
For Whom will you Vote in the Presidential Election

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I would prefer Romney. IMHO, at least he has the balls to say "I don't Know." instead of pulling the usual BS politicians do to look smart. If I had to choose for a Democratic Candidate, I'd take Obama because I believe him to be the lesser of 2 evils.
=========Shaun ==========

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Democratic Candidate, I'd take Obama because I believe him to be the lesser of 2 evils.

Thats how I feel, I hate having to choose between the lesser of two evils ... its like having to choose being attacked by a swarm of bees or tied up next to an anthill smothered in honey :|
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I will probably vote for Ron Paul.

not much chance he'll win, but, I think libertarians need to get out there & let the country know we're here. The Mainstream Democrats & Republicans have had their turn, and it's pretty obvious where that's gotten us: the Giant Douche vs. the Turd Sandwich every election year.

It's not going to change until we say fuck it & start voting for candidates that don't totally suck.
Speed Racer

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It looks as if the choices will be one these four matchups:

Obama v. McCain McCain
Obama v. Romney Obama
Clinton v. McCain McCain
Clinton v. Romney Romney

So, will you vote for douche or turd?

sounds similar (I'll be holding my nose and hiding my wallet for any of these combos, though)

maybe time to throw a vote to the libertarian - "fill in the blank"

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Why is it there is no choice of "None of the above"? Is that something each state would have to add to the ballot individually? Or could it be done from a federal level?
For the first time in a long time there is a candidate from each party that I would feel comfortable voting for. None perfect, of course, but an Obama v. McCain matchup would leave me feeling ok (at least for a while) with the outcome regardless of who won.

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Democratic Candidate, I'd take Obama because I believe him to be the lesser of 2 evils.

Thats how I feel, I hate having to choose between the lesser of two evils ... its like having to choose being attacked by a swarm of bees or tied up next to an anthill smothered in honey :|

If Obama had another senate term under his belt, he wouldn't be the lesser of evils. If the Democrats were offering a choice besides Clinton, I'd say great, and Obama could run next time. Oh well.

Seems like after Tuesday, we can have this thread again with just two choices as it seems likely we'll know.

(unless the VP choice will affect your vote - there's an interesting subtopic - would a good or bad VP choice lead you to change your vote?)

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(unless the VP choice will affect your vote - there's an interesting subtopic - would a good or bad VP choice lead you to change your vote?)

I think the VP choice will be EXCEEDINGLY important....

If McCain is elected he will probably die in office of old age.

If Obama is elected.. he will probably die of lead poisioning from some good ole boy who does believe he is black enough.

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good to point out, though I worry much more about McCain than I do Obama.

Agreed ...

There is no shortage of socialist Canadians who for years now have been wishing upon falling star after falling star that Bush would be assassinated. But Bush has still not suffered from a case of lead poisioning (yet). Now there is no guarantee that some loonie tune red neck would not pop Obama, but you have to think that security for him (if he does become Prez) will be just as high if not higher than GWB. The odds of McCain dying of natural causes are much higher.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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good to point out, though I worry much more about McCain than I do Obama.

Agreed ...

There is no shortage of socialist Canadians who for years now have been wishing upon falling star after falling star that Bush would be assassinated. But Bush has still not suffered from a case of lead poisioning (yet). Now there is no guarantee that some loonie tune red neck would not pop Obama, but you have to think that security for him (if he does become Prez) will be just as high if not higher than GWB. The odds of McCain dying of natural causes are much higher.

I don't think any of them are worth a vote. Clinton is too wishy-washy and probably corrupt. Obama, has good intentions but, I think that once the political 'machine' got hold of him, he'd be a lot different. McCain? To me, I don't feel, has what it takes. Romney is too damned political and probably open to the highest bidder. The rest, don't impress me either.



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maybe time to throw a vote to the libertarian - "fill in the blank"

Ron Paul IS the libertarian.

But the masses tend to be drawn to the candidate that promises (no mention of a viable plan that will make it happen... last time I checked, a statement of need is still unable to produce goods/services from thin air...) the most extensive handouts. Damned freeloaders.

Oh, and has anyone else seen the revolting Hillary commercial with the skydiver 'out of control, spinning!' :S
Why don't you just play 'chicken' on the railroad tracks? It would be a cheaper way to toy with death, I'm sure.

CWR #2 - "You SAID collision!"

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