
Ow. (A Whiney Thread)

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Ow. My back hurts. It's been hurting since I did that downhill biff last month. I spent most of the weekend laying down and whining about it. Of course there was no one there to hear me whine but still (if I whine and no one hears it, am I still a whiney bytch?). It's fine if I'm laying down, but it hurts to sit.

So what do you have to whine about today? C'mon, give me something that I can point to and say "See? Quitcher whinin'! Your sore back is nuthin' compared to THAT!"

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C'mon, give me something that I can point to and say "See? Quitcher whinin'! Your sore back is nuthin' compared to THAT!"

That's easy, take a look at the sky out today in Southern California...at least down here in Orange County...it's a beautiful day, and I'm stuck working...>:(...so are you too...>:(

We should be jumpin'!!!
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I think I caught the flu last night. Felt the chills, then all the joints from my neck all the way down to my toes feel like they're bruised. Every move I make... Owch![:/]

But it'll be gone by Friday 'coz we've got SUNSHINE!:)

My other ride is the relative wind.

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Ow!!!! My ankle hurts.[:/]
It hurts a lot too. It's been the same since that fateful day in Jan at Sebastian.
Landed very awkardly and thought " ah it'll be alright for the next lift".Ow once again!!
Where fools rush in comes to mind.

Got a splint later that afternoon and rested for a couple of days and thought it was better, but alas no.
Almost a year later and OW!!! Still hurts.

Please PM sympathy.:(:(:(


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I'm pretty deprssed today, since its the 3rd anniversy of the Bonfire accident, where I lost a friend and 11 other Aggies I'll never have the chance to meet.

It was going semi-ok, until the thread about the meteor shower came up. It was the same shower 3 years ago that prevented me from being on Bonfire that night. I took the girl I was dating at the time out for a picnic and to watch the meteors, by the time I got back to the dorm it was about 12am and I fell asleep getting ready to go out there. Who knows what would have happened if I had been out there when it fell.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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With all due respect to Dave. That is TRULY something to whine about. Chin up Dave.

Now my whine for the day. Recently I was on a business trip to Chicago. It was the week of my brother's wedding, so there were alot of family matters going on. I make one phone call from the hotel to my parent's home to tell them that my flight had been changed and my tux needed to be picked up. The call was a whole 17 minutes in length. The hotel charges me $39.75 for the call! I put it on my expense report and my company rejects it, as it is a personal call. My response...in my head...is f*** you. You folks sent me 1200 miles away to do business for you. If I was not out of town, I would never have had to make that call.

Dickheads...all of them!:(


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This morning I leaned down to kiss BZ who was still in bed and a very sharp pain suddenly attacked the left side of my neck. It's been hurting all day, and what's worse, the bengay didn't do shit so I've been walking around stinking up the town for nothing!;)

Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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I brought my kitten Dennis into the vet today to get him neutered and found out that he was actually a she. Of course, they found this terribly amusing. Someone said it was a he when he was really little and I just never checked to confirm! I respect his (er, her) privacy!

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...and I just never checked to confirm! I respect his (er, her) privacy!

Probably that and a lack of interest in looking at cat butts. :D You are probably on the "Veternarians Monthly" chuckle page. Too funny.

My friend has two Parrots. He gave them names but I don't think he is sure what sex they are. It's never been that much of an issue for him I guess.

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Probably that and a lack of interest in looking at cat butts. :D You are probably on the "Veternarians Monthly" chuckle page. Too funny.

My friend has two Parrots. He gave them names but I don't think he is sure what sex they are. It's never been that much of an issue for him I guess.

Er, yeah, never did suss out the sex of my lovebirds. Just not that interested really. Oh well. I'm still calling her Dennis.

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ya know, that could easily be changed to denise. still the same idea, won't give your cat issues...

Hmmm...this is a cat that he has convinced that it is a male cat by calling it Dennis. It turns out to be female. So if he calls it Denise, it would be a female cat who thinks it is a male cat being called a female name. Ouch! Talk about identity crisis.

Of course, the psychology of cats is probably a nest of snakes to begin with. ;) With the disdain that cats usually regard humans, the cat has probably ignored him completely.

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Well,pulled the dumb shit of the week already.I fell down the attic hole while looking up instead of looking down!The shin is split bad enough to require stitches but,I refuse to go to the hospital.Slap a couple butterflies on and keep it clean.How about that whiner?

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well, i had one of those mondays...

slept in til 8:30 or so (vs 5:00), worked a bit, screwed around a bit more. headed out to pacific beach for lunch on the oceanfront -- would you believe there was a freakin wait??? the nerve of these people! so we were FORCED to lay out on the beach in this clear sky, 80 degree november weather we're having here in san diego, whilst waiting for our table.

if that wasn't bad enough, the lobster bisque was supreme... what a shit day!


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This morning I leaned down to kiss BZ who was still in bed and a very sharp pain suddenly attacked the left side of my neck. It's been hurting all day, and what's worse, the bengay didn't do shit so I've been walking around stinking up the town for nothing!

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.:(

If BZ, Sabre, Skymama, your na-na's or Miss Virginia are not available, let me know. I'd be happy to massage it for you. After all, I am #6!:P


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