
Man arrested for having "too much ammo"

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News, Massachusetts:
Police: Man said 30,000 bullets were for target practice

Keni Garcia told police he intended to use the 30,000 bullets they found in his car and home for target practice. That is hard to believe, the prosecutor at Garcia's arraignment said, because if he were to fire a gun for eight hours a day, it would take weeks for him to use all of it. Garcia, who allegedly bought thousands of rounds of ammunition and had 10,000 bullets in his car when he was stopped by police Thursday, was ordered held on $500,000 cash bail yesterday.

Garcia is charged with three counts of possession of a high-capacity firearm, illegal possession of ammunition and illegal storage of a firearm.

Garcia is a native of the Dominican Republic who was expected to become a U.S. citizen yesterday, but then he was arrested, authorities said.

Garcia had previously bought 20,000 rounds of ammunition in New Hampshire. His common law wife, Elizabeth Reynoso, consented to a search and police found another 20,000 rounds, Holland said. They also found one .38-caliber and two 9 mm handguns, and $25,000 in cash...
Source: http://www.eagletribune.com/punewshh/local_story_135220825.html

He's got guns, lots of ammo and lots of cash! Good gosh, lock the bastard up! He's got to be guilty of something!

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it is suspicious...

He had three handguns and 30k rounds of ammo. That's 10k rounds per handgun. If he shoots 200 rounds each weekend, which is very easy to do in just a couple of hours or less, then that's only a one-year supply for each handgun. That doesn't seem suspicious at all to me. That's just a normal amount to keep on hand, so that you don't run out, especially right now when ammo has become scarce.

Besides, what crime would one commit with 30k rounds of ammo, that they couldn't do with just 100?

For those seven of you who have voted that the government should restrict how much ammo one can own, please tell us your Goldilocks formula: how much is "too much", and how much is "just right"?

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it is suspicious...

He had three handguns and 30k rounds of ammo. That's 10k rounds per handgun. If he shoots 200 rounds each weekend, which is very easy to do in just a couple of hours or less, then that's only a one-year supply for each handgun. That doesn't seem suspicious at all to me. That's just a normal amount to keep on hand, so that you don't run out, especially right now when ammo has become scarce.

maybe its because i come form a country with far stricter gun laws than yours but a years supply of ammo along with a large amount of cash sounds suspicious to me BUT as i said i hope this dosnt fuck everything else up for him if it is a mistake

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it is suspicious but i really really hope that they do not mess up his citizenship on a hunch when it could be just that he likes shooting

It doesn't appear that he's being charged for having 20,000 rounds of ammo, but for having it and guns at all. In California a resident alien can purchase guns, but perhaps not there.

25k in cash is not a particularly large amount - many immigrants have a unhealthy (well maybe not anymore) fear of banks.

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It doesn't appear that he's being charged for having 20,000 rounds of ammo, but for having it and guns at all. In California a resident alien can purchase guns, but perhaps not there.

I thought it sounded like they believe he was illegally exporting it?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Whats really funny is in .22 that isnt all that much. My friends and I used to burn through 3k+ rounds of .22 ammo in a weekend.

Good point. The story said that the ammo was .22, .38 and 9mm. But they didn't give the breakdown for how much of each. It could have been only a few thousand of .38 and 9mm, while the bulk of the ammo was simply .22. And .22 is cheap, small in bulk, and rarely used in crime. So that would paint a whole different picture of the situation.

Maybe the guy just likes to plink a lot - there's no crime in that.

And that's another big point about this story. He didn't actually do anything with his guns or ammo to harm or threaten anyone. This whole story, designed to scare, is about him simply owning them. Period. It's a technical paperwork violation, if anything. Where's the crime?

The gun-o-phobes love to create such laws, so that they can lock up people who haven't actually done anything to harm anyone. A half-million dollar bail for someone who didn't commit any harmful act against anyone else, and whose only violation, if any, is a paperwork issue - is that fair? To the gun-o-phobes, it is.

