
Fresh round of skydiving dreams?

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I just woke up from this...
I was doing a solo out of a Casa or some other tailgate plane...there were tons of us in there, just chillin on the ride up. I'm enjoying myself immensly, watching the world go by from the unique perspective of the tailgate...
Then I realize I'm all alone in the plane with the pilot -- everyone's exited, and I didn't even realize it. I quickly check the alti -- under 5K. Shit. I yell at the pilot -- can I get out here? He does a double take to see me still there, then nods...
So I get in the door, and see we're now at 7K (thanks pilot!), but just when I'm about to jump, I realize there's an 8-way turning points right outside the plane. Somehow we're keeping level with them. (Fast Casas!) If I get out, I'll crash right into them.
So I settle back, dangle my feet over the edge of the tailgate, and just enjoy the plane ride.
After we get down, I see ambulance lights. "Who is it?" I ask someone. It's a DZ.com regular who I shall not name. :D I run over there to see how he's doing -- and it turns out to be not him at all. It's some toothless guy in an Army T-shirt who's double-fisting bottles of whisky while paramedics tend to his foot.
Then I woke up.
Pet me! I'm harmless and cute!

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When I had just about 15 jumps or so I had a dream that I exited the CASA & discovered I didn't have an altimeter. Kinda scary when you're that new. When I pulled, my parachute was birght yellow, and made out of slick shiny vinyl! Weird.
Speed Racer
What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork from my lunch?!
-WC Fields

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You know I don't think that I have had the opportunity to stop and fully enjoy skydiving, to the point that I dream about it. I am still in my static line prgression, and I am too busy counting and making sure I do everything to actually take it all in. I have had several jumps where I know I counted, but can't remember counting, because I was in such a zone that I was just doing everything and not even thinking about it.
Hopefully, when I get to the point where I am falling longer or don't need a jumpmaster or something, I will be able to take the time to appreciate that I am falling towards the earth faster than I am allowed to drive, while it is actually happening, in stead of just in retrospect.
"Can't keep my mind from the circling sky. Tongue-tied & twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I."

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When I had just about 15 jumps or so I had a dream that I exited the CASA & discovered I didn't have an altimeter.

I had one kindof like that last night. I was in our C-182, just along for the ride for some reason, and I realized I had a rig on so decided to jump. No alti, nothin but shorts and a t-shirt and a rig. I eye-balled 3 grand, dumped and had time to make one turn and land. Then the DZO came over and gave me shit for dumpin so low. It was very weird, but I guess that's what happens when its been too cold to jump for the past month and a half.
Live to Jump, Pull to Live,

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I had one last night that kinda spooked me.....
Great skydive, great opening, set up for the landing pattern... decide to downwind it in like 5-8 mph winds. Do a 180 hook over a runway to shoot down the beer line next to the runway, only problem.. I was about 10 -15 feet too low, I saw the runway comig up close... .fast. As soon as my body hit the ground I woke up... Whats so freaky is that I reconize the spot where I went in, and I'll be there in a week and a half with the same canopy that I bounced under..... Last time I had a freaky dream it came true within a month.... (I drempt about a car wreck)
I want to touch the sky, I want to fly so high ~ Sonique

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About a month ago I dreamed that there was a CASA at Skydive Dallas but that they split up the loads, only two loads were going to be able to go, and the first was C&D license holders, while the second was anything below that. Needless to say I got the 2nd load. I'll be one of those people with 3000 jumps and an A license probably. Anyway, so as I am getting ready for my 20 minute call, I realize I don't have an altimeter or goggles. I go digging in my gear bag and find a WIND-UP altimeter. I don't know where this crazy idea came from but I hope they didn't ever really make these things. It sort of looked like one of the old AAD's (FXC maybe?) The ones you have to wind to calibrate. Anyway, then I borrowed some goggles, got ready to jump and woke up.
That is about the most benign skydiving dream I've ever had. I dreamed about it a lot more when I was a student than I do now. But my sweetie told me the other night that I must have been dreaming about skydiving because I was talking in my sleep and said, "Well, I was more worried about my heading than turning that point." Or something like that. Strange, I don't remember.
How about sex dreams though? Now that is something we have never talked about here on dz.com, unless you guys have brought it up in the last few weeks while I was away.
I have some KICK ASS sex dreams!! Oh yeah!! And none of that "waking up right before you really do it" shit. I go all the way baby!! woohoo!!!!!! :)Sis
I feel so alive,for the very first time-and I think I can fly! - P.O.D.

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i often dream about skydiving, mostly "normal" stuff. except that in my dreams, i can do EVERYTHING right. bigways with lots of points, the perfect sitfly, perfect headdown. it all works smoothly. i hope to be that good in reality some day! :$
had one dream once that both of my chutes didn't open, but woke before impact. next day in reality, up in the air, reaching for my handdeploy, i thought: is it going to happen now? it didn't.
but my favorite dream was when, after another perfect freefall, i didn't open my chute but grew wings instead. really loved that one!
greetings from cold vienna!

