
"How cool would it be to say, 'I've kissed but one man in my life'?"

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Ever heard of "Purity Balls"?

Fathers attend with their daughters, and in some cases, vow to not even kiss a man until the wedding day.

The title of the thread is a direct quote of one of the dads. Of course he'd love it if his little girl never kissed a guy until she married him. But how smart and/or practical is this really?

Opinions, anyone?



. Pastor Randy Wilson, host of the event and cofounder of the ball, strides to the front of the room, takes the microphone and asks the men, “Are you ready to war for your daughters’ purity?”

Wilson’s voice is jovial, yet his message is serious—and spreading like wildfire. Dozens of these lavish events are held every year.... While the abstinence movement itself is fairly mainstream—about 10 percent of teen boys and 16 percent of girls in the United States have signed virginity pledges at churches, rallies or programs sponsored by groups such as True Love Waits—purity balls represent its more extreme edge. The young women who sign covenants at these parties tend to be devout, homeschooled and sheltered from popular culture.

Randy Wilson’s 19-year-old, Khrystian, is typical: She works at her church, spends most weekends at home with her family and has never danced with a male other than her father or brother. Emily Smith, an 18-year-old I meet, says that even kissing is out for her. “I made a promise to myself when I was younger,” she says, “to save my first kiss for my wedding day.” A tenet of the abstinence movement is that having lovers before marriage often leads to divorce. In the Wilsons’ community, young women hope to meet suitors at church, at college or through family connections.

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Ever heard of "Purity Balls"?

Is that right after you shave and wash them? ;)

Talk about the pressure the parents are putting on these kids... [:/]
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Really? Then why does Bolas keep going on about how well you kiss?

I was pretty drunk that night, I think I kissed the one on the right in his avatar and just got confused. :$:D
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Ever heard of "Purity Balls"?

Is that right after you shave and wash them? ;)

Talk about the pressure the parents are putting on these kids... [:/]

I bet those "Purity Balls" are blue.

How well do you really know someone that you've never kissed, let alone gotten to know carnally?

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Ever heard of "Purity Balls"?

Is that right after you shave and wash them? ;)

Talk about the pressure the parents are putting on these kids... [:/]

I bet those "Purity Balls" are blue.

How well do you really know someone that you've never kissed, let alone gotten to know carnally?

I'm guessing they don't masturbate either, so they don't even know theirselves... :S
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
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"How cool would it be to say, 'I've kissed but one man in my life'?"

how cool, well that depends.... how many women have you kissed

sounds like some of those chicks that (supposedly) have only taken it in the ass and then claim that they are still virgins.

anybody else here that has ever read or seen some of these interviews..

funny as all hell
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Is it really healthy to deny these kids the teenager "rites of passage" stuff like making out in cars and that kind of fun stuff?

Teaching them to bottle up their emotions? I think that would make them candidates for future slutdom when they realize what they've been missing and they end up going hog wild later in life.


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I agree, like a marriage between 2 unkissed individuals would stand a snowball’s chance in hell when one of them (or both) finds out that they have been missing out on a LOT of other fun stuff you can do in the sack....

As Jeff Dunham’s ”Achmed the dead terrorist” summarize it quite well when he says something like the following. “72 virgins? I’ll take 72 slutty ones that knows what they are doing” (don’t remember the line by heart and since I’m at work it’s not safe to YouTube it right now) ;)

This is just another stunt coming from religious fanatics that don’t want people to do as they are doing but really want the young ones to do as they preach..... Religious freaks >:(

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dudeist skydiver # 19515
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As Jeff Dunham’s ”Achmed the dead terrorist” summarize it quite well when he says something like the following. “72 virgins? I’ll take 72 slutty ones that knows what they are doing” (don’t remember the line by heart and since I’m at work it’s not safe to YouTube it right now)

I believe it was Walter who said that.


It's the very last line of this clip. And it's funny as hell. :D:D

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As Jeff Dunham’s ”Achmed the dead terrorist” summarize it quite well when he says something like the following. “72 virgins? I’ll take 72 slutty ones that knows what they are doing” (don’t remember the line by heart and since I’m at work it’s not safe to YouTube it right now)

I believe it was Walter who said that.


It's the very last line of this clip. And it's funny as hell. :D:D

Of course it was Walter.... I’m old so you have to forgive my weakening memory. B|
Thanx for correcting me ;)
“The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw
He who dies with the most toys, wins.....
dudeist skydiver # 19515
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I think it would be so amazing! My daughter already has a purity ring, and even this (the thought of saving yourself until marriage) is highly scoffed now days. It shows amazing strength and self value. Also, it would really show the guy she marries, how true her love and dedication are if she saves the most precious gift (her body) in all ways for him. If I could go back and do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat!:)

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As the father of 2 daughters, i think the "idea" is great. I would have rather my daughters waited until marriage as well as my son if i had one.
But the reality is you have to teach them values as best you can and then at some point in thier lives they are going to do what ever they want with who ever they want.
Parents have to live in the real world and not bury thier heads in the sand when it comes to kids. Purity balls, purity rings and what ever else we want to believe just isn't enough. They are people and have all the same urges we all have. SO diligent parenting works better than a purity pledge. Just one mans opinion.
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sounds like some of those chicks that (supposedly) have only taken it in the ass and then claim that they are still virgins.

funny as all hell

you can take it where the sun don't shine and still not kiss :P
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