
Is Tom Cruise Certifiably Wacko?

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That's exactly what the word ignorant means. "lacking knowledge"

Ah, but it also has a conitation of Rude or Disrespectful, which it seems to me, is the use that it is more often put to....

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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the bigger question is, why does anyone in the world put any creedance in what these entertainers say or believe? their perception of the real world is so darn skewed in my opinion b/c of the godlike status the public gives them. it's our fault for putting them on a pedestal. i mean really, what do these people actually do....make us laugh or provide some type of frivilous passtime. matt lauer should have asked him when he had time to earn his medical degree. tom cruise is a joke outide of his acting skill sets, which are pretty lame....in my opinion.

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Yeap, I'm with you 100%. They [tend to be] all ego and no substance....... we have the same thing with football [soccer] players and pop "stars"... who gives a shit what they think? They should just get on with their job and STFU.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I miss so much because I don't watch TV . . .

I haven't watched any television for a couple of years, myself.

I feel the same way about missing a lot, and it feels good.

Same here. Me and my girlfriend chose to not have a TV or cable. We listen to the news on the radio on internet (sometimes french news, sometimes public radio, sometimes BBC, sometimes mexican radio - gives us a mvery interesting perspective of how things are viewed according to different countries).

I agree with you Rosa, it feels good. I don't really feel my life is less interesting because I don't know jack shit about 24, CSI, the sopranos, 10 feet under, friends, the batchelor, you name it...

Funny, cause I work on vissual effects for advertising and am usually surrounded by no less than 10 monitors where I work.

Be careful giving advice. Wise men don't need it, and fools won't heed it.

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I've got nothing to do at the moment, so I decided I'd do a bit more of a thorough research on Scientology and Dianetics...at this point, I am wishing I had something else to do. Scary stuff...

Those statements about exercise and vitamins Cruise was talking about? It's something called the "Purification Rundown." It entails copious use of vitamins, exercise and sauna, working to clear your body of stored drugs. Sounds good, right? I mean, exercise and vitamins are good things. They do help one feel better about things.

Except....the "Purif" program recommends vitamin A at 50,000 IU a day. Yet, according to what I've read, vitamin A is toxic starting at 20,000 IU per day.

The program also recommends niacin dosages starting at 100 milligrams and rises to 5,000 milligrams over the course of the program. Niacin toxic dose begins at 3,000 mg and can damage your liver rather quickly at that level.

Vitamin D: 2,000 IU a day (where most recommendations are 2000 IU from all sources) is toxic to children immediately, and is the recommended beginning dosage for all people (including children) in the program. It starts there; I was unable to determine what the top dose was.

They also say to consume oil. The theory is that to replace the stored fat (releasing the bad toxins including LSD, pot, and other illegal stuff), you must give your body a replacement. To this end, the "Church" recommends consuming a combination of safflower, soy, walnut and peanut oils in such doses as to cause diahhrea and irritated bowels. Not only is this not a fun thing to experience, there's no science which states that "replacing" the fat actually works. If you consume the oils before you start the running part, you will burn that off, and not the stored fat. And if you consume it after you run, you will just store it as fat, and cover the "embedded" toxins that much more. But hey, LRH wasn't a Dr, he was a failed sci-fi author....I guess it worked in those worlds he created...

The running part? Well, it starts at a minimum of a fast run for 30 minutes, without a Dr's physical to make sure you can start that. If you fall below a certain pace, from what I can gather, your time is nullified and you start back at the first second of the 30 minutes. Yes, you have a "twin" with you at all times....and as you progress through the program, you are tasked with running for up to 2 hours...10 miles at a time, I recall reading.

Once you've completed the 30(+) minutes of fast running, you go into the sauna. Temps in the sauna start at 140 and go as high as 180, and you spend up to 4 hours at a time there. You have some breaks for water, and if you get heat stroke, you can have a cool shower...but then back into the sauna with you.

This program is, at a minimum, something on the order of 14 days in a row, and can, in some cases (like if you can't hit the running part) go as long as a month. Daily.

