
winter hobby?

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I was going to say the same thing to Sunshine! Definitely take Aikido---it may be one of my winter activities.....

My other winter activity is skiing. I've been skiing since I was four. I still love it---despite having to wear a massive knee brace from an ACL reconstruction on my left knee (I also wear the thing skydiving since I'm still getting the hang of this whole flare/soft landing concept). I have to say skydiving with the brace is a lot easier than skiing with it!

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I go skydiving. Gosh, I hate living in California...

Yeah, doesn't it just suck? Where else can you go up to Tahoe for a weekend of skiing and stop at the DZ on the way home to get a jump or two in...

It's pathetic I say, absolutely pathetic
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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I called approach and asked him to work a windchill for 12 degrees F at 120 mph. He came back a minute later to tell me that it was off his chart but he would estimate it at around 70 below zero. ***

I recall the guys down at kstate did a traditional naked 100th during the winter last year.... for their sake I hope that wasn't the same day as that load.

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Yeah having any problem with your knees is especially at my young age is a bad thing. I have to wear a Knee brace as well when I run for extended periods of time due to Osgood schlater. ( think that's how it's spelt) My advice would be to take up another sport other than skiing or you might not have any knees to walk with when you retire. As you know that is VERY hard on them and may cause the old wound to rehash itself.

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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i like to do more photography stuff...... finally got all my stuf from my parents place to develope b/w film aagain and just need to find an enlarger soi can do prints.......i may not be as good as viking but i lke to think of myself as fairly ecent with a camera....

oh and i skydive too.....cold isn't anything... and if yanever skydive durring the winter ya never get toexperiance the wierd thing called a tempinversion...... 0 on the ground and 30 at 6k.... wierd i tell ya........... the ground fog just before it disapears in germany was awsome in the winter..... here's a pic of it.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

mosel river.jpg

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The irony is I tore my ACL playing basketball---I've never hurt myself skiing (except for a bruised ego after some stellar wipeouts leaving equipment all over the slope :$) Maybe I've just been lucky. After I had my ACL reconstructed (five years ago) I debated giving up skiing, but it's hard to give up something you love. Now I stay away from moguls, icy conditions, blah, blah....I'm probably better off packing my bags and going down to Skydive University.

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I called approach and asked him to work a windchill for 12 degrees F at 120 mph. He came back a minute later to tell me that it was off his chart but he would estimate it at around 70 below zero. ***

I recall the guys down at kstate did a traditional naked 100th during the winter last year.... for their sake I hope that wasn't the same day as that load.

You from the south or something? Cold is -30 degrees at 120mph. We even put gloves on for that.:P

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Make beer.
Drink beer.
Make more beer.
Rinse, lather, repeat....

This is going to be the winter of making beer and saving money for better weather. I did the jumping through the miserable cold thing last year, I'm smarter now. ;)


"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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Make beer.
Drink beer.
Make more beer.
Rinse, lather, repeat....

This is going to be the winter of making beer and saving money for better weather. I did the jumping through the miserable cold thing last year, I'm smarter now. ;)


Well, that makes three of us now brewing. Go figure, skydivers brewing their own beers ;)

Back in northern OK, winter was the only time you could make jumps because students took over the C-182's in the summer. I actually like the colder weather so much more then the real hot stuff. Makes packing not so bad at least!

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It gets colder as you get more alti dude. If the temp climbs with alti where you jump I wanna move there. Please send me the details.;)

As for photography the winter is a great time to capture pics. Everything comes down to angles and lighting in the winter, it'll be good practice come summer again.

P.S. I liked the PIC

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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That is rather ironic. I think you did yourself a great service my throwing in the towel on the moguls and such. I too have had some stellar wipeouts only they resulted in more bruised ribs and pulls than anything else. Like you said though how can you give something up when you love it so. Go to skydive U and jump with the skis from the skies to the hills. what better than combining the 2?!B|;):P

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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add me to the Aikido camp..i got my shodan almost 3 years ago but work/travel has kept me from practicing much since..but it is IMO absolutely the best all around martial art

once i get to WA i'll be snowboarding and pick up fencing and/or aikido again when i cant jump at kapowsin or make a jaunt down south..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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hmmm.. I live in MI and I will survive the winter months by taking a wonderful vacation to Arizona sometime around the holiday season. I heard there is something going on in Eloy. I will be there.;)
Oh, and I am going to gymnastics every week too. :D

The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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