
I would like to tell you a bit more about God

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Instead of pulling all hint of religion out of schools, I think it would be a better idea to have a course of study describing the world's more widely-accepted faiths, & maybe some represented by kids in the class, so they would have more understanding towards a Muslim, Catholic, Jew, Protestant, Mormon, Atheist, etc.

Because that opens the door to intolerance of those who fall below the threshold, such as Witchcraft, Rastafari, Santaria or Voodoo.
BTW Mormonism would hardly be considered one of the worlds more widely accepted faiths and protestantism only fits if you lump disparate groups like episcopalians and Southern Baptists together. If you really want the children introduced to Shiva, the Goddess of Pain, that's your business, but personally I think it would be more appropriate at the college level.

I didn't mention an age group specifically, but I was thinking Junior/Senior high school years. That's when it seems that personal identity becomes pretty important to teens, and that's when exploration tends to happen naturally (it did with many of us in our area, anyway) so I was thinking that it might be a good time to introduce some education in that area to again alleviate the misunderstandings...

Re: the relegions that fall under the threshold you were refering to, well obviously you couldn't explore every religion, but if someone in the class was familiar, wouldn't that be a good way to explain their culture?

And about the Baptists and Mormons, and others that I guess I mislabeled as more 'mainstream'...I imagine that it varies geopgraphically, but I know that those are the religions that seem to be fairly prevalent in my area.

I think it would be harder to shelter a 17 year old from all other religions other than your own, and since they are so close to going out into the big world on their own, I still think it would be a good idea to at least recognize different belief structures.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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It's fascinating and I wish we could celebrate our beliefs instead of trying to beat them into the ground with intolerance.

A few years back, in Palm Beach, there was a guy who used to run around naked, squatting on lawns, attempting to "lay eggs" cause he thought he was a chicken.

I'm still shocked by the intolerance displayed by the local community. ;)

You're pretty open about your inability to see any difference between a person's choices and being mentally ill. I am not surprised in the least by this post.

-You never did answer the question posed to you in that other thread, BTW...do you shave your legs or 'mutilate' yourself with pierced ears? By your own definition, you need to see a 'different kind of doctor' for your insecurities that were brought on by social conditioning if you do.

You draw conclusions of convenience and contrivance. They are your creations, as is your (displaced) anger over other issues. If you don't like my comments in one thread, why follow me around to snip at me on other issues? Continuing to harbor resentment will eat you up.

Allow me to reiterate the statement that really has you boiling, and see if you can get back on the right track, the right forum and the right thread. B|

'Fitness and/or weight loss does not require special food nor special exercise plans'
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Hi Adriana,

Congratulations on getting into Med. School.

I want to thank you for your post. I found it quite interesting.

I've been a member of this site for 5 1/2 years, so it did not surprise me with the negative responses you received from the 'usual suspects'. When it comes to your topic, they cannot tolerate it and need to be antagonistic. I'm giving shropshire a pass because even though we differ in our religious beliefs, he really is a kind and caring man. AcmeSkydiver is truly a wonderful person and I was happy to see her come to your defense...not that you needed it. I say that because I know from experience that when you have truly heard the word of God silently in your soul, nothing the naysayers write will change your beliefs. What you have experienced is impossible to deny. I know that from my own experience.

Anyway, keep the faith. Always hold God close to your heart no matter what comes at you from the outside. I know you'll pray for those who attack you as you and I know they have not been as fortunate as we have to have experienced the presence of God. Rest assured that they don't believe because they actually don't believe that God does have the capability to reveal Himself to whomever He wants. He has to me in so many different ways. Ways these folks don't believe is possible. I will be told I experienced hallucinations or really need to seek psychotherapy. What they don't know is that when you have an experience like you and I have, there is no denying its accuracy. It is impossible. It leaves a permanent mark on your mind and soul. You never forget the experience and it is always like it just happened and you are experiencing the most sane moment in your life. The only people who will understand this are the ones who also have experienced it.

Best of luck in Med School.:)
If you wish to pm me, feel free.


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So how do you know your experience is genuine when it can be so easily stimulated through changes in brain chemistry?



