
Weekend Numbers

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Lotsa fun jumps. Did a hybrid for one of our camera guys' 1000th (congrats Mykel! :)The beer is for my first time on a formation load. Wasn't jumping it (40-way practice for the TX state record), but it was cool as hell watching another Otter flying so close and then watching all the RW folks spill out.
Is this sport cool or what? B|
"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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Not a bad weekend. Spent all day Saturday shooting video for the PPPB swoopin on Saturday. Got a bit of a sunburn. Since I refuse to jump at "THAT" DZ I hopped in the Jeep and made it to SD Atlanta for a sunset load. Got in 4 sweet FF jumps on Sunday. Saw good results of me coaching. I finally got this guy to relax and breath and had several nice flower exits. His Head Down flying...well....thats another story. I sure had fun though...... :)"It's all about the BOOBIES!"

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So you got a camera?

No......I was shooting with Hans Paulsen's camera. I did get some very nice comments on my video skills from Jim Slayton though. On the camera subject, I think I'm going to by some kind of Sony PC this week. I have to have some video for the McMinville boogie this coming weekend. It's gonna be crazy!!!:D
"Here I come to save the BOOBIES!"

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Out with it, we are waiting and the crowd is getting restless

What can I say? Yes. It was good. All four times. I feel much better now. Being friends with benefits with the ex rocks. :)And like I said earlier... woulda been more but we both like playing craps too. ;)
pull & flare,
On the other hand...you have different fingers

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2: 1: 0
Damn winds kept us grounded on Sat., and to make matters worse, I had to see the Avalanche lose to the Sharks and take a lead in the series. Sunday, we only got one load up and thick clouds at 8k....so it was kinda like a glorified h-n-p. Oh well, a little air is better than none any day!!! :)
Couple good things this weekend though....I found out a kick ass lightly used rig for a great price....SCORE! Also found out that our pilot has a penchant for good scotch (as do I) and promised me some extra altitude for sharing with him (which I would've done anyway)....so next weekend I'll take him up on the offer for sure ........14-15k will be awfully nice! :)
"My eyes are dry and my hands are clean
and I can't believe all the things I've seen"
-- Blind Melon

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Also found out that our pilot has a penchant for good scotch (as do I) and promised me some extra altitude for sharing with him

Should be interesting, I wonder how a swerving jumprun will affect separation.. :)--
Give them a sip of the darkside, and they just thirst for more.

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those 6 were free jumps too! I do have some pretty good scrapes from landing on the tarmac, and a big gust pulled me over, but sadly, that's not an uncommon occurance for me, so I didn't have to buy beer!
I'm high as a kite
I just might
Stop and check you out.

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I was in Byron too. Sorry I had no idea who to look for. I was wearing a DZ.com shirt:P
My weekend 0:7:0 All fun jumps wooowhoooB|
1 Heli
5 RW ranging from 9-12 people
1 5 way belly flier sit dive:S
Byron has lot's n lot's of love.........

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This weekend was the best weather we have had in months!!! :) Lots of thermols and shifty breezes making landing interesting. In all it was a most beautiful jumping day. I even tried a little sit and free flying for the fist time I guess I owe beer for that jump. Need a bit more work on the sit fly though.

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16 hours of sleep last night: 2 if you count Wednesday: Probably still owe for something, but nothing new.
I'm now living somewhere between four and five hours from my home DZ. I'll probably be back and not current on June 8th to (finally) wrap up my A license.

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Ok, you can make Dove laugh and make me scream, then we'll all be happy!!

That should be easy: Tickle dove and throw you in a raft! :D (It was raft or throw a mouse at you... figured you'd like the raft better)
You don't scare me! I got chunks of guys like you in my stool!!

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Lovely weather in the midwest put a damper on my jumping....next weekends looking better [thinking out loud]or maybe i'll call in sick on Wednesday[/thinking out loud]
Its only in drugs or death we'll see anything new, and death is just too controlling - Chuck Palahniuk

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BUT WAIT! I lent Sebastian (who I did not know was "THE" Sebazz) my RW jumpsuit while he graced us with his presence at the Byron Love Fest. I shoulda got pictures! I'll never wash it again!
Great combination of RW, FreeFly and helicopter this weekend. YeeeeeeeeeeHaw!

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