The effects of that much physical exercise can't be all bad, right? Not true. You need to condition your body (if in decent health to begin with) to handle 10 miles of running at a time...and that much time in a sauna, either dry or wet, is flat out dangerous. And then add the massive overdoses of several vitamins, and this whole program can kill you. Easily. And has, from some of the research I've seen...

Sure, there's a euphoric state from all the endorphins tossed into your system from the running...but that's not a permanent effect. Rather, to use a Cruise comment, it "masks" underlying problems...

A little bit about the teachings of Dianetics (the difference between Scientology and Dianetics seems to be that Scientology deals with the physical, whereas Dianetics deals more with the mind/spiritual...although that line is often crossed between the two...).

Hubbard taught that humans were made of clusters of spirits -- or "thetans" -- that were banished to earth some 75 million years ago by a cruel galactic ruler name Xenu. Hubbard supposedly saw these thetans as a cause for human unhappiness which needed to be brought under control.

To "clear" these thetans, it seems, costs a huge amount of money...courses, seminars, auditing, and immersion into a system which indeed controls their adherents in manners reminisent of some totalitarian government...

Some additional reading:
FAQs on Scientology (their website)

Someone's experience Seems this author did the first two weeks to write a story about Scientology...interesting reading, and gives a glimpse of some of the more nefarious tactics used by this "church" to control it's members...

Poor Tom. Mediocre acting, and involved in a cult-like religion which demands that no-one uses medication, even if it will save their life.

And poor us. For those who idol worship, they are at risk because one of their idols told them to not use medication which will, as Sinker put it well, get the window open for therapy and learning how to deal with issues....I call it getting the floor back under me, stabilizing enough that I can address - and then change - those issues which I can change, and come to terms with those I cannot.

Like I said, I wish I had something else to do this morning....


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Anne -

Thanks for the very honest post, shows a good bit of intestinal fortitude. I bet there are other dz.com folks sharing similar experiences.

marg ... former PI (principal investigator) of a research project modeling ADHD neurochemistry and dopamine receptor proteins

Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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Thanks for all the info you gathered on L. Ron Hubbard's hubbub. Interestingly, strange, stuff--but I like stuff like that. My oldest brother, David, worked as a mechanic for Newman-Sharpe Racing in the 80's where actor Paul Newman and his new friend from "The Color of Money" Tom Cruise, drove race cars. Dave was thoroughly impressed with Newman. He was completely unimpressed with Cruise. Tom Cruise, at the time, was married to Mimi Rogers. Tom was and is as you see him in the interviews, superficial. Unfortunately, I was overseas in the military but my Pop got to meet all of them. Anyway, Mr. Cruise may speak and emphasize points, but he doesn't go deep on anything. In the Today Show interview with Matt Lauer, he made a complete ass of himself by antagonizing Matt and revealing his ugly side. On Oprah, he was behaving like a lovestruck pre-teen. He's simply not that sophisticated. Spielberg's got to be pissed--what a distraction to his publicity machine. Scientology has Cruise wrapped up. L. Ron Hubbard wrote the "Science of Mental Health" Dianetics in like, what, 3 months? His faked bio has him a Naval hero, when he never even served (he served very briefly in the Merchant Marines.) Hubbard was a modern day Messiah whose accomplishments were trumped up to place him on a cracker jack pedestal. Unfortunately, Scientology is a major institution and it's scorned in Europe. Cruise doesn't know the history of psychiatry--it was told to him and through light reading. Cruise doesn't have a degree. I actually enjoy his acting but my brother doesn't believe anything he does (he knows him.) Unfortunately, the more he speaks his mind, the more of a buffoon he reveals himself to be--mistakes George C. Scott and Marlon Brando paid dearly for, and, if he continues, Cruise will too.

You're always the starter in your own life!

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You're welcome. I nannied for some scientologists in the mid-80's, when it was "cool" to be one. I remember some very strange conversations with them, but they never pressured me to become one. I also recall some mornings they'd have me come early, so they could go protest. Their children were really neat kids; I hope they turned out all right.


Cruise doesn't have a degree.

I've read somewhere that he didn't graduate high school, either. Not that higher education is important - I don't have a college degree, but am fairly widely read and decently traveled, and I think that makes up for some stuff.

