
Black Woman Executed in Texas

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I find this story to be extraordinary.

I was going to make some remarks, but I've thought better of it and decided to restrain from making any comment. Please DYOC (Draw Your Own Conclusions).


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I find this story to be extraordinary.

I was going to make some remarks, but I've thought better of it and decided to restrain from making any comment. Please DYOC (Draw Your Own Conclusions).



I have mixed feelings about the death penalty, but they sway in favor of it when my emotions are swayed toward revenge. I don't think it really serves "justice" in any real way. But if we're going to have the death penalty, then I see no reason why women in general, or black women in particular are spared this form of punishment. If a man killed his wife and children, then he'd probably be executed. A woman doing the killing makes the crime no less reprehensible.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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what are you holding in? The citation you give indicates no reason to think the gender or race had relevence, or that she was anything but guilty.

If we want to stray from the facts, there is the question of the sanity of any man or woman that kills her own spouse and children.

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She was convicted of killing her husband and 2 KIDS! I'll give her life for killing the husband, but she deserved what she got for the kids!

All appeals were consistently denied at all levels over an 18 year period.

If you want to kill someone, don't do it in Texas.

Blue skies,


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I find it staggering that a nation that consists of so many Christians chooses to associate itself with the most revolting shithole countries on this planet by continuing to implement the death penalty.

I like to imagine Jesus Christ sat there amongst the vengeful relatives and self-serving journo's watching the victin being pumped up with poison.

Would He be nodding in approval, or just shaking His head with shame?

Its pretty fucking obvious when you think about it...

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In the Economist there was a little graph about people in prison. The US has 700+ people in prison per million. The UK and France have 100+, and Japan has under 60.

Now Japan is very homogeneous, with strong cultural push towards conformity. But that doesn't describe either England or France. While the parallels aren't direct, I'm not sure that the US is 7 times as diverse as France or Britain, or that Americans are that much more violent. And if we are, wouldn't that be a bad thing instead of a good thing?

Wendy W.
(edit to remove "reply to" -- it wasn't)
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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As the word of God says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of god is eternal life thru Jesus Christ our Lord."

There is punishment for committing a crime and the punishment in the Great State of Texas for murder can bring you the Death penilty. So if you find yourself strapped down and the happy juice flowing into your veins, you have only yourself to blame.

But then again there is mercy, but the Gov. of Texas can only give a 30 day stay but has no power to stop it otherwise.

Those on Death Row in Texas are never repeat offenders. As we say don't mess with Texas.

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Now Japan is very homogeneous, with strong cultural push towards conformity. But that doesn't describe either England or France. While the parallels aren't direct, I'm not sure that the US is 7 times as diverse as France or Britain, or that Americans are that much more violent. And if we are, wouldn't that be a bad thing instead of a good thing?

I don't understand your point, and I normally do, and I normally think 'i wish i'd said it like that'. but its halft-midnight here, so maybe i'm just being slow.

The point i was trying to make is that the States seem to be overly religeous yet overly ruthless. I really don't think JC would approve of the death penalty yet it is clearly popular amongst the Christian right.

It looks like a clear case of 'men' twisting the word of God to meet their own needs to me.

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The only think I fid sad, although not extraordinary, is the lack of uproar over this as compared to Karla Faye Tucker. Let's face it - she was cute in her later life, and cuteness brings more sympathy.

Make no mistake about it - Karla Faye Tucker's crime was just as hideous. But apparently, a cute girl who was open about what she did deserves mre intervention.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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As the word of God says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of god is eternal life thru Jesus Christ our Lord."

I wasn't there when that was said (though, at my age, I almost could have been :D) but I'm pretty sure He meant spiritual death, not physical death.

So, hang 'em high!
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I find this story to be extraordinary.

I was going to make some remarks, but I've thought better of it and decided to restrain from making any comment. Please DYOC (Draw Your Own Conclusions).




Why, does the media have to play the 'race' card? Good lord! That's messed-up. Then, they turn around and talk about prejudice in this country. It appears to me, the press and media promotes racism by always making a racial issue out of it. Either directly or subtly. I don't give a shit less if, the person who commits a heinous crime is purple with green spots. They are still a criminal and if, the crime warrants the death penalty... so be it! Or, if it's a woman. Women (obviously) can commit the same crimes as men... punish 'em like a man! Women want to be treated 'equal' with men... fine with me!


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While the parallels aren't direct, I'm not sure that the US is 7 times as diverse as France or Britain, or that Americans are that much more violent. And if we are, wouldn't that be a bad thing instead of a good thing?

I think that this is exactly the issue, and Americans are that much more violent.

I think the US is very militaristic and I doubt the proliferation of guns is matched anywhere in the world.
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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I think the US is very militaristic and I doubt the proliferation of guns is matched anywhere in the world.

Not in the developed world perhaps... but I'm not sure you'd be right for the whole world.

Check this http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/smallarms/articles/2003/0729triggerhappy.htm

"With roughly 83-96 guns per 100 people, the United States is approaching a statistical level of one gun per person.

The country with the second-highest gun ownership is Yemen, with between 33 and 50 firearms per 100 people, followed by Finland with 39 per 100, the survey said.

By comparison, the states of the European Union, now thought to have many more guns than previously estimated, have 17.4 guns per 100 people.

One country that is heavily armed is Australia. The survey estimates there are 2.1 million private firearms in Australia. Australian gun ownership - one privately-owned gun for every nine people - surpasses the global ratio, which is just one gun for every 16 people. "
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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Black Woman Executed in Texas

First off..what does color have to do with this? Even the media left out her skin color from their title. Why did you feel the need to put it in yours?

Secondly...What is so extraordinary about it?

I agree wtf?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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