
I would like to tell you a bit more about God

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>It would be much simpler if we were all just soul-less organic automatons,
>whose only interest was survival & propagation.

>all this crap like love, wonder, feelings, music, poetry, art, laughter, joy,
>sorrow, hate, and the whole general INTERNAL FEELING of BEING HUMAN
>are just taking up valuable space.

?? Love, compassion, joy etc are part of how and why we survive. We love those we are close to, and thus protect ones partner/tribe from harm. We especially love our children, and thus make sure our genes survive to the next generation. We feel compassion because we have specific structures in our brains (google "mirror neurons") designed to be able to project other's sensations (pain, discomfort etc) into our own brains; this helps us learn how to avoid similar pain. People with dysfunctional mirror neuron networks are generally psychopaths; they are inherently incapable of "feeling someone else's pain." We feel joy and happiness because that's how we perceive feedback that will strengthen survival behaviors (like feeding oneself or others, or defending oneself from a threat, or ensuring survival of one's offspring) and we feel pain/remose/sorrow for the opposite reason (weakening behaviors that cause or influence people's deaths or painful experiences.)

That's not to say that the human mind is not an amazing and wonderful thing. We are now smart enough to sometimes decide to do things we know are right even when they cause us discomfort or pain, and that's a very good thing. But again, that's because being able to do that makes us more likely to survive, not because humans are "endowed with goodness" or anything like that. Any perusal of history will reveal that the opposite is true as often as not.

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Billvon, I like your approach. I think that the human mind is an unbroken circle. we can't have lose ends. When we have questions that we don't have answers for, we feel the need to fill in the blanks in the best way we know how. We are terribly curious creatures and we can't leave unanswered questions, so we fill the cracks in with whatever answer we have available for such situations. For some it is "beats me" and for others it is "god did it".

If we are trained from birth to fill the cracks in our psychological construct with "god did it" instead of "beats me" then i think it only prolongs the inevitable.

Think of how many wars have been fought over god. Think of how many people were burned at the stake or beheaded for God or Allah... If every person in the world only accepted that which was provable by science and thought rationally about every situation, the world would probably have another billion people in it.

Instead, we will continue to kill each other in the name of a supposedly benevolent creator that knows only love and compassion... What a way to emulate a peace loving, compassionate creator, huh?

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Well, for goodness sake, why did you feel the need to do it????

Best 4th grade level comeback I've heard in a long time.

I seriously doubt most 4th graders would have seen the grammatical ambiguity she was pointing out.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Think of how many wars have been fought over god. Think of how many people were burned at the stake or beheaded for God or Allah... If every person in the world only accepted that which was provable by science and thought rationally about every situation, the world would probably have another billion people in it.

If people didn't base wars on "god," they would find another excuse to claim property/land/whatever they want. Sexism/racism can exist even in a godless world. People will always find a way to excuse their hatred.

I'm very secure in my disbelief of a god, so it doesn't bother me if someone else has a very strong belief in it. I'm a-ok with people believing whatever they want...whether it's someone who feels that church brings out the best in them....or if it's my nephews believing Santa brings them the best toys. It's interesting to debate religion and to debate why people believe in god. I also see nothing wrong with people spending their free time however they wish to make themselves happy...so long as it doesn't impose on my fun.

While I think it's crazy to spend beautiful Sunday afternoons stuck inside singing bad music, many other people think it's crazy to spend a Sunday afternoon polluting the Earth with jet-a to fulfill one's adrenaline need. Can't say I disagree with them.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Re: the relegions that fall under the threshold you were refering to, well obviously you couldn't explore every religion, but if someone in the class was familiar, wouldn't that be a good way to explain their culture?

This goes exactly to the heart of the problem; what if there isn't anyone in their class that year?


And about the Baptists and Mormons, and others that I guess I mislabeled as more 'mainstream'...I imagine that it varies geopgraphically, but I know that those are the religions that seem to be fairly prevalent in my area.

The desire to teach our young that the world in their immediate vicinity contains all the belief structures that are valid is the devil's plan (if he does exist) indeed. It may serve the young person well if the big trip to the state capital will be the big excursion in his/her life, but how will it serve him/her in ten years as a member of the USMC enforcing a NATO peace plan between the Hindu Tamils and the Buddist Sinalise in Shri Lanka when as an nco he/she has to deal with the cultural demands of some animist belief tribe that has no friends on either side but is in the way of both, and there is no time to wait for decisions from above?
I believe it leads to a tiered value system with respect to people.