Dont you realise that whilst ou claim your experience is real to you there are others of different religious belief, oh lets say for example, fundamentist Islam, so would claim the same thing, are you both right?

If a man was sure he heard gods vioice in his head and told it him to go and kill he innocent would you say well who are we to deny his experience?

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I don't usually post in this forum but I do have two questions for the OP.... do you really believe that your experiences are a test of your faith? I fail to see how admissions into university and the resulting medical school are examples of a true trying experience. Apologies if it seems like I am denigrating your experiences, as everything is individual to the person, but within this world that we live in... I don't believe that this is a fair example of the suffering that can be experienced.

second question: did you wait for someone to crash into your house to find out about your acceptance to Pretoria? If you hadn't received any correspondence -did you not contact them yourself? Could you not have taken that into your own hands?

anyways.... its good to have faith especially when life throws a curveball... good luck with the rest of your degree. :)

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God doesn't always give you what you want, but He gives you what He knows you need.

Tell that to the millions of innocent people dying of starvation or living on the streets.


but I know that all God is in control, and He will not fail me.

Seems like a way out of being in control of your own destiny. If you fuck up - blame god, if you succeed - thank god.
To know requires proof
To believe requires evidence
To have faith requires neither.
If you stick with that, we'll never be confused again

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In Reply To

why are others allowed to destroy the livelihoods of others, why do christians pollute the earth?

Start to respect what you have rather than he who supposedly crated it and the world would be a better place.

Do you recycle, do you refrain from buying products that are unecessarily packaged in plastic, do you drive a vehicle that is overpowered...?


A little self righteousness welling up inside?

Nah not at all bro, but i don't pretent to know the meaning of life either. it is far too complicated for any of us to ever know.

Just holier than thou mo fo's really get on my wick!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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I'm simply placing this post for people who would like to know more about God. If you would like to read it - do so, otherwise ignore it or start a new thread bashing it if that is your wish. I just sincerely want to ask you not to do so in this thread.

Tough. Sorry.


I believe God is in control of my life, and He will always provide. God doesn't always give you what you want, but He gives you what He knows you need. I've learned to trust in Him, and of course life isn't always rosy, but I know that all God is in control, and He will not fail me.

Cool. It's nice to know that people in Darfur need to see their children starve to death in front of them. It's nice to know that people in China need to live under a corrupt, inhumane totalitarian regime. It's nice to know that people in Iraq need to have limbs blown off every day by IEDs and car bombs.

I'm sure all that is just as important as you getting into med school.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You draw conclusions of convenience and contrivance. They are your creations, as is your (displaced) anger over other issues. If you don't like my comments in one thread, why follow me around to snip at me on other issues? Continuing to harbor resentment will eat you up.

Allow me to reiterate the statement that really has you boiling, and see if you can get back on the right track, the right forum and the right thread. B|

'Fitness and/or weight loss does not require special food nor special exercise plans'

Are you freaking serious?!? :D:D:D:D

No, I'm not in the least bit worried about what you think about diets! I was in Speaker's Corner originally to find perspective on Obama. This thread caught my attention. I would have responded to ANYONE that posted the exact words you did in the same manner that I did.

I have noticed that your posts in general are predominently negative (Actually, I haven't seen one that was positive...but I have a bad memory so I could be wrong). It could be about religion, it could be breast implants, it could be in our health and fitness team threads...you're droning is predictably negative towards everyone. -Don't get me wrong, I LOVE your 'non-conformist' idealism...it's so much fun! And I admit to egging you on at times in the threads about women's issues just to watch you dig yourself deeper into your anti-social rants because they're kinda funny. :ph34r: Every time you reply to someone trying to call them victims of societal training and conformists & crap, I can't help but picture the Goth Kids on South Park...

Goth 1: Life is pain. Life is only pain. We're all taught to believe in happy fairytale endings. But there's only blackness. Dark, depressing loneliness that eats at your soul.

Goth 2: Who needs that kind of Barbie love, anyway? Everyone's just walking around like a bunch of conforminsts. Go ahead and wear your business suits so you can make thirty-four thousand dollars a year to buy your condominium. They're all zombies racing to their graves. Love didn't work for my mom and dad. Why should it work for me?