Cruise is, hopefully, feeling the backlash of the crap he pulled on Lauer - I didn't watch Oprah so I can't comment on that; his publisis (his sister LeeAnn) must be going crazy if she cares about his career (and she should - it's the way she's earning a living), and doing whatever she can to rein him in. However, if only 10% of the stuff I've read about LRH and Dianetics and Scientology is true, then it's a no win situation.

Sadly, there are people who will have stopped taking medications and following their Dr's orders because of what Cruise spouted...and they are at risk for getting sicker. I wish them all the help in the world, and not from the Scientologists.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I so do NOT like Tom Cruise at all. It's not Tom Cruise that is the "Certifiable Wacko"... it's Kate Holmes that is the "Certifiable Wacko" for wanting to hook up w/ that big fake.B|;)

OK.. I'm just jealous 'coz I am not as cool as Tom or as cute and pretty as Kate Holmes. But I do know I have more talent... oooh... ouch!!! Did I just say that out loud?? :$

Don't fear the reaper. ... BOC

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Any son that takes his mother skydiving can't be all bad. The following taken from Google news.


MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE star TOM CRUISE discovered his mother is just as much a daredevil as he is when he took her skydiving.

The 42-year-old actor was highly excited at the prospect of making the jump with his parent MARY - and even more thrilled when he saw how much she enjoyed it.

He says, "It was a gift to her... She went tandem and I skydived next to her. I went right up to her and kissed her. She loved it. She had a huge smile on her face all the time.

"I said, 'You can't tell any of the sisters,' and so I sent the sisters the video and they couldn't believe it, and now the grandkids they love


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I just read the "someones experience" link in Michels post and I must say I was blown away. For years I had seen the comercials on TV pitching Dyanetics. I always wondered if there was something to it but I never actually looked into it. I had no idea it was that bad.
I decided to keep reading the various links on the "Someones experience" page and it just kept getting worse and worse. They are some scary mother fuckers to be sure.
I've always liked Tom Cruise but I must say that if he's hanging with nut jobs like that, then perhaps I need to rethink my opinion of him

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Actually, I put more thought into this, and I now have a new theory:

This guy's seemed fairly normal. In the past few weeks, he's been on a rampage against psychotropic drugs. Here's my theory:

He's been on anti-depressants or some other form of psychotropic drug for a while. However, he's been "educated" and now told that he does not need them.

Here is a theory about Tom-kins by some PR guy that was in an article on the 'net:

Begin quote------

Allan Mayer of the Hollywood "crisis PR firm" Sitrick & Co, said Cruise's recent soul-baring reflects his decision to cast off the carefully controlled "packaging" that publicists provide most stars.

By firing long-time personal publicist Pat Kingsley and replacing her with his sister, Mayer said, Cruise "has decided, 'I'm not going to be very carefully groomed when I speak in public. 'I'm going to speak my mind ... and let the chips fall where they may.'"

-------End quote

So there you go. Maybe Tom of old was a product of the PR machine and Tom of late has been the product of what happens when you hire your sister to do your PR. If so, then I wonder what other "celebrities" are like when they cast of the shakles of qualified PR people. It is a tad disturbing, I always thought although celebrities would be mostly gaurded in interviews, their answers might in part at least reflect their own views. It seems not.....hmm, stepford hollywood, anyone?

check this out It is distubingly realistic looking.......make sure you have the sound on :D

Success is never final and failure never fatal. It's courage that counts.
George F. Tiltonood

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Teacher doesn't want rambunctions boys, just call it ADHD and drug them into being "calm."


As a teacher this type of statement really pisses me off.

I agree that parents are responsible for their kids, and the drugs prescribed to them, not teachers. My Dad is a retired teacher ;), and a couple of my teachers had a huge positive influence in that part of my life. Thanks for being a teacher! The work is hard and often heart-wrenching.

My opinion (what I thought, not so much what I wrote) is that psych drugs are over-prescribed in our society. At my then-workplace, best as I and a couple others could figure out, it was 8 out of 30 people. More than 25%, and that was a pretty good place to work. If they are covered by your HMO, chances are MANY of your co-workers take them. And if there used to be a social stigma to their use, I don't see that now much at all, its now just another drug to help be more productive in society.

