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Well, for all of you that have been cheering me on and monitoring my progress through my ISP course,heres the latest:

"Cleard for Solos"

Yep! Thats right! Those 3 cute little words are sittin in my logbook as of today.B| My JM said today was my last AFF jump and now he has cleared me for solos and coaching jumps. Now I can seriously get down to business and get my A!B|B|B|

I was also downsized today,to a smaller canopy.My JM thought I was ready to get off the ol' Nav. 240 I've been using and put me under the Nav. 200. (still monsterously big,but I'm gettin there!;))

I just thought I'd share my good news with my dz.com family.:)


"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Heck yeah! This is so cool! I even got a ticket coming home from the DZ but didnt care b/c I was so happy about graduating AFF.(I bet I'll care a whole lot when I have to waste perfectly good jump $$ on the damned fine!>:() Oh well, now I can start harassing all the coaches at the DZ for my coaching jumps.;)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Come down here to SD Aggieland and I'll buy you a beer lummy.Otherwise sshhhhh!Besides, I'm not licensed yet.I'm just not on AFF anymore.I still have a bunch of coaching jumps and solos to do, not to mention all the sign-off stuff on my A card that I need to start working on.

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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if I can convince my family that jumping is a good excuse to skip a family reunion.

Ummm, no. But you can get creative. My Dad's retirement party is this weekend, but doesn't actually start till 6 pm. Since I'm flying in for it, I've already announced that part of the day will be spent at the DZ, and I'll be back in plenty of time for the festivities! :)

Gotta couple of "Hmmm's" from my sisters, but no nasty remarks. ;)

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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