
GOP Purity Test

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Brian: Look, you've got it all wrong! You don't need to follow me,
you don't need to follow anybody! You've got to think for
yourselves! You're all individuals!

The Crowd (in unison): Yes! We're all individuals!

Brian: You're all different!

The Crowd (in unison): Yes, we are all different!

Man in Crowd: I'm not.

Another Man: Shhh!

May Contain Nut traces......

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Well, we can see where the "big tent" strategy led the party can't we? It's been disastrous. However, the social conservative wing has also put more of their "social" spin, rather than "conservative" spin on the issues, and that's not doing the party any favors either. If a viable conservative alternative gains traction (perhaps the Constitution Party), I'm game. Until then, I'm not going to advocate for "RINO" candidates either.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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You want:

1. More national debt?

2. Govt run HC? In light of how well Social Security/Medicaid/Medicare run?

3. You like cap and trade?

4. You don't like a secret ballot?

5. You think we should just give amnesty to illegals?


7. You think N Korea and Iran should be allowed nukes?


9. You support health care rationing, denial of health care and government funding of abortions?

10. You don't support the right to keep and bear arms for legal citizens with no criminal record?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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>1. More national debt?

Well, you have to support growing the debt as long as it involves war, but not if it involves healthcare for americans. Otherwise - YOU'RE OUT!

>3. You like cap and trade?

You have to hate market-based emissions controls but you also have to love all other market-based solutions. Otherwise - YOU'RE OUT!

>5. You think we should just give amnesty to illegals?

You have to condemn amnesty for illegals while being OK with hiring illegal immigrants for your own household staff. Otherwise - YOU'RE OUT!

>9. You support health care rationing, denial of health care and
>government funding of abortions?

Actually, if you are against government funding of abortions you are now in support of the healthcare bill. And no Republican shall be allowed to support any part of any Democratic bill. If you do - YOU'RE OUT!

The pluses of such a purity test are numerous.

-Republicans will never be exposed to new, often frightening ideas.
-Moderates will be driven to the enemy; they can be more easily destroyed there.
-The new Republican tent won't have to be very big at all. (Saves money!)

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Sigh..... I cannot even watch that moron. As soon as I brought up the link I think I puked in my mouth. It's funny because we had this conversation about Beck... Keith O. is a hack and he sucks as a sports analyst! :P
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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You want:

1. More national debt?
2. Govt run HC? In light of how well Social Security/Medicaid/Medicare run?
3. You like cap and trade?
4. You don't like a secret ballot?
5. You think we should just give amnesty to illegals?
7. You think N Korea and Iran should be allowed nukes?
9. You support health care rationing, denial of health care and government funding of abortions?
10. You don't support the right to keep and bear arms for legal citizens with no criminal record?

1. Nope, but that doesn't mean I always agree with the Republican way of getting there.
2. I think a government option might be workble, but that's a long way from government running healthcare. Other reforms are needed that are not included in the current bills.
3. Yep.
4. I don't really care how unions organize therselves, and I don't see why the government should be involved. I'm not pro-union by any stretch, but people have the right of assembly, and how they want to assemble should be up to them. Goverment has no place regulating it.
5. It should be considered.
6. You didn't ask, but I support victory in Afghanistan, and withdrawal from Iraq (do I get 0.5 points)
7. No, but we shouldn't nuke them to prevent it.
8. You didn't ask about 8 either, but the Defense of Marriage Act is a terriblee law and should be replealed. Let the gays get married if they want, what do I care?
9. No, no, and yes. (and we all know the third thing is the only one important to real Republicans)
10. I support that right.

Since I don't pass the test, does that mean that the Republicans don't want my vote?

I used to vote straight party line Republican right up until GWB and Karl Rove took over the party. Now I find myself voting Democratic. There is no room for moderates in the Republican party, and this proposal will further marginalize them. If they want to have electoral success, they need to move back toward the center and drop the evangelical Christian focus.