Goth Girl: My dad is such an asshole. Drunken bastard doesn't even know I exist. But then he won't let me go to the Skinny Puppy concert because my heroine-addict aunt is coming over for dinner. [takes a puff] Dinner? That's a laugh. Just an excuse for my mom to bitch at me for not wearing girly clothes like all the Britney Spears wannabes at this school.

Little Goth: They're all a bunch of Nazi conformists cheerleaders.

Stan: But if life is only pain, then... what's the point of living?

Goth 1: Just to make life more miserable for the conformists.

Stan: All right, so how do I join you?

Goth 2: If you wanna be one of the non-conformists, all you have to do is dress just like us and listen to the same music we do.

Stan: ...'K.

Goth 2: Hey, can we get more coffee over here?

Waitress: Damnit, are you kids just gonna sit here all night again and drink six dollars' worth of coffee?! Why don't you get a life?! [walks away]

Goth 2: Conformist. Have fun in your rat-race life, living paycheck to paycheck for corporate gains.

Other Goths: Yeah.

Goth 1: [to Stan] Dude, you haven't drank your coffee.

Stan: Well I don't drink coffee.

Goth 1: You can't be a non-conformist if you don't drink coffee! [Stan picks up his mug and drinks. Kyle enters the restaurant and approaches Stan's booth]

Kyle: Oh Jesus Christ, I had to see it to believe it! What the hell are you doing?!

You sure are entertaining, Miss jenfly00. :) But it's fun, and I'm going to miss it when I get on with what I'm supposed to be doing on the internet instead of entertainment...[:/]
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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You sure are entertaining, Miss jenfly00. :) But it's fun, and I'm going to miss it when I get on with what I'm supposed to be doing on the internet instead of entertainment...[:/]

Cool. Have fun.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Uhhh, I have ADD. Does God do like "Cliff Notes" or bullet points or anything?

Oh yeah, I know god!! Duh! He's the joker that Atheists like me pray to "just in case" (heh heh) right before we jump out of a perfectly good airplane....


I want to tell you everything there is to know about atheism:

1. There is no God.

2. When we die, we don't 'float up to the clouds', listen to Kenny G and Yanni all day and get fed grapes by a gang of Swedish lesbians (as much as it pains me to say so). We turn black and stinky, fill up with gas from our rotting organs, and maggots eat our brains.

I don't understand how people still believe in God in this modern age, especially when Science disproves another facet of the Bible practically every single day. Look at the facts and decide for yourself.

When I see people so preachy, it reminds me of the villagers in the remote amazon tribe that thinks the guy with the videocamera is trying to steal their soul...

Come on.. For real.. Do you really believe the crap you spout?

I am brave enough to face a world where there is no God. Are you? After all, if there were no god, it sure would explain a lot wouldn't it? AIDS, Darfur, the Tsunami a few years back that killed 280,000 people, Adolf Hitler, the Flu of 1919 that killed 10,000,000 people, etc, etc, etc....

If there is a God, he should be fired for sleeping on the job.


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I decided to take another bite:

Soooo... Ya got into med school huh? It just goes to show you that even a broken watch is right twice a day... Why don't you roll up a big fattie and sit back and ponder how that 'thought' really 'got put in your heart'?

Then go back on the Haldol, or Thorazine or whatever is the standard script for overly preachy, naive little girls that have allowed themselves to be so programmed by the church to actually believe that any of us really care to 'know a little more about god'. If we wanted to know a little more about god, we would be tuned into the 700 Club or Oral Roberts (snicker), not surfing dropzone.com... Mmmmmkay?

Or maybe you are just big on yourself 'dropdgorgeous'?

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Now this might be a little of topic, but I have a question.... if i remember my bible correctly John 9:1-41 Jesus heals a blind man, now why did he not just cure blindness altogether????
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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I decided to take another bite:

Soooo... Ya got into med school huh? It just goes to show you that even a broken watch is right twice a day... Why don't you roll up a big fattie and sit back and ponder how that 'thought' really 'got put in your heart'?

