
sibling skydivers

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I have noticed from a number of posts that some of you have family in the sport. Wingi's sis did a tandem with him, Greg's brother jumps too and so does unclebennie's brother. Who else of you have siblings (or any family for that matter) who skydive? Also who got who into the sport first?

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Well, don't have a sibling YET...but have a brother coming down to make his first tandem the weekend after next. Perhaps....;)
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

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I'm lucky, I have a brother who skydives and a cousin. It's all my brothers fault that I skydive. Three years ago he was signed up for static line, called me and convinced me to do a tandem. Well I did the tandem, he did the static line and I then signed up for AFP. He had to take a break due to other obligations. Last summer for his birthday my other brothers and sisters bought him the first two jumps of the AFF course. So now he jumps with me!! We have a cousin who lives out west who also is a skydiver. The three of us where able to get together in California and do a couple of jumps together, that was pretty cool to share the sky with my bro and cuz

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Well, my sister doesn't jump, and probably never will, but my mom did a tandem last thanksgiving. She loved it. I am trying to convince her to take AFF, but she is afraid of having to be responsible for herself in freefall. She did say she would do another tandem though.
Blue skies,

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i did my statuc line course with my older bro
i was always gunna do it and convinced him to come join me, he didn't get to jump after that for ages however due to going back to uni, but i made my first freefall while hge made his first jump on the same load
pretty kool i though

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Funny this came up, was just wondering how many folks have skydiving 'in the family'
My uncle used to jump a lot about 20 years ago.
My dad was a rigger back then, and used to fly along in the plane to film exits or film landings from the ground, and ofcource) was always the one to drive the bus since he wasn't jumping anyways...
He finaly signed up for a skydiving cource, but two weeks before he was to start his brother had an accident.
His chute (a round) collapsed on one side and he went into the ground, falling from about 200 ft.
He broke his back, but was lucky to make a full recovery (although he can't work anymore) and be able to walk again.
My dad decided to not go to the skydiving cource, mainly because of his own mother (my grandma) and my mom (who where worried like hell, since my uncle was in the hospital, and at that stage it wasn't certain if he would walk again)
My uncle however remained 'in love' with skydiving.
But never went to a DZ since the accident, because of the memories. As he puts it 'going to a DZ is just too painfull, because next to reminder of my accident and the hospital and pains, it also reminds me of all the fun I'll never have again....'
Still, my uncle always amazed me with his stories, and I already wanted to skydive when I was just a small kid.
It took me quite a few years to actualy start, but last oktober I finaly did (and here, finaly comes the family part:) and I'm a heavy addict (went for cash today and the machine just sayd "BEEEEEEEPPP" not anough money:)
Since oktober, my niece got interested, and she did a tandem (januari)
And this saterday, my dad is finaly going to skydive!
He's going to do a tandem (with video, cost a few pennies, but worth seeing:) and who knows what will happen after that...although my mother will probably loose it, I hope he wants to start skydiving too:)
And next saterday (5th may) my younger brother (Kenny:) and my nephew are doing a complete S/L cource...It's fun to just think about jumping with my brother and/or nephew in the future. Next to the fact that I'll have a new excuse to go to the DZ "I want to see my brothers first jump/C&P/10second delay/360....blablabla" and ofcource do a few jumps 'while I'm there' :)
Next to all this jumping my GF is not afraid of skydiving and is not afraid to maybe do a tandem sometime..:)
And to make the matters worse, my little sister (16 years of age) is already crazy about skydiving and wants a tandem for her birthday...
How's that for skydiving in the family :)

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It is the best to have a family member (for me, my older brother) that shares your experience and love of skydiving. My bro and I are very close, and when he told me he was going to skydive, the first thing I said was "Ill never jump out of a perfectly good airplane, are you freakin nuts!!" He took me down to the dz and we met up with a few friends he had met at a party who were skydivers. They were COOL!!, certainly a different kind of people to most others I had met, up until then, laid back and friendly, no stupid hang ups and such. We watched a few landings, and then took an observer ride. After I saw a bunch of tandems land and a few tandem exits, I agreed to try it. I loved it, and so did my bro. So we signed up for AFF. I can not well describe the bennefit of having someone that close to you as a sort of support structure, we studied together, practiced together, rode to the dz together, talked skydiving whenever possible, and the best thing, we always got to train and jump together. I got a huge burst of confidence when I could look over and see my bro on jump run. It made it easier!! And now that we are both licensed, we get to jump together for real, not just ride on the same load, and its great!! I will always have someone to jump with, it is a comforting feeling!!
Actually, I have much respect for those who went through with this whole skydiving thing "solo" so to speak, because its tough sometimes. :)Blue ones!!
Greg A-37958

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Oh my gawd mccordia....now that is a skydiving family!!! :)My brother would LOVE to do it but seeing that he has 4 kids under the age of 5, his wife has put her foot down (not that I haven't tried for the last year to change her mind....I've practically done presentations on the safety of skydiving....but to no avail!)
But my nephews are die-hard future skydivers and are at the dz with me when ever they can. If you ask them what they want to be when they grow up they immediately say a skydiver (little do they know they don't have to grow up for that....only get bigger! lol) I still have to work on my year old twin neices, they are already adrenaline kids so we may have some girl additions to the sport in about 15 years! :D
My dad has been a pilot for about 35 years and says he will "never jump out of a good plane" but LOVES to come out and film us all from the ground as he still has a great deal of respect for and interest in the sport.