- Dan G

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You have to hate market-based emissions controls but you also have to love all other market-based solutions.

Govt mandated caps are nowhere NEAR a free market approach.


Actually, if you are against government funding of abortions you are now in support of the healthcare bill.

No, the liberals want it in there... And you know that.


-Republicans will never be exposed to new, often frightening ideas.

And the Dems never try to balance a checkbook.

See how stupid such BS claims are?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I think a government option might be workble [SIC]

Even with a proven history of Govt run social programs NOT working?


I don't really care how unions organize therselves [SIC], and I don't see why the government should be involved.

They are involved since the Govt has passed laws like the RLA of 1926.


but people have the right of assembly, and how they want to assemble should be up to them.

Do you actually know anything about this actual issue? Because it does not seem like you do.... All this does is require a vote to be held instead of just filling out a card.

I fail to see how you could object to a blind ballot vote.


You didn't ask about 8 either

I didn't ask about 6 or 8 since I agree that we should quit fighting wars we can't win and don't care if gays marry.


and we all know the third thing is the only one important to real Republicans

Frankly, I call Bull shit.


If they want to have electoral success

There is more to life than elections. Those that give away their principals for victory never had them in the first place.


they need to move back toward the center and drop the evangelical Christian focus.

I would agree to drop the Christian focus.... But you sound like Groucho Marx, "These are my principles; if you don't like them, I have others."
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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3. You like cap and trade?

You have to hate market-based emissions controls but you also have to love all other market-based solutions. Otherwise - YOU'RE OUT!

Bill, Do you really believe Cap and Trade is a market based control? Was it created by the market? Or is it FORCED upon the market by the government, with its trade being the only possible way to actually proceed with the cap?

One need to only to look at the impact of Cap and Trade in Europe. The reality is that to meet their CAP, nations and businesses there TRADED a lot of their manufacturing base to China and India, resulting in limited net gain for the planet, and a massive shift for China's and India's economy and a loss for Europe.

Bill, I am all for the environment, but until all nations are included in the CAPS, the policy is a US national disaster in the making.
Tom B

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Even with a proven history of Govt (sic) run social programs NOT working?

I disagree that all government run programs don't work, but I also disagree with the Republican notion that the market is the solution to all problems. A well-run, very limited, government option that covered chonic conditions, emergency care, and preventative care would go a long way towards fixing our system. I disagree that any government option is, a priori, a bad thing.


They are involved since the Govt (sic) has passed laws like the RLA of 1926.

And they shouldn't be. If you want my backing on labor reform, remove preferential legal treatment for unions from the books.


Do you actually know anything about this actual issue? Because it does not seem like you do.... All this does is require a vote to be held instead of just filling out a card.

I fail to see how you could object to a blind ballot vote.

Thanks, I do understand the situation. The government should not tell people how they may or may not decide to unionize. The government should also not give them special treatment if they do decide to unionize.

I propose that the government pass a law saying, "All votes on slots for Ron's 8-way team shall be done by secret ballot." Are you okay with that? How can you be against a secret ballot?


I didn't ask about 6 or 8 since I agree that we should quit fighting wars we can't win and don't care if gays marry.

Good. I think we should enter into wars when they are the right thing to do. Iraq was not, Afghanistan was (and is).


Frankly, I call Bull shit. (sic)

Whatever. We all know plank 10 is just a clever way of saying, "Pro-choicers not welcome."


There is more to life than elections. Those that give away their principals(sic) for victory never had them in the first place.

Having principles is great. There is a difference in having principles and being able to act on those principles. To be able to act of them, you need to win elections.


I would agree to drop the Christian focus.... But you sound like Groucho Marx, "These are my principles; if you don't like them, I have others."

My principles have changed over the years on some issues. It's called learning, growing, and reconsidering my thoughts. Of course, to a modern Republican, that is "flip-flopping" and shall not be tolerated.

- Dan G

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Well that is three. You fail, please procede [SIC] to your nearest registration office to register as a democrat at your earliest convenienve [SIC].

