
Katrina: Looting

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I am not talking about, nor do I think that anyone is talking about carrying your laptop, i think we are focusing more on the idea of punishing (in some form) people who are walking out of a walmart with a cart full of tv's and computers. As for the idea that the reports are wrong...You can no more know that they aren't selling the goods, than we can know they are. It is impossible to know.
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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I am not talking about, nor do I think that anyone is talking about carrying your laptop, i think we are focusing more on the idea of punishing (in some form) people who are walking out of a walmart with a cart full of tv's and computers. As for the idea that the reports are wrong...You can no more know that they aren't selling the goods, than we can know they are. It is impossible to know.

If it's impossible to know, then immediate executions seems out of place in America. Unless you value dollars more than lives.

Are you really so sure that it will always be obvious if I'm one of them looters, or not? And would you be willing to be the gunman there, or are you content to dump this duty on some kid in the national guard?

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>A copter at 1,000 feet with a 50 Cal., they will be able to work
>several city blocks at a time. More bang for the buck.

Hmm. So if I was there, carting generators to a shelter, I'd need an RPG to defend myself from airborne vigilantes?

Bottom line - people are going to be stealing stuff for a while in New Orleans, and you can't tell people stealing lawnmowers from people stealing generators from 1000 feet. So the sane answer is not to shoot anyone. Sure, looters are bad. Shooting innocent people is a thousand times worse. You can replace the lawnmowers.

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Although it was a different time (1900), the Galveston Hurricane killed 5-8K and stranded the city from outside help since it is on an island.

Martial law was immediately declared because looters were stealing not only from homes and businesses, but from the dead.

I don't recall how many looters were shot, but basically if you were caught looting you were shot.

Again, I can understand people needing/stealing food and water, diapers, even medical supplies (e.g., basic human needs), but this has gotten out of hand while the authorities wring their hands.

Minor point but I don't thik it's possible to steal from the dead. they can't take it with 'em you know...

Stealing from the living is worse IMO.

Still, rat bastards should be punished...
illegible usually

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Are you really so sure that it will always be obvious if I'm one of them looters, or not? And would you be willing to be the gunman there, or are you content to dump this duty on some kid in the national guard?

I am the same age or younger than the kids you speak of in the national guard. If i were in the national guard and was given the order to shoot looters on sight. I would surely question the order, and would then have to ask how do i know who to shoot. But once I figured that out i think that i would be able to do my duty to my country. Futher more i don't think that you would have to shoot people for very long, I feel like after the first 2 or 3 people got killed for looting people would respond with a HOLY SHIT...THEY WEREN'T KIDDING THIS TIME. I could be totally wrong about both my reaction and the reaction of the looters. But the indisputable fact remains that it is sickening to see these people taking advantage of this situation. It is a terrible situation and it saddens me that people feel that they are in the right to steal things that they don't need. One person even said that it is a way that oppressed people get back at society...ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? There was a kid on the news in Walmart holding 2 or 3 pairs of shoes and some shirts, and he was talking about the shoes and how they were this kind of shoe. I honestly can't tell you for sure, but I would guess that he wasn't going to throw his new kicks on his feet and trudge through the street, nor can he eat his new shoes, nor do they provide water. This being said I am not sure how he is in the right, or how that behavior can be defended. People on TV were hiding their faces when the camera came around. That shows that they know it is wrong, but are doing it anyway. And i am not talking about the people that are getting bread and water, but about the people who are stealing new tv's and dvd players and things like that. It just upsets me, but as i have said several times I haven't been in that situation (i hope i never am, I hope none of us are) But it is terrible that people feel that it is a time to go and havea free for all. It is clearly a problem, otherwise the New Orleans SWAT teams wouldn't be roaming the streets with automatice weapons... SOmething to think about.
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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Yea, your right, it just felt good saying it, which I believe my mother would say...Two wrongs don't make a right.

Bill, I've heard from several co-workers that there has been a prison that has taken hostages, possibly chrildren of gaurds who took there families to work for protection from the storm. Have you heared anything about this.

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If i were in the national guard and was given the order to shoot looters on sight. I would surely question the order, and would then have to ask how do i know who to shoot. But once I figured that out i think that i would be able to do my duty to my country. Futher more i don't think that you would have to shoot people for very long, I feel like after the first 2 or 3 people got killed for looting people would respond with a HOLY SHIT...THEY WEREN'T KIDDING THIS TIME.

The point is I don't see how you can figure that out. As Bill asks, is that guy stealing generators or delivering them somewhere?

