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  1. I am seeking contact information for Peanut of rec.skydiving lore. If anyone knows this, please contact me at [email protected], or ask Peanut to do so. I regret that I have forgotten his actual name. Thanks.
  2. Thanks Ian. That thought had not even crossed my mind. :) Tom B
  3. I need a bezel for a Falgayras altimeter. The back is etched with the following: 1740 N 9602-97. The dial face only has Electro Precis. Does anyone know of a domestic US source for one? Thanks, Tom Birdwell Tom B
  4. I dropped my laptop and destroyed its hard drive. Even worse, somehow my backup didn't capture several things. Among the many things I lost are the digital photographs I had of the Fort Hood Skydiving Club in the mid-1970's. My originals were lost in one of our many PCS's and moves in the 40 years since. If anyone has photos or other memories of the Fort Hood Skydiving Club, please send them to my account here, or to [email protected]. Thanks all. Tom B
  5. d16842

    Seeking Espen

    Thank you ever so much! It has been a long time since you and I exchanged greetings. Tom B
  6. d16842

    Seeking Espen

    I am seeking contact information for a long lost poster from the Rec.Skydiving days, Espen. If anyone here knows how to contact him, please let me know, or get word to him to contact me please at [email protected] Thanks, Tom B
  7. Freakyrat wrote: "On the bright side, Remember our pilot Gary Lash. Gary flys Boeing 737-800's for American Airlines. " Gary Lash was considered unflappable. One day about 10,000 ft, he suddenly turned ashen, turned to us and screamed "Get the fuck out NOW". Most of us didn't understand what had happened, but Don McGillicuty later explained to us that the transmission oil pressure suddenly went to zero, and when this happens they have precious little time to land before the transmission freezes up, a bad thing. That ended that weekend's jumping. Tom B
  8. I remember when Don McGillicuty spent a considerable sum equipping his helmet with an SLR camera. He thought it was hot stuff, till a low-time jumper picked up a Super8 camera and had MOVIES!!! Don was some kind of angry that he didn't think of it. Sadly, Bruce Funk's wife Marlice told me that Don is no longer with is. Spotting was an iffy situation, depending on who spotted of course. One load we exited right over the Ammo Dump. I remember thinking, all the way down, that I was going to die, shot by some private on guard duty, who thought the Russians were invading, using Red White and Blue ParaCommanders. Also, remember how incredible it was to see the book "Skies Call" In this age where every second jumper has a video camera or cameras plural, it hardly seems possible that a simple book could seem so incredible. That was Andy Keech's masterpiece. Hell I just got so nostalgic, that I bought a copy on Amazon.com Tom B
  9. I was going through some old logbooks from Ft Hood Parachute Club from the mid-70's, and can't read a lot of signatures. Does anyone who did Army sport skydiving during the period have one of General John Singlaub that I could compare to? How many from Ft Hood then are still in the sport? If anyone jumped there then, or knows someone you think may have, please give them my email address, or send theirs to me please. Tom Birdwell
  10. My father and several uncles worked in CCC. One huge difference is all they needed was cash and a supervisior, and they just went and did things. Here isn one HUGE difference. In my little town they plan to build another exit off I75. They expect the environmental and all the other planning, and the project, to take 15 years. In the 30's they would have just established camp and started shoveling. And in so doing they build some of our nation's most beautiful and lasting resources. Tom B
  11. He is still answerable to his wife. I hear she can be like Hillary at times in their early administration, although I haven't heard of any lamp throwing or SS agents having to restrain our present first lady. Tom B
  12. Indeed. But there are ways around it. Israel will give you a temporary and separate document to be stamped so that their stamp is not on your passport if you request it just for that reason. I think you have to ask in advance now, but am not sure. My former employer instructed us exactly how to do it on our visits to Israel. I think the smarter among us blately ignored that, and had their passports stamped so they could not be quickly sent to some other not so nice nations we serviced. Not so nice being defined as no booze, bars, etc. Tom B
  13. Of the names you listed, I believe Robertson comes the closest to actually believing what he says. By that I mean that he really believes the outragious things he says. Who knows. Tom B
  14. Israel's greatest error of all time was not making Egypt take the Gaza strip when they gave them back the Sini. Tom B