I took one of the popular ones for two years some years ago. I talked to the HMO shrink over the phone, and she wrote a permanently refillable scrip that I got filled at the phamacy. I never saw her in person. Talked with her for 5 mins two months into the drug. THAT is my total personal experience with professional psychiatrists. They might not all suck, but she did. IMHO, just a schill for the drug company. (Never thought of it before, but my auto mechanic treates me better LOL.) I was depressed because I was broke and very lonely. I stopped being depressed when I found someone and got un-lonely. Weaned myself off the drug a few weeks after that. (btw, I never even got a call or anything when I stopped refilling them.)

Do I know people who have gotten out of a seemingly irretrieveably dark place with them? yes. They have been helped immeasurably. But does 20-30% of the population need them, ummm nope.


>I wish we had more parents actually parenting rather than sticking their kids on drugs the minute things get a little rough.

I do too.

Blue Skies

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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But Mr. Cruise would not agree that there are some times when they ARE useful. As a present Adderall user (I started again last year after a 13 year hiatus) I also realize that they do have some value.

Perhaps he's just ahead of his time?

I am of the mind that though useful at times, phsyc drugs are only the short cut. It is my opinion that there is no mental disorder that cannot be rectified without the use of external chemicals. These options just aren't well explored.

There was a recent study performed with different phobias where it was proven that if a person can truly bring themselves to examine and learn about what it is they are afraid of, be exposed to it and see there is no harm done, that the physical structure of the brain will change making it easier and easier to be exposed to the same stimulus without anxiety. The brain is ever changing. We simply don't know enough about it.

I am of the mind that the results of this study span across all functions of the brain and that one day in the futur, our great-grandchildren will read about drugs like ridalin being used for ADD and liken it to the way we now read about labodomies having once being the cure for terrets syndrome.

Am I too outspoken?

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I just read the "someones experience" link in Michels post and I must say I was blown away. For years I had seen the comercials on TV pitching Dyanetics. I always wondered if there was something to it but I never actually looked into it. I had no idea it was that bad.
I decided to keep reading the various links on the "Someones experience" page and it just kept getting worse and worse. They are some scary mother fuckers to be sure.
I've always liked Tom Cruise but I must say that if he's hanging with nut jobs like that, then perhaps I need to rethink my opinion of him

Vinnie Barbarino (John Travolta) is a Scientoligist also. Kinda scary, he's got a commercial pilots license too.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Vinnie Barbarino (John Travolta) is a Scientoligist also

A rich one, too. He helped finance "Battlefield Earth" which is, hands down, one of the worst movies I ever saw. :P

My ride enjoyed it :|.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Have you ever taken an antidepressant? Have you ever been depressed - truly clinically depressed?

No Rebecca, but having not ever been depressed does not discount my opinion that one day, we will learn that drugs are a short cut. You won't convince me that there are no other ways to deal with these things. Perhaps undiscovered ways but ways that do not include chemicals nonetheless. What is it they say? We don't use more than some 10 percent of our brains? So then how is it you could be so quick to try and debunk someone who's opinion is that the answer lies within?

I have never suffered through a clinical depression unless you count the several years my mother suffered from a severe one. You will be unable to tell me I don't understand. I didn't understand when she was suffering most. I do now. I am still certain that one day, the drugs she was given should be a thing of the past and there will be better ways to deal with what she was experiencing.

I had once been prescribed something else for some other reason having to do with my inner-workings (that's about as detailed as I'm gonna get with that one)... that's quite another topic but still touches this concept. I outright refused to take medication to "fix" my head. Am I saying that all people that are on medication should do the same? Absolutely not!! But that there are far too many people on drugs that shouldn't be and the trend should be the opposite. Your brain is the factory, what it is to produce can be reprogrammed. How?


My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I didn't understand when she was suffering most. I do now. I am still certain that one day, the drugs she was given should be a thing of the past and there will be better ways to deal with what she was experiencing.

So what do we do in the meantime?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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