 1000 years or 1 billion years ago or 1000000 years from now? :)

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"Is humanity meant to survive?"

First you have to ask yourself if you believe in God or not. Most people will almost automatically say yes, but I think that's a huge mistake.

If you don't believe in God, then the obvious answer is simply no.

Honestly, I'd rather have the answer be no. If the answer is ye, then it means we have a God and someone will take care of us no matter how badly we fuck things up. By saying no, we place the burden of responsibility on ourselves where it belongs.

I'd like to stop you right there and not turn this into a religion thread.

If you don't wan t"threads to take a turn" or Discusss all Opinions, I'd suggest, NEVER start a thread asking for Opinions!

I totally disagree with that opinion,(the reply) but see nothing wrong with it being voiced...JMO!

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"Is humanity meant to survive?"

First you have to ask yourself if you believe in God or not. Most people will almost automatically say yes, but I think that's a huge mistake.

If you don't believe in God, then the obvious answer is simply no.

Honestly, I'd rather have the answer be no. If the answer is ye, then it means we have a God and someone will take care of us no matter how badly we fuck things up. By saying no, we place the burden of responsibility on ourselves where it belongs.

I'd like to stop you right there and not turn this into a religion thread.

If you don't wan t"threads to take a turn" or Discusss all Opinions, I'd suggest, NEVER start a thread asking for Opinions!

I totally disagree with that opinion,(the reply) but see nothing wrong with it being voiced...JMO!

Well, see, that's where you're mistaken. I want cold hard facts and evidence that might determine our fate. I didn't ask for opinions.

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This is how i feel. I watch the news each and every day to watch the same thing. Over and over and over. Thievery, rape, murder, cruelty. It's just non-stop death, destruction and chaos. I look at this world we live in and see absolutely no hope. I look at the people in this world and fucking cringe. And in my eyes, i feel like were heading for something catastrophic, and it eats at me everyday. I struggle to motivate myself to do anything because i honestly feel like society is coming to a dangerous point, and feel like it would be a waste of time to make an attempt at making my life any better.

Thing is though, i don't know nearly enough about anything to come to this conclusion.

What i'm looking for is any evidence whatsoever (for and against) which might determine the fate of humanity. I don't think what's nagging me is that i think the world's gonna end, i think what's nagging me is i have no idea if it's gonna end or go on. I would feel more at ease with the truth, no matter what it is.

Thanks for reading.

Forget your Prozac today???

Attitude, mentality, productivity, etc,... is contagious. I can't tell you how often I can walk through the hospital from one floor or unit to another and notice the changes in attitude from each floor or unit compared to the next. This is probably most noticeable in the work place. One person goes to the next bitching about their job, and in return the next person, and so on and so on.

I wasn't joking about the Prozac... Your statements above that I highlighted can label you by 'textbook' depressed.

Start with not watching the news each and every day, and skydive more often.
*I am not afraid of dying... I am afraid of missing life.*
----Disclaimer: I don't know shit about skydiving.----

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Not judging by some of the responses in the Decade threaad:S

But we as a species will most likely survive in some capacity, but there needs to be a shift from thinking science and technology will fix things, to caring about each other and our home will fix things.

You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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To me there is a difference in wha we as humanity are " meant" to do and what is in our nature. Humanity and any other species is MEANT to do only 2 things, eat and fuck. I honestly believe its our NATURE to destroy ourselves. Thats about as clearly as i can put it i guess.
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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This is how i feel. I watch the news each and every day to watch the same thing. Over and over and over. Thievery, rape, murder, cruelty. It's just non-stop death, destruction and chaos. I look at this world we live in and see absolutely no hope. I look at the people in this world and fucking cringe. And in my eyes, i feel like were heading for something catastrophic, and it eats at me everyday. I struggle to motivate myself to do anything because i honestly feel like society is coming to a dangerous point, and feel like it would be a waste of time to make an attempt at making my life any better.

Thing is though, i don't know nearly enough about anything to come to this conclusion.

What i'm looking for is any evidence whatsoever (for and against) which might determine the fate of humanity. I don't think what's nagging me is that i think the world's gonna end, i think what's nagging me is i have no idea if it's gonna end or go on. I would feel more at ease with the truth, no matter what it is.

Thanks for reading.

Forget your Prozac today???

Attitude, mentality, productivity, etc,... is contagious. I can't tell you how often I can walk through the hospital from one floor or unit to another and notice the changes in attitude from each floor or unit compared to the next. This is probably most noticeable in the work place. One person goes to the next bitching about their job, and in return the next person, and so on and so on.

I wasn't joking about the Prozac... Your statements above that I highlighted can label you by 'textbook' depressed.

Start with not watching the news each and every day, and skydive more often.

NBC national news was running, and still does sometimes, a segment at the end of the news called "making a difference." This was in response from people communicating to NBC that the news was all bad. So they started running some stories about people helping people, people doing the right thing, and such. It actually is good, and it makes me feel just a bit, just, a bit, ok with humanity.

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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