
What are your favorite skydiving videos?

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I am sure this has been asked before, but I have not seen it...
I recently got Norman Kent's DVD "Dive In" off of Ebay, and it is good, but it is older footage.
I am just curious as to what are some of your favorites. I am thinking of ordering a couple. Has anyone seen "Good Stuff" on DVD yet? If so, how is it? Any other videos that are better, please feel free to fill me in...
Lastly, where is the best place to order videos?
Blue Skies
its a bird, its a plane, no wait, its one goofy s.o.b.

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All of them, of course!!! :)Seriously though, I have Crosswind which is awesome but somewhat short for the money I think...and another one I really like is Freefly Millenium 2 (Liquid Sky)...I'm also thinking about ordering Good Stuff on DVD, I've heard its good. Check on Ebay...sometimes you can find cool stuff on there for good prices.

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I have quite a few skydiving videos, willing to fly by Norman Kent is my absolute favorite there is alot of artsy fartsy stuff on it but that's why you have a fast forward. The skydiving footage is fantastic along with the falcon footage. Cross wind is good if you like alot of base and freeflying, i didn't think there was enough RW footage. Norman Kent's from wings came flight is good but old footage. A great entertaing video is good stuff, lots of cool shit in there. The best place to order these is of course SQUARE 1.
PS of course the best skydiving videos are the ones with ME in them. I could probably sell you those for a couple of grand.
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I have had Good Stuff for awhile now, and I just ordered the DVD. So, I sold the VHS version on Ebay and it sold within 12 hours (to our very own Jabeln79). Anyway, I certainly hope it is cool! I've never really seen any of the other movies. They are too damn expensive to be buying a bunch of them.
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WEC..... I got it. Its only cool if you've never seen freeflying before. It spends half the video going over block moves for the World meet. The other stuff is just left over Space Games footage. I would'nt get it.... grab Crosswinds or Good Stuff DVD instead.
I want to touch the sky, I want to fly so high ~ Sonique

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Nope. Have it and it does it's name justice. It's pretty worthless in my opinion. More a celebration of individual egos than a worth-while skydiving movie. Harsh? Maybe, but there are a lot of better movies to spend your money on.
Safe swoops

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I have Good Stuff on DVD. It rocks! Still in my opinion one of the coolest skydiving movies ever made. The DVD has an hour of "More Stuff" that's not included on the VHS version - lots of behind the scenes footage and some of Joe's earlier work. Anyway, Joe is a great guy to support so just buy it already! :)Safe swoops

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Why has no one suggested "CUTAWAY"

Some folks at the DZ were playing it when we were clouded in one day. I watched it for about 15 minutes and left. It was like Baywatch with rigs. :P
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It was like Baywatch with rigs.

Like the last two seasons of Baywatch where the horrible stories and blatant product placement made it impossible to watch even for the boobies? Or was it like earlier in the series where the plot was still horrible, but it was viewable if only for the boobs?

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Or was it like earlier in the series where the plot was still horrible, but it was viewable if only for the boobs?

I dunno. I stumble across it channel surfing, watch for about 5 minutes, get nauseated from the horrible plot/acting/dialogue and move on. Even boobies couldn't save it for me. Hell they're covered anyway. :P
"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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