
Eloy Boogie Video

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Heya all,

As most of you know Lewmonst and Cajones are making the official Eloy 2002 Holiday Boogie Video. They (Tequila Shot Films) will set up an online store in the near future from where you'd be able to purchase the video.

In the meantime I've set up a link in The Pub with some pre-ordering information. If you were there you know you want this video! If you didn't make it, go get it anyway and see what we got up to. It will be a great addition to your skydiving video collection and there's bound to be quite a bit of Dropzone.com related footage. There may even be evidence of a little nig-noggery in the sky involving myself on there! ;)

Direct link:

Or from The Pub:

Go order the video!
Safe swoops

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I already pre-ordered my copy from Cajones under the pretence that they include the footage of myself during the one jump I got to do with LewMonst (who is an awesome free flier I might add). But I'm not holding my breathe on that regard. :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I return home to find this! What a most excellent plug from the HH! 38 hours of driving to get there, and only 27.5 hours to drive back. Even a blizzard could not keep Lewmonst and I away from Eloy. I will be sorting footage for the next few weeks. I need pictures/descriptions of gear from everyone, so I can match names with faces for the video. I've got a special DZ.com section in mind, with cameos of the attendees and their names wherever possible.

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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Cajones and Lewmonst...
I can't wait to see your video and am certain it will one of the best boogie vidoes ever. My sincere thanks for all the time you put into this project and for capturing some really great memories for us. Next year it will be the triple-huck-a-buck;)!!!

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Cajones and Lewmonst...
I can't wait to see your video and am certain it will one of the best boogie vidoes ever. My sincere thanks for all the time you put into this project and for capturing some really great memories for us. Next year it will be the triple-huck-a-buck;)!!!

Oh man, triple!!!



sorry, was that out loud.

(thanks bets!)

[music] did you ever know that you're my hero...
you're everything i would like to be...
i can fly higher than an eagle...

hee hee jk... i'm feeling loopy again...

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That's not advertising in the forums, is it HH?;)

Welcome to Sangrio's Sandbox. It's my rules that everyone has to follow but me. :P I wouldn't classify it as an advertisement, but more as a place to go to get more information...
btw, Cajones is ordering the pieces for the webserver and we'll work together to get something up in the near future...


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The ones where you close one and 5 more open? And put either a midi file or some really annoying mp3 music file in the load too..

Yeah, yeah, I really, really like that idea!

Please, use Van Halen's "Jump" for the mp3 file. That would just totally make my life complete. ;)

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