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Think of how many wars have been fought over god.

Nowhere near as many that have been fought over an Eggo.
"L'GGO my Eggo".
"No, it's my Eggo".
"Hey, you fucking prick, it's my goddamn Eggo".
"FUCK YOU! I bought the damn things, now let the FUCK - GO - OF - MY - FUCKING - EGGO!"
"EAT EGGO SHIT, PETER PUFFER! I own the refrigerator. Anything in there is MINE! Now let the FUCK GO OF MY EGGO".
"You want something to EAT! MOTHER FUCKER! EAT LEAD!"

Statisics compiled over the last 30 years has shown that the Eggo has been the primary reason for the majority of homicides committed before 9am. Had the breakfast participants had taken the time to make a good, healthy breakfast of bagels and lox they would had lived a good long life.
This important message was brought to you by The Bagel Bakers Association. Shalom!
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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I was hoping to not bother with this thread any more, but you make an excellent point.

-Now that you've found the 'general education' idea to be flawed, how do you think it should be fixed? As you said, we cannot instruct to all religions; it's just not possible. My thought to teach the basics of geographically prevelant religions was to help people understand those that they will be interacting with the most in their own communities...but you're right; that is flawed.

Regarding the point you made with military in specific...I know before my husband deployed, they did get some information on the customs and culture of the people in the geographic location that they were deploying to.

Do you think it's possible to understand other religions, on a large scale, without using our own as a meter-stick and producing that tiered value system you mentioned? I'm not sure any more. My own beliefs do not condone rape. How could I personally accept someone from a faith that did? :| I could not and I would not.

Faiths more in line with the same ideals have a better chance of understanding each other I would think. "-And ye harm no one, do what ye will" "Love thy neighbor as thyself" The 8 precepts of Buddhism (which I just learned about)...they seem to say simliar things in different languages.

Someone on this thread mentioned that some from religions that are the most similar are the most violent towards each other. In the US? I personally haven't seen that. Over seas, sure. They're in a war for the love of Pete. But here, we're not blowing up each other's churches and places of worship daily. We can walk in front of a Church of Latter Day Saints and not be afraid of being attacked for being Catholic...or atheist, or whatever. Personally, I'm not prone to shooting anyone else for being Baptist or Jewish, either...and it is by far the exception here in the US to find someone that is.

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Think of how many wars have been fought over god.

Nowhere near as many that have been fought over an Eggo.
"L'GGO my Eggo".
"No, it's my Eggo".
"Hey, you fucking prick, it's my goddamn Eggo".
"FUCK YOU! I bought the damn things, now let the FUCK - GO - OF - MY - FUCKING - EGGO!"
"EAT EGGO SHIT, PETER PUFFER! I own the refrigerator. Anything in there is MINE! Now let the FUCK GO OF MY EGGO".
"You want something to EAT! MOTHER FUCKER! EAT LEAD!"

Statisics compiled over the last 30 years has shown that the Eggo has been the primary reason for the majority of homicides committed before 9am. Had the breakfast participants had taken the time to make a good, healthy breakfast of bagels and lox they would had lived a good long life.
This important message was brought to you by The Bagel Bakers Association. Shalom!

Which all goes back to the 'pancake' discussion earlier.

1. I don't believe there is a god.

2. Thats all, wheres the pancakes? (Or in your case, the Eggos)

But it depends if you believe the 'literal word' of the atheist (a.k.a. the Hard Core Fundamentalist Atheists), (just pancakes - nothing else) or the more generalized 'interpretation' of the holy words (which could include other fatty breakfast foods)

Peter Puffing, lead slinging waffle theives? Ha! I blew coffee out of my nose...

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Someone on this thread mentioned that some from religions that are the most similar are the most violent towards each other. In the US? I personally haven't seen that. Over seas, sure. They're in a war for the love of Pete. But here, we're not blowing up each other's churches and places of worship daily. We can walk in front of a Church of Latter Day Saints and not be afraid of being attacked for being Catholic...or atheist, or whatever. Personally, I'm not prone to shooting anyone else for being Baptist or Jewish, either...and it is by far the exception here in the US to find someone that is.

