
Weekend Numbers -- 31 May/1 June

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You know, there is a town nearby called Northampton that has the best Lesbian watching

Hey -- watch that. I used to live in Northampton :)

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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you can come watch me do my aff and laugh and stuff

No one will laugh. It will be all good. Hopefully I will be there making a jump myself! ;) That is if it ever stops raining. >:(

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

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I've jumped at least once every weekend for the last 18 weekends. But this streak is in jeapordy of ending if I can jump tonight or tomorrow. >:(

Well the streak lives on for another week. I left work at 5 pm and after waiting out a thunderstorm, I managed to get a jump in. But the really cool thing which happened to me today was that with the assistance of Mustard here on DZ.COM (DJan Stewart) I should soon be a D Licensed skydiver. I faxed in my application today and DJan was the S&TA who did the once over on the paper work (and she really did grill me to make sure I was qualified). :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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The weekend isn't over...so everyone cross your fingers for me....that I don't have another zero jump weekend!!!

I am heading to the DZ tomorrow with Skymedic and my gear....maybe, just maybe I will feel inspired to jump.

(Thanks. Lisa, for the support!!!)


I'm a Doll!!!!

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Congrats. Oh, they grow up so quickly.

No shit! Steve and I started AFF at about the same time, and I'm still working on my A!


Some killer jumps today. I made two coach dives working on fall rate. My second jump today was just unbelievably good! That jump was one of those jumps that remind us why we're all doing this gig. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. I even touched down light as a feather within 10 meters of my target, and up until last weekend I had been having all sorts of trouble with accuracy. Yeehaw! Even back on the ground I feel like I'm walking through the clouds!
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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1 sprained ankle on the only jump I made Saturday. Stayed on the ground all day because of the gusty conditions, but got jumpitis toward the end of the day.
D28695 PoPs #9237
"Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
— Bruce Landsberg

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Luckily the weathermen usually don't know shit... despite the lousy forecasts, we managed to put up 19 Otter loads in the last 2 days at Jumptown and I was on 11 of them...

But I think a lot of people watched the weather channel and decided not to make the trip out :S Oh well, more room for me to stretch my legs in the plane.


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Yesterday in the NE it was surprisingly nice. I saw that through my office window. Today sucked. All last week I would wake up to the most beautiful blue puffy Q skies and by 9 or 10 it would gray over and rain. Yuck. June? More like April.

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I heard that you guys were all able to jump. I was planning on heading up there but the forecast was said rain and clouds each time I checked. I guess I will be calling in the future if the weather forecast looks shitty.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

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can't have it all i guess... crap weather kept us inside today, yesterday was very iffy so i stayed home. the sun would come out and i would start thinking about heading out, then it would close in and i'd start on something, then it would clear and i'd want to go out, then it would close in again.... see the pattern?
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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Fucking rocked in UK this weekend. Did first (yes, yes) tube dive on my 400th on Saturday (see attached tube pic, taken from Tim's camera, Rob Simpson flying in front of me). Then Saturday evening Chris Lynch comes up to me and asks 'Do you want to do a fun two-way?', so of course I said 'No, piss off, I'd rather do a solo!'. AS IF!!!:D So we did a bitching two way (attached pics lynch 1 and lynch2). Did total of 7 tracking dives over the weekend, fucking awesome - nailed back tracking. Attached track pic is of me docked on the bunny.

Gee, so sorry all you guys got weathered out, I really feel for you... :P

I fucking love this freefall shit!!! B|B|B|





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They're not exactly the...um...attractive lesbians.

It's not like in the movies

Nevermind then. I only like hot chicks.

see. it'll all about location... we have plenty of hot lesbian & bi chicks here....

and also otters

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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0 : 0 : 0

That first column is going to light up soon. I went out on a pretty good date on Saturday night and had a great time.

No Jumps because I am broke. This is the FIRST time I have been broke in years. The fact that it is cutting in to my student progression forced me to take a second job at Home Depot.

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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6 jumps (1 of which was my 100th)....
First 6-way attempt (for my 100th)...
First jump with a mass of free fliers who ended up all on our bellies ;)......just for little old me and my 100th. No pies and no beers to be bought except for my pal I started AFF with, who has yet to get his A and was grounded due to nasty west winds but stuck around all day to be my photographer.....hee hee. That's a pal! Have to make 6 jumps per weekend until September to hit 200 - so far I am right there!

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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2 jumps today and 1 case owed for my 1st 3way.I felt I screwd the dive up but the guys I jumped with said that getting 5 points for a beer time 3way was really good.Of course I completly screwed the 2nd jump.Went for the 1st point and flew off into space,dropped low.so I broke off and tried to track away.Oh well.I'm still trying to learn how to crawl in this sport it will be sometime before I can try to walk.But I'll get there.

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