Not buying a party line so just blindly buying into another party's line is not really my style.

But thanks!!!!!
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I disagree that all government run programs don't work

Name one that runs well and is not a gigantic drain on the budget.


And they shouldn't be. If you want my backing on labor reform, remove preferential legal treatment for unions from the books.

That is a part of what the card issue is.... Again, I don't think you know what this issue is at all.


I propose that the government pass a law saying, "All votes on slots for Ron's 8-way team shall be done by secret ballot." Are you okay with that? How can you be against a secret ballot?

Again, you show you have no idea what this issue really is.... This example of yours just proves it.

The card issue is that the Unions are trying to change how Unions can form. Currently the Union has to get a majority of workers to sign a card and then the Company has the right to waive the election.. If not, then the employees are given an election by secret ballot. This law REMOVES the right for the workers to have a vote if greater than 50% sign cards and just grants the Union. There are SEVERAL issues with that process.

Again, you clearly do not understand the issue you are defending.


Good. I think we should enter into wars when they are the right thing to do. Iraq was not, Afghanistan was (and is).

You think Saddam killing his own people and ignoring sanctions and supporting terrorism (He was offering money to the families of suicide bombers) was a GOOD thing?


Whatever. We all know plank 10 is just a clever way of saying, "Pro-choicers [SIC] not welcome."

Again Bull Shit. That's just what YOU think.


Having principles is great. There is a difference in having principles and being able to act on those principles. To be able to act of them, you need to win elections.

So you DO suggest giving up on your principles when it suits you.


My principles have changed over the years on some issues. It's called learning, growing, and reconsidering my thoughts.

Its not called learning or growing when your stated goal is "To win elections"......:S
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Again, you show you have no idea what this issue really is.... This example of yours just proves it.

The card issue is that the Unions are trying to change how Unions can form. Currently the Union has to get a majority of workers to sign a card and then the Company has the right to waive the election.. If not, then the employees are given an election by secret ballot. This law REMOVES the right for the workers to have a vote if greater than 50% sign cards and just grants the Union. There are SEVERAL issues with that process.

Again, you clearly do not understand the issue you are defending.

Are you just dense, or are you not reading what I write?


You think Saddam killing his own people and ignoring sanctions and supporting terrorism (He was offering money to the families of suicide bombers) was a GOOD thing?

That's not why we invaded Iraq. And no, I don't think we should be the world's police force.


Again Bull Shit.(sic) That's just what YOU think.

Yes it is. So bullshit right back at you.

And why did you feel the need to add [SIC] after the word Pro-Choicers? I mean, technically you are correct to note this it was my usage, but when usage is correct (unlike Bull Shit) it is not necessary to note it with a (sic)


So you DO suggest giving up on your principles when it suits you.

Could you be more precise with you pronouns, please? I am not trying to run the country, the Republican Party is, and they need to learn a little flexibility.


Its not called learning or growing when your stated goal is "To win elections"......

Allow me to reiterate, I am not trying to win any elections. You need some work on your reading comprehension, and writing clarity.

- Dan G

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Wow. I though this "purity test" was about not sucking dicks in public restrooms, or not having affairs, but it seems to be about opposing Obama healthcare/cap'n'trade, and vote against organized unions!

I really wonder why Republican party has any support at all as a party.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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Wow. I though this "purity test" was about not sucking dicks in public restrooms,

Nah, Barney Frank isn't a Republican.


or not having affairs,

Neither is Bill Clinton, sorry.


but it seems to be about opposing Obama healthcare/cap'n'trade, and vote against organized unions!

I really wonder why Republican party has any support at all as a party.

Because, for all the liberal's fantasies that they FINALLY have the right person in charge for it, the majority of Americans aren't quite ready for socialism yet.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Wow. I though this "purity test" was about not sucking dicks in public restrooms,

Nah, Barney Frank isn't a Republican.

No, but Larry Craig is. ;)

Or did you guys need to see a "transcript" of that?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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