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My older brother started static line in 95, but ran out of money after 4 jumps.
Then we both started together in Jan, 2000 and made it through the course at the exact same pace and graduated together. Since then I have made 50 more jumps than he has, but we both have a blast doing it.

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After I did my first tandem, my husband, mother, brother-in-law, and mother-in-law all did one too. They all loved it, but aren't so sure about doing it on their own, especially after seeing me all banged up from skydivng. I'm not the best roll model! :D My son is 10, and can't wait until he can jump with me. I'm looking forward to that.

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My Dad used to jump with me. I started before him and the more he hung around the DZ, the more interested he got. He made about 60 jumps, then quit due to back problems. He Passed away last year, but he had always wanted to skydive and I'm glad that he got the chance.
Blue Ones,

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Here we go:)Last year, I got married to my wife (of course), and we made our first tandem together in October. It was awesome! We are both going to do AFF this summer together and get licensed. My cousin (favorite one) is going to train with us. Also this summer, my dad is going to do a tandem. My brother (16) and sister (13) are waiting to get old enough to do the tandem. I think that my bro is going to do SL or AFF when he turns 18 and goes to college.
It will be really cool to have a bunch of people in my family skydiving with me. Maybe we'll have a huge family game of skyball or something. Hell, it would beat a game of UNO or something!
blue skies

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well, i always wanted to go skydiving so i finnally talked my mom into letting me when i was 17. she signed a consent form and all and i was all set to go when my friend that was supposed to drive backed out (he later did a tandem). i had lost my driver license and couldn't drive so i talked my twin sister into driving me up to the dz (we just penciled her name into the waiver since all her info is the same as mine) and she did 2 static line jumps with me. i think once she gets done with college and gets a job i'll get her back to do aff. plus the rig i'm putting together now would be perfect for her weight as a novice (just off student status) so i know i'll see my sis back in the air.....now i just need to corupt her more so she'll fit in better.......

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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now i just need to corupt her more so she'll fit in better.......

Uhhh, dude, just invite her to the European DZ.com boogie and introduce her to Ben and me...;)
PS was that my cypres firing or the sound of an F-16 on a bombing approach over London...:S:S:S

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she is in no way ever going to meet you guys...i said corupt her, not totally corupt her! and about getting her to come over to the boogie, well she has got to work and happens to be 4,000 miles away. she did make it over to germany in 1997 but i don't think she'll be back anytime soon.

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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My wife has 51 jumps (quit jumping after the kiddies were born), my Son has two jumps in-utero, my Mom-In-Law has two tandems, Sis-In-Law has one tandem. I will probably take my 71 year old Mom up on a tandem later this year. My Father-In-Law is a chicken, and my Dad has a plastic hip making it a bit too much of a health risk.

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I notice that alot of folks have pilots in thier families, I forgot to mention, my dad has been a pilot....jeeze.....I think since the Wright Brothers, thats it, he was the third Wright brother (just kidding pops) Seriously, for about 25-30 years. He is actually a crash investigator for Bell Textron now. I dont think he would ever consider volentarily jump out, as he has told me, but I believe he ejected once, back in his fighter jet days.

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Oooh, take me! Take me! "Dude, we've never climbed this slowly on takeoff. Hey Pilot, is something wrong?!" Or the old standby, "[looking in the tandem student's direction] Is this your first jump? [tandem student nods] No dude, your jumpmaster!" [tandem j/m nods enthusiastically] "Yeah, I'm really excited about it!"
My favorite is when a camera guy in the back asks the pilot to roll the plane (after all of the seatbelts are off). The pilot gives a thumbs up, the camera guy takes off his helmet and rolls it over while all of the jumpers wave their hands and scream until it gets back to level.
Shhooooooooo........ fuggin with the other passengers is the key to a good ride. You're always better off if someone else is more nervous than you are! ;)
Blues, squares,

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My Dad has been a pilot for what's going on 40 years now and he used to fly Jumpers back in the late '60s early '70s up in Montana. He loves the sport, thinks it is absolutely awsome that I'm into it and even buys me a couple lift tickets every once in a while, though I can't talk him into making a jump. He does like to hang around a couple of the POPS that double as the pilots and trade 'ol military/flying/general BS stories. It's damn near a miracle that my Mom has actually watched me jump much less make a jump herself. Maybe in the next couple years I can talk her into making a tandem...
AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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My favorite is when a camera guy in the back asks the pilot to roll the plane (after all of the seatbelts are off). The pilot gives a thumbs up, the camera guy takes off his helmet and rolls it over while all of the jumpers wave their hands and scream until it gets back to level.

Hahahah! I fell for that on jump, like, 20! I'm such a moron! They were screwing with a tandem's head, but I'd never heard of the trick so I didn't know what the hell was going on. I clutched the floor of the plane and looked around wildly until I realized WTF. :D

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