Then go back on the Haldol, or Thorazine or whatever is the standard script for overly preachy, naive little girls that have allowed themselves to be so programmed by the church to actually believe that any of us really care to 'know a little more about god'. If we wanted to know a little more about god, we would be tuned into the 700 Club or Oral Roberts (snicker), not surfing dropzone.com... Mmmmmkay?

Or maybe you are just big on yourself 'dropdgorgeous'?

Your replies say a whole lot more about you than about the original poster.

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I decided to take another bite:


Soooo... Ya got into med school huh? It just goes to show you that even a broken watch is right twice a day... Why don't you roll up a big fattie and sit back and ponder how that 'thought' really 'got put in your heart'?

If she's smart enough to get into medical school , she's probably smart enough to know that smoking a fattie and contemplating the deep things of life[Oh, wait, there can't be such a thing] just turns you into a wasted dumbass.


Then go back on the Haldol, or Thorazine or whatever is the standard script for overly preachy, naive little girls that have allowed themselves to be so programmed by the church to actually believe that any of us really care to 'know a little more about god'. If we wanted to know a little more about god, we would be tuned into the 700 Club or Oral Roberts (snicker), not surfing dropzone.com... Mmmmmkay?

You might want to smoke a fattie and contemplate the ugliness of a nonexistant emotion called contempt.

Or maybe you are just big on yourself 'dropdgorgeous'?

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You sure are entertaining, Miss jenfly00. :) But it's fun, and I'm going to miss it when I get on with what I'm supposed to be doing on the internet instead of entertainment...[:/]

Cool. Have fun.

It's really apparent that you're deeply affected by her opinion. I'll bet those posts ruined your week, eh? ;):D

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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I want to tell you everything there is to know about atheism:

1. There is no God.

2. When we die, we don't 'float up to the clouds', listen to Kenny G and Yanni all day and get fed grapes by a gang of Swedish lesbians (as much as it pains me to say so). We turn black and stinky, fill up with gas from our rotting organs, and maggots eat our brains.

As an agnostic, this post really describes atheism to a 'T'

1 - a statement of belief stated as fact (just like organized churches do)
2 - a direct denial of a religious bit - as a blatant misperception of a childish view of a religious perspective - they can't just go with rule one, they also have to add a 2nd rule to directly deny or ridicule

true atheism would have one rule only : "I do not believe there is a god" that's it, nothing more, where's the pancakes?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I want to tell you everything there is to know about atheism:

1. There is no God.

2. When we die, we don't 'float up to the clouds', listen to Kenny G and Yanni all day and get fed grapes by a gang of Swedish lesbians (as much as it pains me to say so). We turn black and stinky, fill up with gas from our rotting organs, and maggots eat our brains.

As an agnostic, this post really describes atheism to a 'T'

1 - a statement of belief stated as fact (just like organized churches do)
2 - a direct denial of a religious bit - as a blatant misperception of a childish view of a religious perspective - they can't just go with rule one, they also have to add a 2nd rule to directly deny or ridicule

true atheism would have one rule only : "I do not believe there is a god" that's it, nothing more, where's the pancakes?

Belief in an afterlife/ reincarnation/ soul can be unconnected, or not directly connected to belief in god hence, I guess, the specific denial of it in addition to denial of god.

But then it is, perhaps, possible to be a n atheist and yet still believe in other supernatural phenomena including the afterlife.

What is the definition of atheist anyway?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Well, we've gone down this road and you understand my mockery...

A regular atheist is much like a regular religious type. Decent, could be your next door neighbor, keeps it to himself and would be surprised if anyone really was interested. In other words, they have their arbitrary belief on the subject and it affects their lives or our lives to about zero extent.....

But the post indicates the typical religious atheist who - states their belief as a fact, and can't help but poke a stick at the others when it adds zero to their point. Atheism is a fine belief, but today's zealots (read as the vocal minority) really are just antagonistic children. Same as with Christianity, Islam, etc etc....

Makes me wonder as to their 'real' motivation for be so vocal in their belief, or even if they've used any better 'logic' for their position as your local active missionary in whatever trendy religion is walking through the neighborhood. I mean, they don't really act atheistic or agnostic.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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theist = belief in god or gods
a= without

atheist someone without belief in god or gods

it should be that simple, shouldn't it.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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