
Where's the weekend numbers?

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Lets see 38x$18=$684. Would you mind missing a weekend of jumping and donating a new (used) canopy to me? :)Then lets say you make that many jumps 15weekends a year: $684x15=$10,260. I take student loans out just to pay for school and each semester is something like 14 weeks long, and it's cheaper then jumping with you, so I guess I'm getting a bargin...;):D
"ahhhhoo...the little guy hasn't done anything yet and you know its going to be good..."

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Dave --
Ya got the cash flow going in the wrong direction! The team pays me to shoot video of them, my slot and packer too. But it's not all a bed of roses. I just had to empty my skydiving bank account to buy a new main, reserve, container and Cypres and still have to buy another video camera before Nationals.
Also, we only have 4 of these mega-jump camps this year. So, it's not really too many jumps for an Open team -- not compared to say, Airspeed.

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no comments or specifics on the numbers, but there was a KICK ass party @ cross keys for one of our videographer's birthday... tequila, freefliers and S&TAs wearing lingerie and sarongs, everything after that kinda gets blurry, if anyone knows how i skinned my knee though i'd love to know how it happened. also note that when looking for a cell phone, calling yourself and leaving voicemail messages isn't the best way to go about... i'm gonna miss cross keys. =c)

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q - what do you do all summer in the maritimes?
a - we f#ck and we skydive
q - what do you do in the winter?
a - we don't skydive.
if it ever stops snowing long enough i will get to work on the second two numbers. lots of pre-second events coming up this summer. i think i'll just save up for a keg! B|
nothing succeeds like a budgie with no teeth

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The first jump was the coolest. We had dirt-dived a 7-way with a chunked exit. However, once we got on jumprun, our resident organizer got in the the door, shouted "Speed star!", and hopped out. We stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds, then someone shouted "Go!", and we set out to chasing her. We all managed to get together by 7500 ft. and even turn a few points before break-off.

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woke up this morning in bed with 2 of the hottest women I know. I got about 2 hours sleep, and got my ass to work. Surprisingly, My weekend #'s are 0:0:0. Go ahead, bash me for being a damned fool... I'm thinking it over my coffee right now....
"If I ventured in the slipstream; Between the via-ducts of your dreams.......could you find me?"

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