Is that because of the tolerance religions generally show each other, or is it because we are all law abiding citizens as members of a Capitalist, Democratic Society?

It is false to say that religion isn't violent. Even Christianity. Just ask Ireland.

My question is that if you removed the constriction of rules that 'society' places on us (and we dutifully abide by), would we all still be the saints we profess that we are? After all, I have actually seen a few abortion clinics blown up, and one or two abortion doctors got fragged on Channel 5..

But I haven't ever seen an atheist commit a crime or hurt someone based on their religious belief.
(edit: except for that Jehovah's Witness last weekend, but that was totally different! he was asking for it... Besides. If they can't find a body then it didn't really happen... )

Just because we don't go around shooting Jews or Mormons in your neck of the woods, doesn't mean it wouldn't happen under the right circumstances. Remember after 9/11 we had rednecks killing people from India because they thought if you wore a turban you were a terrorist.


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It is false to say that religion isn't violent. Even Christianity. Just ask Ireland.

that's true, Kathy Ireland has traveled extensively and has a lot of life experience

usually looking for pancake breakfasts

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Is that because of the tolerance religions generally show each other, or is it because we are all law abiding citizens as members of a Capitalist, Democratic Society?

It is because most of us aren't sadistic. If there wasn't a law protecting Jewish people from us attacking them, I have to tell you, I don't know anybody, of any faith, that would just for the sake of doing so or to forward our own religion. :S I am talking people that I know, have interacted with, have seen their face live, etc...not some media-paraded 'Son of Sam' crazy that uses religion as an excuse for barbary. -If your neighbor falls into the category of 'would murder if there was no law', you might want to examine your choice of neighborhood, for your own safety...


It is false to say that religion isn't violent. Even Christianity. Just ask Ireland.

I'm not in Ireland. I don't know a single person from my church that has blown up anyone's car lately. There are over 3.5 million people in the Puget Sound area alone. I don't know a single one that would meet the criteria you are trying to lump people into and claim majority.


My question is that if you removed the constriction of rules that 'society' places on us (and we dutifully abide by), would we all still be the saints we profess that we are?

once again, unless you are talking about overseas (which I clearly differentiated and ya kind of ignored!) or the 'fringe' nut jobs like the Westboro Baptist Church and attempting to judge everyone that considers themselves religious based upon the stark minority, I say again, "No."


After all, I have actually seen a few abortion clinics blown up, and one or two abortion doctors got fragged on Channel 5..

If you are trying to call that common-place, I'd have to suggest a reality check!


But I haven't ever seen an atheist commit a crime or hurt someone based on their religious belief.
(edit: except for that Jehovah's Witness last weekend, but that was totally different! he was asking for it... Besides. If they can't find a body then it didn't really happen... )

I'm sure that's an attempt at dark humor...it misses a bit when you're trying to point out other peoples' tendency to violence...


Just because we don't go around shooting Jews or Mormons in your neck of the woods, doesn't mean it wouldn't happen under the right circumstances. Remember after 9/11 we had rednecks killing people from India because they thought if you wore a turban you were a terrorist.


Now we're just beating a dead horse...but how many of those rednecks were people you knew, and how rampant were those killings? Would you say more people, in the US, WOULD kill someone based on their ethnic background than wouldn't? :S

We are not, as a country, comprised of blood-thirsty savages that would rather kill than not. I'm not sure where you live that somehow your view has been so horrendously tainted.

Do a non-scientific poll of our DZ.com microcosm of the world if you want: "Would you, if there was no law against it, kill a member of an opposing religion?" I think it will speak for itself.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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not some media-paraded 'Son of Sam' crazy that uses religion as an excuse for barbary.

There are over 3.5 million people in the Puget Sound area alone. I don't know a single one that would meet the criteria you are trying to lump people into and claim majority.

attempting to judge everyone that considers themselves religious based upon the stark minority, I say again, "No."

Would you say more people, in the US, WOULD kill someone based on their ethnic background than wouldn't? :S

We are not, as a country, comprised of blood-thirsty savages that would rather kill than not. I'm not sure where you live that somehow your view has been so horrendously tainted.