Would shooting work? Probably. But there is more than one mob of looters. If you fire on 50 of them and kill a couple innocents, is that a good enough ratio to you? And if in one of the 50, the mob returns fire?

I know where the desire/though is coming from on this idea, but I don't see how to take it from fantasy to reality. New Orleans just got fucked up and it's going to be shitty there for a while.

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And if in one of the 50, the mob returns fire?

Return fire? These fuckers are taking the first shots. EVERY firearm from a Wal-mart is GONE! A cop has already been shot in the head by one of these poor starving people.

What about the guy who just got car-jacked?

I will not feel sorry for criminals.>:(

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Bottom line - people are going to be stealing stuff for a while in New Orleans, and you can't tell people stealing lawnmowers from people stealing generators from 1000 feet. So the sane answer is not to shoot anyone. Sure, looters are bad. Shooting innocent people is a thousand times worse. You can replace the lawnmowers.

Agreed. What also many fail to see if you shoot a looter and injure or kill that person you just added another burden to the already over taxed emergency medical systems. IMO let them loot, there are thousands of people stuck that need to be rescued. New Orleans has limited resources right now. I would rather focus on getting people out than protecting goods that can be replaced. Also how the hell are these looters going to leave the city with all the goods they stole.

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>EVERY firearm from a Wal-mart is GONE!

If a Wal-Mart in my neighborhood got broken into, and it had guns, I'd try to get there and get the guns before anyone else did. So would a smart cop or Wal-Mart employee. Would be a pity to shoot me, or the cop, or the employee and let them fall into the hands of someone else.

>What about the guy who just got car-jacked?

What about the homeless guy in Hawaii who just stole a car and almost hit a cop car? Or the guy in Detroit who stole a car and smacked into a power pole, causing a blackout?

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Looting ....... it's just stuff. If all of you who advocate going after these sad pathetic people with extreme predudice would rather spend all of this excessive energy helping people who actually need it (especially those who claim to be religious:S) then the world would be a much better place:)

Positive energy is far better than negativeB|


Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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IIRC, the looting which occurred both after the '94 quake (and it was a lot of looting) as well as the looting in the King riots was prosecuted. Many, many of these "thugs" are known to the local constabulary, and with all the media footage, their faces are clear. As happened in LA both times, once things settled down, many were arrested and changed with theft. Some explained (and had the evidence to back it up - the media footage) that they were getting batteries, diapers, water, formula, and basic necessities. They were released and records scrubbed, while those carting off computers and tvs, jewlery and clothing were sentenced to the maximum allowed by law.

I suspect the same thing will happen in NO. No shooting necessary.

(BTW, BillV, I didn't see your response about the captions. Any word on getting a link so I am completely clear as to their originations? I googled and didn't find; perhaps they hadn't been cached yet...thanks!)


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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But I'd hate to be killed because I was carrying out my own laptop as I went for safer ground.

Do you live in a store?

lol! roflmao!!! good one Katrina;)

Watching CNN now. Getting dark in the Big Easy. Some fine folks recently fired up a police station with AK's and the TV's stereo's and GUNS are still being liberated there.

Things are going to get much worse in New Orleans, it's called the "law of the jungle":S

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But I'd hate to be killed because I was carrying out my own laptop as I went for safer ground.

Do you live in a store?

lol! roflmao!!! good one Katrina;)

not really. One might be walking along side a store, or have come out of it after some other legitimate purpose. Certainly I wouldn't be leaving anything in my car, or out of my possession in the chaos going on.

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I sure hope that if I was ever put in the kind of situation that the survivors of Katrina have had to deal with, that you were by my side.

I don't have a problem taking items that would help me survive.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I don't have a problem taking items that would help me survive.

How about them shooting at evacuation helicopters? The evacuation of the Superdome has been suspended because shots have been fired at the helicopters moving people out of the dome to buses... nice[:/]
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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I don't have a problem taking items that would help me survive.

How about them shooting at evacuation helicopters? The evacuation of the Superdome has been suspended because shots have been fired at the helicopters moving people out of the dome to buses... nice[:/]

I'm trying to understand what me looting items to survive has to do with other people shotting at the evacuation helicopters.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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at first i didn't think it was necessary to shoot looters, but now that superdome evacuation has been stopped and 1500 people have to stop search and rescue in order to tame the thugs, i would not have a problem with using deadly force. in fact i would like to see the national guard in there being very liberal with the deadly force. the city is in anarchy and if control isn't gained very quickly, many more innocent people will die.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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