
What Is Acceptable Beer

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I was just thinking about last weekend and seeing two people graduating the AFF program. Each went to the store to get their case of beer and when they came back #1 had a case of Sierra Nevada and #2 had a twelver of Bud Light and a twelver of Corona. Well immediately experienced skydivers were enraged. Skydiver #1 was on a ten way speed star his first jump (just kidding) and #2 will be doing solo's the rest of his skydiving carreer. I think it's the responsibility of the JM to teach good beer responsability myself.
Is it common for DZ's to have high standards of when it comes to beer? I think it might be a good idea on the USPA DZ guide to maybe even list the preferred beer of the DZ so as not to get stuck doing solos all the time.
Bored at work. Thirsty for air and a brew......

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We were discussing this on my last trip to the DZ. Not only do we need Beer rules. We also need "Beer Quality Rules" That would negate any Bud Light, Miller Light, Etc buyers out there. Here Here!!! Green Bottles!!!!!!!!!! :)"Carb Heat On....Carb Heat On.....Carb Heat On..."-Phil Polstra :)Clay

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>We also need "Beer Quality Rules"
Ya can't do that! In college, I remember Bud being the "good beer" and Pabst, Matt's, Red White and Blue, Genessee Cream Ale etc being the standards. At my first DZ, Coors Light in mass quantities was the rule. Nowadays our DZ tends towards Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada (Lang, when we're lucky.) Every DZ is different.
-bill von

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Out there somewhere -- Wendy Faulkner maybe? -- there was a beer rules rule book. I believe NCB numbers were issued once uppon a time also (NCB= No Cheap Beer). when to pay, what is required, etc. poeple say green bottles as a rule, but I prefer brown (sam adams, Erdinger, warsteiner, Bass, Harp).... anb while I'm at it -- I would vote DeLand for the best selection of beer on tap and in a bottle.

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It depends on the DZ. There doesn't seem to be any broad guidance. My home DZ, where I've bought beer, prefers Corona for some ungodly reason. Whatever! But, when I'm there and I owe, that is what I'll buy. I might bring something else for myself on occasion, but that is my choice.
All that is required is to ask around for what the general preference seems to be and go with it.
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>Out there somewhere -- Wendy Faulkner maybe? -- there was a beer rules
>rule book.
>I believe NCB numbers were issued once uppon a time
Yep, I believe I'm NCB#17
-bill von

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"but it sure won't stop them from slugging it down like a bunch of alchie's fresh out of rehab"
Exactly. Beer was all gone before the night was over.
One of the things that was tough was that I was one of the JM's and before the jump the student kept saying bud light and corona and I kept telling him "NO". It just dawned on me that he already bought it before the jump. I should be cleared! Should have made him repeat level 7 too.

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I think we've gone through about 3 or 4 threads about beer, but here we go again. :)I know I'm the odd-ball in the group here, but I would prefer if someone brought Miller Lite to the DZ. Thats what I bring, that's what I like and that's what I drink. People try to condemn me saying I've never had a good beer, no, I have had a "good" beer and I still prefer the taste of a good Texas beer (yes Shiner Bock is included in that catagory but name a single damn college student who can afford it, the last case of Miller Lite I bought for the DZ cost me $12 in College Station). That said, I almost drank some of Pammi's pouring beer while at Spaceland by accident. The coolers were right next to the other coolers and she had Lone Star in there. Lone Star! Who in the hell pours out Lone Star? I mean, Geez, that's like the National Beer of Texas!
:)AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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I say buy what you can afford they'll drink it

I agree 100%! My favorite brand of beer is free beer... (pre-apology to anyone who likes it but) I'll even happily drink Coors Light if no money has to leave my wallet in exchange for it.
And if enough free beers of whatever quality are imbibed I might just show everyone my BOOBIES!
(sorry.... couldn't resist..... too many beers already tonight....)
pull and flare,

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>I know I'm the odd-ball in the group here, but I would prefer if someone
>brought Miller Lite to the DZ.
Nothing wrong with that. We have a couple at our DZ who likes to drink, in their own words, "crappy beer," so I always try to get a six of Coors or whatever when I'm buying. And honestly, when I'm just plain thirsty, something like Miller Light works better than Guiness - it's a lot closer to water.
-bill von

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Bud Light and Miller Lite are the SHIT

I agree, only literally!!
I still don't understand lite beer, since the lite beers are lite versions of beer that's ALREADY light, i.e, Bud, Miller, and Coors.
These mass produced beers are just one type of beer, a dilute pilsener. It's OK, but it's like having one flavor of ice cream. There is also brown ale, pale ale, stout, porter, bock, lambic, Alt, barley wine, dunkel, India pale ale, Scottish ale, English bitter, etc.
I'm a homebrewer & I like beer that you can taste! Beer the way they made it back in the old days! I just made a stout for Christmas.
As for DZ beer rules, it really varies. At my home DZ they tend to like the watery beers. I'll drink 'em if I'm just thirsty & there's nothing better, but generally I don't prefer beer that's actually lighter going in than coming out.
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What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork from my lunch?!
-WC Fields

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I bring bear that I would drink. Forget the rest of them if they aren't happy with free beer.
hey dutchboy,
i do the same and the shit's expensive and i gotta say moost ppl at atlanta went for the miller /bud etc.
i brought boddingtong pub ale, grolsh, st paulie. and this stuff called franzikaner..THAT IS AN AWESOME BEER!!! i was happy to have it all to myself.but i forced lisa and a few others to at least try it.
but as long as its free ill drink up and enjoy the party too! but who can resist a little badgering when ever you get the chance
Have fun, LIVE FREE, Skydive

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some beer snobs are almost as bad as wine snobs,beer is beer ,it's all personal preference. i've been drinking beer for almost 50 yrs,tried em all ,and the beer i found totally undrinkable, was the beer of choice at a couple of dz's ,i.e "india pale ale" YUK!, all the micro brewed beer tasted like shit to me,too much "non beer" flavour,why not drink alcoholic soda?. at least miller lite tastes like beer.
just my opinion,
p.s at my home dropzone,the beer you buy is credit at the bar,so everyone can have their personal choice.that worked for me.

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First jump at a new DZ, first jump in a new state, first CASA jump. I brought Beck's, Heinie's and Corona. Something for everyone, right? The most frequent comment heard was, "No Michelob?"
"Give me a couple of minutes to process this stuff and it will be just like Mick!"
JT: Where do you jump? It might be worth a cross country trip to get free Boddington's.

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"The emergency cases"
Exactly.....Last time I was at the DZ I stayed over Sunday night. After we came home from dinner there was only Coors Light in the fridge. I had already downed 6-7 decent beers so it wasn't so bad to have some water to go with it.....:)"Carb Heat On....Carb Heat On.....Carb Heat On..."-Phil Polstra :)Clay

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Lone Star! Who in the hell pours out Lone Star? I mean, Geez, that's like the National Beer of Texas!

For your information AggieDave, the Lone Star was bought because both SCR recipients were from North of the Great State of Texas and it was kinda like a babtism!!!! They had to be blessed by the Beer Gods in Texas :D so it was only fitting to christen them in the National Beer of Texas!
{Yes I said National because Texas like no other state was a Country before it became a state :P!! }
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