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30,000 rounds:o:o Will somebody please tell me where the fuck he got it? I can't even find one box of 38 specials in a 50 mile radius of where I live.>:(>:(

aside from the classy and gratuitous used of profanity.....

why find out where he got them? just call him directly, apparently he'll need to reduce his inventory now :P

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30,000 rounds:o:o Will somebody please tell me where the fuck he got it? I can't even find one box of 38 specials in a 50 mile radius of where I live.>:(>:(

A person at work has 15K rounds in his safe. He orders it online.

Last week, Fedex delivered 8 cases to his door.

He and his wife are accountants during the week,
and competition shooters on the weekend.

A few months ago, they took a vacation to a full-auto gun range.

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Hi JR,
"There are 3 things a man (or woman) can't have too many of; Guns, Ammo and Knives!!!" Not necessarily in any order!

Read about this dude on Dave Codrea's blog, interesting set of circumstances but WTF, what if he was hoarding Beer and peanuts instead?? "Just in case" our buddy Barry Obamarama tries to sneak thru his 500% tax on guns "AND" ammo to try and fund his various misadventures, at least this dude would have a few rounds to plink with! Hell, buy in bulk for a better deal.. Federal 550 round .22LR Value pak bricks ..when you can get em' these daze!!
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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If he shoots 200 rounds each weekend

200? I've shot nearly 2000 rounds in a weekend!

I would LOVE to have that much ammo ready to go. Then I wouldn't debate as to go shoot or save the ammo I have due to supply issues right now.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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He's got guns and he's got money. All he needs now is... lawyers. :P

Ah yes

Warren Zevon:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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30,000 rounds:o:o Will somebody please tell me where the fuck he got it? I can't even find one box of 38 specials in a 50 mile radius of where I live.>:(>:(

aside from the classy and gratuitous used of profanity.....

why find out where he got them? just call him directly, apparently he'll need to reduce his inventory now :P


The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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News, Massachusetts:

Police: Man said 30,000 bullets were for target practice

Keni Garcia told police he intended to use the 30,000 bullets they found in his car and home for target practice. That is hard to believe, the prosecutor at Garcia's arraignment said, because if he were to fire a gun for eight hours a day, it would take weeks for him to use all of it. Garcia, who allegedly bought thousands of rounds of ammunition and had 10,000 bullets in his car when he was stopped by police Thursday, was ordered held on $500,000 cash bail yesterday.

Garcia is charged with three counts of possession of a high-capacity firearm, illegal possession of ammunition and illegal storage of a firearm.

Garcia is a native of the Dominican Republic who was expected to become a U.S. citizen yesterday, but then he was arrested, authorities said.

Garcia had previously bought 20,000 rounds of ammunition in New Hampshire. His common law wife, Elizabeth Reynoso, consented to a search and police found another 20,000 rounds, Holland said. They also found one .38-caliber and two 9 mm handguns, and $25,000 in cash...
Source: http://www.eagletribune.com/punewshh/local_story_135220825.html

He's got guns, lots of ammo and lots of cash! Good gosh, lock the bastard up! He's got to be guilty of something!

Would you say the same if he came from Pakistan?
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Okay, I can figure out the high capacity firearm and illegal storage, but what is illegal about possessing the ammunition? He didn't have a gun in the car so it wasn't about having ammo and a gun together in a car. In Illinois you'd need a FOID.

Can anyone tell me what MA law might cause the ammo to be illegal for him to possess?

Need to know! I can think of about 10,000 rounds in my house without trying.;) Hmmm, most of it is evil 'military' ammo. Surplus ball and FMJ pistol.

Don't think I ever had 10,000 rounds in the car. 5,000 yes, 10,000 no.:)
Now, he may very well have been sending it home but that's not what he's charged with. And I used to shoot 500 rounds of 9mm in one practice session.

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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>>Peoples republic of Massachusists. Commies.


He just needed to be north a couple of miles.... I don't think the police let you drive into VT or NH without having some sort of gun in possession.

Plus his name is Garcia, obviously he is some sort of gang member establishing new turf:P

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