All of the above apply to Muslims, yet they are persecuted.
To know requires proof
To believe requires evidence
To have faith requires neither.
If you stick with that, we'll never be confused again

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Someone on this thread mentioned that some from religions that are the most similar are the most violent towards each other. In the US? I personally haven't seen that. Over seas, sure. They're in a war for the love of Pete. But here, we're not blowing up each other's churches and places of worship daily. We can walk in front of a Church of Latter Day Saints and not be afraid of being attacked for being Catholic...or atheist, or whatever. Personally, I'm not prone to shooting anyone else for being Baptist or Jewish, either...and it is by far the exception here in the US to find someone that is.

Is that because of the tolerance religions generally show each other, or is it because we are all law abiding citizens as members of a Capitalist, Democratic Society?

It is false to say that religion isn't violent. Even Christianity. Just ask Ireland.

My question is that if you removed the constriction of rules that 'society' places on us (and we dutifully abide by), would we all still be the saints we profess that we are? After all, I have actually seen a few abortion clinics blown up, and one or two abortion doctors got fragged on Channel 5..

But I haven't ever seen an atheist commit a crime or hurt someone based on their religious belief.
(edit: except for that Jehovah's Witness last weekend, but that was totally different! he was asking for it... Besides. If they can't find a body then it didn't really happen... )

Just because we don't go around shooting Jews or Mormons in your neck of the woods, doesn't mean it wouldn't happen under the right circumstances. Remember after 9/11 we had rednecks killing people from India because they thought if you wore a turban you were a terrorist.


I'm flying in Winchester cathedral
It's hard enough to drink the wine
The air inside just hangs in delusion
But given time
I'll be fine

Open up the gates of the church and let me out of here
Too many people have lied in the name of Christ
For anyone to heed the call
Too many people have died in the name of Christ
That I can't believe it all

"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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not some media-paraded 'Son of Sam' crazy that uses religion as an excuse for barbary.

There are over 3.5 million people in the Puget Sound area alone. I don't know a single one that would meet the criteria you are trying to lump people into and claim majority.

attempting to judge everyone that considers themselves religious based upon the stark minority, I say again, "No."

Would you say more people, in the US, WOULD kill someone based on their ethnic background than wouldn't? :S

We are not, as a country, comprised of blood-thirsty savages that would rather kill than not. I'm not sure where you live that somehow your view has been so horrendously tainted.

All of the above apply to Muslims, yet they are persecuted.

You're right. They deserve better.

My sister and daughter were both named after a Muslim neighbor friend, so it was never an issue in our home...
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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My sister and daughter were both named after a Muslim neighbor friend, so it was never an issue in our home...

Wow, whip out the Koran and have yourself a shisha pipe! Is that like "I know a black guy so im not racist"?
To know requires proof
To believe requires evidence
To have faith requires neither.
If you stick with that, we'll never be confused again

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My sister and daughter were both named after a Muslim neighbor friend, so it was never an issue in our home...

Wow, whip out the Koran and have yourself a shisha pipe! Is that like "I know a black guy so im not racist"?

Of course the Muslim 'neighbor friend's name is Jennifer, but that's beside the point.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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My sister and daughter were both named after a Muslim neighbor friend, so it was never an issue in our home...

Wow, whip out the Koran and have yourself a shisha pipe! Is that like "I know a black guy so im not racist"?

Of course the Muslim 'neighbor friend's name is Jennifer, but that's beside the point.

Get real. Do either of you think that a person would name a child after someone they despised? :| I said she was mom's friend, and they named their second daughter after her.

And no, Rehm...'Jennifer' is my name. Their names (the three of them) is 'Jaleesa' -YEARS prior to the Queen Latifah's character on that sitcom, so don't start that nonsense...

Our neighbors took Islamic names as part of their religion. 'Jaleesa' was the name she took.

If it makes you feel better funks, my grandfather refused to call my sister by her name for nearly 2 years because she was named after a 'colored' woman, his words. I said that there was never a problem in our house. If you think that it was because we were never exposed to racism, you're making a hell of an assumption.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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My sister and daughter were both named after a Muslim neighbor friend, so it was never an issue in our home...

Wow, whip out the Koran and have yourself a shisha pipe! Is that like "I know a black guy so im not racist"?

Of course the Muslim 'neighbor friend's name is Jennifer, but that's beside the point.

My heartiest laugh of the day. Thanks for that. :D:D:D

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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