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i kept having this one dream while i was in the states that i would pull way to low and my main would open just in enuff time to flare and land. everyone thought i tried to do that and were all clapping etc i was like sylvester(the cat) when he saw the kangaroo and thought it was a mouse.
my last jump before i came here was a real low opening.i threw out around 2000 was open around 1200-1500.
it was a sit fly attempt i screwed the exit count so i was trying to watch everyone else went to belly and threw. my cypress burned a hole in my back(not literally) but it was getting ready. self fulfilling prophecy? or wierd coinsidence? who know but i can legally say i saw the future. and there were boobies everywhere:)Have fun, LIVE FREE, Skydive

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Had a dream last night... I almost never remember any dreams, so this is wierd. I remember distinctly gearing up, getting on a plane, but I don't know where I was. I was with some of my whuffo friends but they were all geared up and jumping like regulars. We got out and I made a valiant effort to sitfly, but was stuck on my back for a long time... real long actually... realized nobody else was around suddenly, checked my altitude, and had just gone through 2 grand. So I flipped over and pulled, there was no trouble, and I landed uneventfully. But then I went up and after another uneventful solo, I pulled real low again... wierd. I've dreamt before that I pull at the usual time, but it just opens in time to flare... but this seemed really, well, realistic, I just kept losing awareness until below 2000'. Hopefully this does not portend something to come...
Except for my whuffo friends jumping with me, that was cool...

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Last night, dreamed that I had a ball of crap over my head, but enough was out to have me in an upright position. Right side was all crumpled and wrapped up, and a little of the left side was open. I reached up and shook the risers, "open already", but it was not going to. Started spinning slowly, and decided, "yup, another cutaway". Then looked for red and silver, got one hand on each, and then couldn't get red off with only one hand. "Got to bring the handles back" thinks I, "but I can't pull with my hands full", so I get both hands on red, and pull, pull, pull, and finally it's at arm's length, and still not unconnected, so then I yank, and then I am free, and then pull and loose silver, and I have a good canopy over my head. Then, I looked around, and I was flying my reserve inside a big building, and landed uneventfully inside this building.
Weird, huh?
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Couple of nights ago i had a dream where i was doing a rodeo dive with a friend while another friend was freeflying around us. The funny part was i was jumping barefoot (which i have never done) and on a 135 (i jump a 160) so i was scared i would come in fast and mess up my feet. i remember that i was thinking "this was not a good idea, this was not a good idea".
blue skies

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Yeah I've had that dream several times. I just keep burning in, getting up and dusting myself off. I've even landed on my feet before.
I've never been hurt in a skydiving dream. Ahhhhh it's Friday and I'm day dreaming of big ways and fast swoops........

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I haven't been able to stop thinking about this one from about a month ago. It might be reoccuring, but I don't remember.
I am on this plane, but, its more like a big, brightly-lit hanger in space, maybe like a C9 but bigger. It doesn't seem to be moving. Nonetheless, I think I missed the Jump run because nobody is here. There's a big hangar door to come in and a big hangar door to go out. I walk over to the out door. The air is so full of little puffy clouds, I think "Who could spot in this?"
So I see the next group of jumpers riding the tram into the "plane" and I go out after them. They all have on white jumpsuits. I start falling through the clouds as well as the jumpers who left before me. I turn points with this other guy. I swoop around a formation and I realize I am really cruising faster than anyone. I am popping through these little clouds and skooting around people.
I look for my altimeter, but I can't see it because I am in a cloud. As soon as I throw my PC, my canopy is out and I am landing straight down on a bullseye accuracy tuffett. I hit dead center on my ass. No flare. Just a bunch of people cheering.
What the hell is that?
"I have some KICK ASS sex dreams!! Oh yeah!! And none of that "waking up right before you really do it" shit. I go all the way baby!! woohoo!!!!!!" -- DO tell

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I had this incredibly wierd dream two nights ago.
I forgot about it when I woke up, but later during the day it came back to me, and I couldn't figure out if I'd dreamt it, or if I had really seen it on TV.
I'm a computer animator (animating silly figures/dinosaurs and making a lot of buildings in 3D)
My dream was basicly one of those 'making-off' documentaries you always see on TV/TV when a movie comes out with a lot of complex Visual Effects.
It involved two people on snow/sky-boards, doing a lot of fun movements.
Then they went headdown (together with the camera) and where, falling upward (still towards the earth) but their direction slowly changed, and when they almost reached ground level, they made a roll and started skimming over the earth (Back to the Future Hooverboards style)
They go across the earth at 10 to 30 ft of hight, and go through and over forrests and waterfalls..basicly the most beautifull sights of nature, and then suddenly rocket up into the clear blue sky....and all of this in 1 big incredible long shot (the whole thing lasting about 5 or 6 minutes...)
My dream then went on and on, on how the whole things was made. Showing skydiving footedge, and a lot of 3D animation (wireframes, previz renders) and a lot of post/compositing effects...The dream was pretty long and incredibly detailed, and the wierdest thing was, that I forgot about it, and later remembered, but couldn't figure out if it was real or not (had I seen it on discovery???)
I think this dream is just a mixed result of my love for skydiving (and seeing a lot of films/docu's) and my love for 3D animation and visual effects (and seeing way too many 'behind the scenes' footedge of VFX)
Hows that for obsessed and wierd :)

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Had this last night...Christmas Eve.
So I'm at a dropzone, but there's no plane, no plans for a plane, no one jumping. It's pathetic.
So somehow I organize an otter to come, and get it all set up, and before I know it, there are skydivers everywhere, and the load is filled.
So...I get on the plane, and it takes off. And I'm wandering around, feeling rather pleased with myself. The interior is set up like a bus, with people sitting two to a seat. Very weird.
Anyway, I look at my wrist to see how high we are...and I've totally forgotten my altimeter. SHIT. Then I feel around my neck -- forgot my goggles, too. And for that matter, why don't I have my jumpsuit on? And where the hell is my helmet?
I lean over and tell a friend, "I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't jump. I forgot my gear."
And my friend looks at me, starts laughing, and says, "Yeah, MAYBE you shouldn't jump, since you don't have a RIG on."
Pet me! I'm harmless and cute!

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